Chapter Seven

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A few days had passed since Kristine last came back. The weather was getting colder by the day. Winter was coming.
Kristine walked along the porch and saw Margaret showing little William flashcards so she decided to sit down and help.
"How well does he know his letters?" She asked Margaret.
"Pretty well," answered Margaret. "I read to him and Susan a lot. They are both smart." She smiled at William and he smiled back.
Kristine couldn't help but smile by seeing this. The Martin family seemed so at peace, though she knew they were all very worried about Gabriel being in the war.

A big gush of wind then came, making everyone have chills go up their spin.
"I think it's time we head inside," said Margaret to William. "Will you come with us, Kristine?" she asked.
"In a minute. I'm going to wait for Thomas to come back from hunting." She rubbed her hands together to keep them warm.
"Alright then." Said Margaret as she ushered her younger brother into the house.

As Kristine waited near the steps for Thomas's return, she looked up at the sky. It was getting dark. How could Thomas stay out this late? Something must be wrong. Did he run into a bear? No. She shook the thought from her head and just as she did, Thomas came walking up from the distance. Kristine walked down the steps getting ready to run right to him but she stopped and looked around. If someone saw her just casually ruining up to him, things may get worse. Thomas had told you just the day before that no one else knew about the two of you besides Gabriel.
"Welcome back, Thomas," Kristine said with a smile as she stood just a few feet away from Thomas. "You need me to help you with that? It looks heavy." Thomas shook his head even though he was dragging along a deer behind him. "Sorry, It took me so long. It's just when I saw this deer I knew I had to get it. Winter will be coming soon as well. We need plenty of meat."
Since Gabriel was gone, Thomas was left to do most the hunting by himself, besides when Benjamin made Nathan and Samuel go with him.

A few seconds later a few farm workers came to help him put the deer away. As they did this, Kristine went back inside.
Abigal was making a big dinner that night, and Kristine liked having homemade food. In a way, it was way better than fast food. It was more fulfilling.

When dinner finally did come around, everyone sat down together and ate as a family. Kristine loved this. Since she was the only child, Kristine couldn't experience the feeling of having other kids around like now. Also, her father usually worked late and it was just Kristine and her mother. At times she would cook at home but since she worked a lot as well she didn't always have time.
Margaret then picked her head from looking at her plate. "Kristine, When is your birthday?"
"December eighteenth."
"Really?" Thomas looked over to you from across his seat. "I have one in December also. December tenth."
"Well then when that time comes around that means double the surprise," said Benjamin.
"So that means we'll be having two cakes, right?" asked Nathan, getting his hopes up.
Benjamin laughed. "It's whatever Abigail decides to make."
All the little kids looked over at Abigail. "Well...why not have two cakes. I shall try my best."
The little kids cheered. It had seemed they didn't have sweets too often. They would probably kill over with joy if they were to go to the future.
Kristine smiled at the thought of them being so happy. She would love to see their little faces light up as they would see all the tall buildings, people, cars, and food. If only she could tell them where she really came from. She almost didn't get away when Benjamin had spoken to her last in private.

*earlier that week*

Kristine sat down with Benjamin in a small room. The door was closed and only a tiny window let a beam of sunlight in.
"You may know some of the questions I am about to ask you, don't you?"
Kristine nodded.
"Good. Now I only want the truth." Again, Kristine nodded. "Where are you really from, Kristine?"
"Here. I swear. I grew up around here."
"Then why are you not at home?"
Kristine looked to the floor. " complicated." In a way she wasn't really lying but what could she tell him? That she was from the future and that her great granny owned this house.?
"I see," said Benjamin. "And what of your family?"
"I am the only child, sir. I was adopted."
Benjamin looked at you surprised.
"My mother is unable to have children of her own and I do not know where my birth mother is. My father died some years back in an accident." She explained carefully.
"I am most sorry," said Benjamin. "I did not mean to bring up painful memories."
"No. It's alright. I'm glad I am telling you this. I no longer have to hide it from you."
Benjamin smiled. "Good. Then I guess that's all I have to ask you."
Just as Kristine was about to leave the room, Benjamin called out to her.
"Kristine, if you ever need anything. Just let me know." And she nodded her head.

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