Chapter Nineteen

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The rest of the Militia Stared at Kristine as she stood next to Thomas. Mr. Martin took a few steps forward and said to Thomas, "Thomas? Son...who is this girl?"
Thomas turned around with a happy look on his face. "Father, its Kristine. She's come back!"
Suddenly, a young looking man with curly blond hair walked up to Mr. Martin. "Father, are we suppose to believe that? I mean, if it's the same girl, wouldn't she look older? What if she's a spy?"
"Shh, Gabriel." Said Mr. Martin.
Kristine looked to Gabriel. He had changed some too.
"I say we keep moving forward," said one of the Militiamen. "Who knows when those damned Red Coats may show up again. And even if this child is a spy or whoever she is, I say we take her with us anyway and keep her hostage just in case." Some of the other men agreed.

Thomas got a sour look on his face and turned toward the man who had just spoken. "Are you calling me a liar when I say I know this girl? Kristine is no spy! She is a dear friend to me and my family! You will do well to remember that in the future."
Mr. Martin held up a hand. "There is no need to get angry with each other." He said. He then turned toward Thomas and said, "Thomas. If this girl is who you say she is then you do not want to keep her in such danger do you? I don't know how she came about to run into us, but no child, let alone a young girl should be out with a group of Militia men."
Thomas sighed. He looked back at Kristine and then over at his father again. "Well then, father. What do you suggest I do? The closest town to us is at least half a day away from here."

Mr. Martin thought for a while. He walked back to a group of men and pulled Gabriel along with him. He spoke quietly among them. Within a few moments, they had decided on something and returned to the rest of the group. "We have decided," began Mr. Martin, "that Gabriel and two of the Militiamen will accompany you to next town or plantation you come across. You will leave Kristine in the peoples care there and return to us. We will be headed west 30 miles from here and camp out and wait for your return.
"But father!" Thomas began.
Mr. Martin gave his son a stern look. "I trust you, Thomas. You and your brother better return to me." And that was that.
Gabriel packed a few things in a small bag of his, probably gun ammunition, and readied a few horses they had.

Kristine rode on a horse with Thomas seated right behind her. They rode a few paces behind the rest of the group, the wind slightly blowing into their faces. "How did you make it back?" Thomas asked quietly so that no one else would be able to hear but Kristine.
"I can't say for sure," she told him. "One night the diary started glowing after three weeks of showing no signs and now I'm here." Kristine chuckled a little.
"What's so funny?" Thomas asked.
"I wonder what your father thinks me showing up here at a time like this, looking the same for the past three years, er, well for you guys anyway."
"Who cares what he thinks? Who cares what anyone thinks? We know the truth and that's all that matters. That's all that SHOULD matter."
Kristine smiled and rested her head on Thomas's shoulder. "You're right." It was then when Kristine got a clear look at Thomas's face. She could tell that he was starting to shave now, but only just a little bit. His eyes had a more stern look to them and his skin looked and felt rougher than that of a boy. "You've grown up so much." She suddenly said to him.
"Hmm?" said Thomas.
"I wonder how much you've changed. I can definitely tell by your looks but what about you as a person?"
Thomas smiled a bit. "I don't know, Kristine. That's for you to decide." He told her.

As they approached a small town, the lights were very dim and only a few men were out to keep watch. "HALT!" yelled one of them. "State your names and purpose here!"
Gabriel cleared his throat and said to the grubby, worn-out looking man. "We are not your enemy, good sir. We come here seeking shelter. Nothing more. My name Is Gabriel Martin and these are my men. We would never mean you any harm. Please, let us stay here."
The man nodded. "There is a small lodging house just over there. It costs very little to stay there nowadays, considering the situation this whole damn world seems to be in. We're lucky if we make a penny a day now."
"Thank you, sir," said Gabriel and their little group was off to stay at the lodging.

When everything was settled there was no need for Kristine to ready herself for bed. She'd been in her pajamas all day. She sat on a bed that laid low to the flood. It creaked with every movement, but it was a place to stay so she wasn't going to complain. All of a sudden a knock came to the door. Kristine jumped a little the abrupt sound and finally said, "Yes?"
"It's me, Thomas."
Kristine eased up a bit. "You can come in. It's alright." Thomas cracked the door open a little. "You're not coming inside?" asked Kristine.
"Given the situation, I best not. I mean..." He was at a loss for words.
Kristine laughed a little. "Perhaps you haven't changed at all?" she said to him. "Come now, Thomas. Come in all the way. No need to be shy."
Thomas cleared his throat and walked in, closing the door firmly behind him. "I wanted to say goodnight and..."
"And?" Kristine asked.
"And that Gabriel and I talked to some of the ladies here. They said they'd be happy to take you in until I return for you. When it's safe that is."
Kristine stood up fast from her bed. "So you really intend to leave me here?"
"What do you want me to do, Kristine? Take you with me and risk the chance of losing you? Sorry, but I can't let that happen."
Kristine got a look of hurt on her face and walked up fast to Thomas. She grabbed his right hand and held it close to her chest. "Don't you think I'd be safer with you?"
Thomas's heart began to race. "Kristine, I...As much as I would love to take you with me, I don't trust myself well enough to keep you safe."
"And you trust these people?" she said to him sternly.
"I only want what's best for you, that's all."
Kristine shook her head. "Did you ever think to ask me what I wanted?"
Thomas sighed. "What do you want, Kristine?"
"I want to be with you. Even if I die, I want to be with you!"
"Stop it!" said Thomas. "Don't talk like that." He told her.
"Why not?"
"I went through hell and back trying to find you and when I finally found my family I went through more hell trying to keep them safe and I'm still trying to keep them safe. No one will ever be safe until this war has ended! You should know this better than anyone else I know."
"It's not that easy, Thomas. The world will always be evil's playground. No matter what we do; we're only human after all."

Suddenly, Thomas took Kristine in his arms and kissed her hard. Kristine was so surprised she couldn't move.
She closed her eyes and felt Thomas's lips move softly against hers. His excitement made him a little rough. Holding Kristine in his arms was something he had dreamed about for the last three years.
After a minute, Thomas slowed and kissed Kristine more slowly and passionately. He pressed her more into his chest, rubbing his hands across her back and enjoying the sweet taste of her.

Finally, Thomas broke off the kiss. Their lips tingled.
"I...I'm sorry," said Thomas.
"No. It's okay." Kristine told him, still a little surprised.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." He said letting her go. It wasn't something he wanted to do, but he held on her to much longer he might not have been able to stop his. "I guess I should leave you now?"
"Why?" she asked. "Why stop now? I love you, Thomas." Kristine ran into Thomas's arms and held on to him tightly.
"I...I love you too." He gave in, caressing her hair.
Kristine pouted. "Why do you have to make me want you so much?"
"I'm sorry. I don't understand." Said Thomas.
Kristine looked up at Thomas lovingly. "Stay with me tonight, Thomas."

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