Chapter Twelve

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So many thoughts ran through Kristine's head. People began to get out of their cars and see if Thomas and her were alright. Of course, she was but Thomas, on the other hand, was holding on to his shoulder. "K-Kristine...?"
She looked down at him with soft but worried eyes. "Yes, Thomas?"
"What's happened? Are we still at the house? What's all that noise?... My hurts! And my shoulder--what happen?" He cried out in pain.
"I know, Thomas. I know." She stroked some hair out of his face.

A man and a woman then ran to their aid. "Are you alright?" asked the woman.
"What happened to your friend?" asked the man looking down at Thomas.
"Please help us!" Kristine pleaded.
The woman nodded. "There is already an ambulance on its way. Your friend will be alright."
Kristine sighed as a few tears ran down her face. She looked back down at Thomas. "You hear that, Thomas. Someone will be here to help us soon." He moaned to let her know that he understood.

Just then, an ambulance showed up. They put a blanket around Kristine and placed Thomas on a gurney and Kristine went along with. She sat on the side and watched as the men tried to care for Thomas as best as they could before reaching the hospital.
Thomas looked to Kristine and a tear rain down his cheek.

When they reached the hospital, Kristine followed right alongside Thomas as far as she could until they stopped her before going into the emergency room.
Thomas saw this and called out to you. "No! Kristine! Don't leave me! Please come back!"
"It will be alright!" It was all she could say to him as she saw the door close. She stood there by the door and watched as they did they're best to make Thomas better and get the bullet out of his shoulder and with time and luck on their side, they managed to save him.
It was the longest hour of Kristine's life it seemed like.

After some time, they let Kristine in to see him. He looked awfully tired. When she sat down next to him he turned his head and when he saw her he smiled. "How is everything?" he asked.
"Everything is good." She told him. It was then a moment of silence. They both looked at each other and Kristine leaned in and caressed his hair a bit. "Where are we?" he then asked.
Kristine took a breath, for she knew she would have to tell him soon. "We're still in South Carolina."
Thomas looked around the room. "But everything looks so different. What really happened, Kristine?"
Kristine scratched her head. "You know how I told you that I am from the future?" He nodded. "We're back in my time, Thomas."
Thomas looked at her with wide eyes. "Are you sure?"
She couldn't help but laugh a little. "Yes. I'm sure."
"That's so hard to believe..."
"Don't worry, Thomas. When we get out of here I'll show you so many things!" She tried to cheer him up.

Just then, the doctor came in. "How is everything? You feeling well?" he asked, looking down at Thomas.
"Yes, sir. Thank you very much." He nodded.
He then looked to Kristine. "May I speak with you out in the hall for a moment?" asked the Doctor.
Kristine looked to Thomas and then up at the Doctor and nodded.
The doctor cleared his throat before speaking. "So, I would like to know if you have anyone to call."
Kristine instantly thought of her parents but that would never work. "Actually," she said, "there is. My grandma's country house."
He gave Kristine a weird look. "But you're in the middle of the city."
Crap, she thought. "Yes, well, we'll manage."
"Oh, I see. Do you have any way of getting there?"
"I was going to get a cab."
"Do you have money for a cab?"
She bit her lower lip. "...No, I do not, sir."
The doctor sighed. "Perhaps you should call your parents?"
"They're both working. I wouldn't want to worry them."
"And what about your friend? Surely his parents can get you two?"
Kristine shrugged her shoulders. "His parents are gone, sir...dead."
The doctor looked a little sorry for suggesting such a thing. "I'm sorry," he said. "I would think it's best if you and your friend stayed here for the night though."
A sick feeling curled in the pit of Kristine's stomach. Stay here? For the night? This was not going smooth at all!
"Alright," she then said to the doctor. "but I would like to stay with my friend."
"Of course! And would you like different clothes?" He eyed her unusual taste for colonial clothes.
Kristine looked down at what she was wearing and noticed that she was still her 1700's style dress. "Um yeah. Thanks. My friend and I were on our way back from play practice and then this all happened."
The doctor nodded. "Alright. I'll send a nurse to get you and your friend some fresh clothes."

Kristine walked back into the room, happy to see that Thomas was still okay.
"What did he want?" asked Thomas.
"He wanted to know if we had anyway was getting home. I told him we did." "Do we?" asked Thomas.
" But we can get a ride."
"Okay. Anything else I should know?"
"Yes. We have to stay here for the night."
Thomas smiled. "That's fine by me. This bed is comfy." He then looked at the chair she was sitting on. "Is that comfy too?"
"Yeah. A little."
"Doesn't look too comfy. Here, Lay down with me." he opened up the covers some, allowing Kristine to get in and snuggle next to him. She blushed a little when she saw that Thomas was wearing one of those white gowns. Yep, she thought, real men wear gowns. (copyright-bulletin board) Kristine slipped in with him and cuddled next to him and got some sleep.

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