Chapter Ten

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Kristine looked out the car window, watching everything go by. She sighed. "Something the matter, Kristine?" asked her father.
"No. Nothing's the matter. I'm fine." She lied and continued to look out the window and up at the sky. It looked the same as ever. Clear and blue with some white puffy clouds. She then looked to the other side and saw her black bag sitting beside her. The dairy was in there, but she didn't dare take it out. She wanted to be perfectly alone when opening it.

When she finally got home, Kristine told her parents she was going to go to her room. The long drive home was a good hour and she didn't sleep at all.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Her dad asked again.
"Yes. I'm fine. I just stayed up late reading. That's all." Her father nodded his head and walked inside the house before her. |
As Kristine slowly walked to her room she looked behind herself to see if anyone was coming.
When no one was coming, Kristine walked into her room and locked the door. She flopped on her bed, pulled out the diary from the bag and opened it. "C'mon! Take me back. Please!" She shut her eyes, whispering to herself like a crazy person. "Please!" She repeated.
Nothing happened.
She was even more upset now than ever. Maybe this was all just some kind of dream. If it was it was certainly a very good one. But it all seemed too real to be just a dream. She flipped through the pages, hoping something would happen, but nothing did. No matter what she did or said. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.
"Kristine?" It was her mom.
"Your dad and I will be out for a while. We're going to do some grocery shopping. Want to come along? It's okay if you don't want to since you're still tired from the drive."
"No thanks. I'm going to take a nap."
"Alright. See you in a bit."
Kristine listened to her mother's footsteps walk away until she could no longer hear her. She also waited to hear for the car to start up and leave. This would give her a good two hours. At least.
She opened up the diary again. "Thomas..." She said quietly. "Thomas..."
No reply. She couldn't give up now. Not yet! She wanted to go back there more than anything. Again, she closed the diary and held it close to her chest. There she laid on her bed in complete silence. And then, she started to feel warm and looked down at the diary. It felt hot like it was on fire or something. Kristine could feel herself getting dizzy, and soon she passed out.

Kristine woke up filling out of place. She also had to close her eyes because of the bright light. It felt hard where she lay too.
When her eyes adjusted to the light she finally sat up. A certain thrill of excitement ran through her. She was back in the 1700s' again.
She stood up fast but fell back on her bum because she got dizzy from getting up too fast. This time, as she got up, she went slower.
As she looked around, nothing was familiar.
Just then, she started to hear guns firing and men yelling and screaming. She also heard some cannon balls go off.
Kristine looked around the area and up above a hill she saw smoke. A battle was being fought.

Quickly, Kristine ran in the other direction as fast as she could but it was not enough. The battle was catching up to her. And sure enough, it did. A few men in blue coats came running past you.
"Miss it's not safe here! Run!" Yelled one of them.
All She could do was keep running right behind them. There was no other place for her to go.
She felt completely and utterly alone even though there were American soldiers in front of her.
Just then, a man on her left was shot and fell hard to the ground. A few more men came running as well, but now it was a mix of British and American Soldiers. Kristine was even more scared now.
She suddenly tripped over something and fell and her hands and knees. She tried not to make a sound and stayed there, huddling to the ground but someone picked her up by the arm. It was an American soldier.
"Run!" He yelled. "You'll die if you stay here!"
Kristine knew now that nowhere was safe, but the thought of Thomas and Gabriel and the whole Martin family kept her going. Just then, the man dragging her along was shot. His blood splattered everywhere on her, causing Kristine to screech.
Then, a British soldier pointed his rifle at her but an American Soldier shot him before he could do anything more. The British soldier's blood splattered on her as well. The white dress she was wearing was almost covered in blood. Her face had some blood spots as well. Same with her arms and legs.

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