Chapter Twenty

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Thomas looked down at Kristine, the moonlight hitting her pretty pale face so perfectly. "Stay?" he said. "I don't think that's a good idea, Kristine."
Kristine loosened her grip on Thomas then. "We don't have to do or say anything. I just want you with me, Thomas. Is that too much to ask?"
Thomas shook his head and sighed. "No. It's not. I'm sorry."
There was so much that Kristine wanted to say to him. She wanted to know what he had been to since she'd been gone. The time waiting had been far longer for Thomas than for her. And then, before Kristine could say another word to her dear Thomas, a light flashed and a loud bang sounded from outside. "What was that?" Kristine said, scared now. She had only just gotten back and already she was fearing for her life.
"You need to hide." Thomas acted quickly. "Get inside this." and he pushed her towards a giant chest. Their little romancing was over for now.
"A chest, Thomas? Are you serious? I'd feel safer if I was with you." she tried to persuade him.
Thomas just shook his head. "You might feel that way, Kristine, but that's not the case. The war has gotten worse since you've been gone. And besides that-" Before Thomas could finish his sentence another bomb went off and guns began to fire off. "In the chest, Kristine. I'll come back to you, I promise!" and he kissed her cheek before opening the chest and helping her inside.

As Thomas closed the chest door on Kristine she felt a certain kind of pressure weighing down on her. Alone in the dark, she began to think off all kinds of things. Hmm, this blanket sure is soft. She coughed. A bit dusty in here. Oh, no...air. As Kristine continued her over-thinking, Thomas hurried to his father and brother, loaded his gun and waited for the enemy.
"A lousy surprise attack." said one of the soldiers across the room from Thomas.
"Shut it, Raymond!" said another.
"Quiet all of you!" Mr. Martin whispered loudly.
Thomas peeked over the edge of the window and grazed the open yard within seconds. "Ten or more Red Coats out there," he confirmed.
"Damn," said Gabriel.

It was a lousy night for everyone. Thomas would occasionally fire off his gun and go from room to room, waiting. He had only learned from the best and that was his father. Thomas had Kristine to thank for that. I hope she's ok. Thomas thought to himself. And at that very moment, a few windows were broken and even the back door was busted down. The Red Coats were inside now! The only thing that worried Thomas the most the fact that Kristine was on the first floor. He prayed to God that the Red Coats would be too stupid to check a chest. If the Red Coats made their way upstairs it would be easy enough to take them down considering the Americans had the other upper hand, even if the Red Coats surprised them with an attack. Luckily three could be heard making their way to the second floor. Come on, you Red Coats! Thomas cursed quietly to himself.

While Kristine hid on the first floor, still inside the chest, she could hear the British walking around. To her, they were just the British. Not the Red Coats, not the bad guy or anything else. Yes, they were the enemy, she knew this clearly, but it was the fact that Kristine was used to her time and the people she came across then. Nobody was an enemy, a stranger, yes, but a bloodthirsty enemy, waiting to point a gun in your face? or take your land? Certainly not, no. But she was forced to think that way now. Perhaps the British soldier walking around in the room would not hurt her if he found her? Then again, maybe he would shoot her on sight? She didn't know and she continued to stay quiet. Don't make a sound, don't make a single sound. Wait for Thomas. He will come back for me. Everything will be ok. She kept telling herself this over and over again until the sounds of the man's footsteps walked out of the room. Kristine took in a deep breath of relief, which was a mistake, considering the dust that engulfed her in the chest from the blanket. The dust particles flew into her mouth and nostrils, making her cough and sneeze at the same time. The man's footsteps stopped and Kristine's heart fell to her stomach. Oh no! she thought frantically. I have nothing to protect myself with! What should I do? Ok, Kristine...just stay calm. Maybe he will ignore you? A few more gunshots went off and yelling of men and their screams of pain. Kristine prayed that one of those screams was not coming from Thomas.

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