Chapter Nine

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Kristine's Granny looked at her with disappointed eyes. "What have you done?" she said.
"I'm sorry." That was all Kristine could say.
Granny took the diary that was laying on the bed and flipped through the pages. As she did this she was shaking her head. She then looked up at Kristine. "What has happened since you've been there?"
"You know what I'm talking about."
There was no point acting dumb. Kristine looked down at her hands, feeling foolish. "It all happened so fast."
"Look at me, Kristine."
She turned her eye's away from her hands and looked at her great grandmother. "Tell me what happened." She urged.
"Gabriel is in the war. Thomas is still alive and the little ones seem to be okay."
"Well, I will tell you this: Gabriel will not die before Thomas. After Thomas is dead, Gabriel will be next."
"How do you know so much?" She asked. She seemed hesitant to tell her. "Granny?"
"Kristine, the reason why I am asking you all these questions and telling you all this is because I too once met them personally."
Kristine looked at her with wide eyes. "You did?!"
"Yes. It was very strange at first but it was always hard to keep my identity hidden from them." She took a breath before for talking again. "I was not able to save Thomas or Gabriel. I was always just one step away."
"Is there nothing I can do to change that." Kristine offered.
"Do?" she said suddenly. "What can you do? Nothing. That's the way history is written."
"But..." She began. But no words came out. She was speechless.
"I'll leave you here to yourself to think about things. Your parents will be picking you up soon." As she got up she took the diary with her.
When she left Kristine's eye's started to tear up. She wanted to save Thomas and Gabriel, but how could She? Time went by differently there than here. And like she said about history: she can't change the way it has already been written.

Throughout the morning, Kristine packed her things, getting ready to leave when her parents came to pick her up. She walked down the steps and saw her great grandmother in the kitchen making some french toast. It smelt good but right now she wasn't very hungry. She did after all just eat supper with the Martins not too long ago. She laughed at that thought quietly to herself. But to be nice she sat down and took a few bites here and there and a big gulp of orange juice. It seemed like forever the last time she had french toast or any kind of juice. Living in the future had its advantages but the past was a more beautiful world to live in.
Just then the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it," Kristine said. "I'm sure it's for me." And sure enough, it was. Her mother was standing by the door and her dad was sitting in the car. It felt like forever since last she saw them. She walked up to her mother and gave her a tight squeeze.
"Oh! Well, I'm happy to see you too, Kristine." She laughed a little. "It's only been three days."
"I know. It just seems a lot longer to me, that's all." She let go of her mother and let her inside.

She walked into the room where Granny was and thanked her for watching Kristine. "No problem. It was my pleasure," she said with a smile.
Kristine's mom looked around the room and then took in a deep breath. "Well, we better go. We got a long road ahead of us. Thank you once again." They waved Granny goodbye and headed out the door.
A sick feeling ran through Kristine's stomach. The thought of Thomas came to mind. "Hold on a sec' mom. Gotta use the restroom."
"Alright, but be fast about it."
"Okay, I will!"

Kristine didn't really have to go to the restroom, she was looking for that book and Granny was still in the kitchen cleaning up things. That bought her some time, but not much. She had to hurry.
As she walked to her Granny's room, she opened the door quietly, trying to not make a sound. And sure enough, the diary was sitting on her dresser. Kristine swiped it and stuffed it into her bag.
Off she went. She had the diary and knew what to do. It was just a matter of time of how fast she could get back to the past. She needed to save Thomas and Gabriel and it felt like her life depended on it also.

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