Chapter one

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Silence filled the large room, barely disturbed by the hushed turning of pages, or the opening and closing of the oak doors. Every shelf that covered the walls, along with multiple isles, was packed with an array of books. Some new, some old but all taken care of equally. A light mixture of both fresh and old paper smell hovered in the air, the unlikely mixture of scents was pleasing to most who entered the library. 

Down one of the isles, furthest from the entrance, sat one of the employees. Her midnight blue eyes matched the night sky, easily capable of pulling people into their swirling vortex; her navy blue locks barely reached her shoulders yet almost hid her eyes. The dark colour themed clothing resulted in her skin looking paler than it actually did. A name tag sat on her chest. Ryn, informing anyone who spoke to her what her name was. Whether people took the moment to remember it or not had little concern to her. At this moment, all Ryn cared about was reaching the end of the chapter of the book she was reading.

The small bubble that Ryn had encased herself in shattered  when someone approached her, asking where a certain genre was. Flecks of annoyance sprinkled her tongue but she swallowed them and led the person to the isle they were looking for, then returned to her original spot to continue reading. As she picked the book up, her gaze scanned the room. A handful of people sat with their faces absorbed into the computer screens, drowning themselves with the latest update of gossip whilst a couple others wandered around searching for books that peeked their interest. Ryn was surprised that people still came to the library but she was not complaining. The peace that the library offered, however, was something she enjoyed. All blaring noise of the world was muted once in here. There have been a couple of occasions where people attempted to come in blasting music from their phones and shouting at each other, but they didn't make it past the lobby as one of the other employees would kindly ask them to leave. If that failed, they would be grabbed by their jackets and thrown outside. It was quite funny to watch but it didn't happen often, so it was funny when it happened. Ryn, despite her isolating attitude, didn't mind working at the library.

Her gaze fell down to her black wristwatch, checking the time on the small circular face. 5:55pm, her shift would be over soon. Maybe I should go for a wander tonight? Staying locked up indoors isn't doing me any favours. 


Slipping her black leather jacket on, Ryn readjusted her grey scarf as she walked out the library and down the street. The cold nipping at her pale skin caused her to pull the scarf closer to her jaw in an attempted to stop the cold from reaching her skin. Shadows sprouted, consuming everything they could without falling into the street lights. She tossed a glance over her shoulder to see no one there, just the view of the library growing further and further away as she walked. She was aware of the police warning, but that didn't matter, some ghouls hunted during the daylight hours, away from public eyes. She has witnessed it before. Pushing those thoughts away, she focused on getting home.

Her slim form just passed an alley when a hand shot out of the darkness and gripped her arm. Any sound she would have made was muffled by a second hand latching over her mouth before dragging her into the shadows, blocking her vision for a moment as the person's tight grip held her in place. His hot breath brushed against her skin, earning a sharp head turn away from him to avoid it. 

"Well, well, well. Aren't you a pretty one?" his rough voice whispered into her ear, his grip refusing to loosen. The navy haired female's attempts to escape the man's grip died down, her head lowering slightly. 

"I'm sorry." she muttered into his palm. Confusion painted the man's face at her sudden surrender. The confusion was quickly ripped away and replaced with a scorching pain that erupted in his lower abdomen as blood coated her hand that she just drove into his flesh. The midnight blue melted away, reclaimed by the scarlet pupil shrouded by the onyx colours that every human recognised. A sharp scream of fear-laced pain slipped from the man's throat, his hands clutching the bloody hole in his abdomen, the action did nothing to stop the blood flow. The fearless, predatory male crumpled in front of her, reducing himself to a whimpering, foolish excuse of flesh. Her blood coated hand grasped his throat, cutting off any sound aside from gurgled gasps for oxygen, and lifted him into the air with ease. The strength she possessed betrayed her figure, one of her multiple layers of deception she had constructed over her years of living. Her dark eyes burned into him, destroying every once of hope he had of escaping his fate before she slammed him into the concrete ground, slightly cracking the pavement in the process. The man had no time to react as the heel of her ankle boot dug into his head, splitting his skull and spilling the contents onto the ground. A low sigh escaped from Ryn's lips, her body crouched by the corpse as she examined her work. She took a hold of his arm, rolling the sleeve up and bringing it up to her mouth, sinking her teeth into the flesh. The metallic taste of blood was a sweet flavour on her tongue, much like fine wine with a perfectly tender piece of meat. Standing upright, she wiped the small trail of blood that trickled down her lips, licking it from her hand as she turned away from the corpse.

Upon entering her house, Ryn locked the door and dropped the keys into the small bowl by the front door. She made her way into the living room then took a seat on the black couch. It had been a couple of days since she last fed. The smaller feed she had was enough to sustain her hunger for a bit. Some humans did need to be put to an end, ones like the man who grabbed her earlier. She didn't see herself as some form of vigilante jumping around at night to stop pathetic humans, she gained nothing from that sort of thing. Those kind of humans practically threw themselves onto a dinner plate every time they attacked people, the extent of their stupidity was the reason she kills them; they do not deserve to live. She forced those thoughts to the back of her mind, reaching for the remote when she froze in her movement. Something was wrong. 

The air carried a strong scent that didn't belong, grasping at every strand of her curiosity, and concern. Rising from her seat, she followed the odd scent up the stairs, stopping outside her bedroom. The scent was most concentrated in her room than the other rooms. A thin strand of worry slipped into her mind, quickly planting small seeds of scenarios that could happen. Ghouls didn't hunt other ghouls unless they were desperate or defending their hunting grounds. Slowly pushing the door open, she took in her surroundings, searching for her intruder to find no one. The air was thick with the scent. The shadows painted her room, almost as if welcoming her, she ignored that and continued her search. Her search ended when her eyes landed on the shelves across from her bed, there was something missing from its place. Her father's watch was absent from the shelf. Her hands curled tightly, a small flame ignited in her chest, growing into an open fire that she needed to contain before it chewed away at her. The ghoul broke into her territory, her home, and stole something of her family's. A gentle breeze brushed against her skin, pulling her attention towards her window that was slightly ajar, telling her where her target had fled. Standing in front of the window, she inhaled the air again. Her head snapped towards a certain direction where the scent led. 

So I decided to go through with my idea and am going to turn this into a full story. I hope this doesn't seem too far fetched with the crossover. If you could leave a vote and a comment to tell me what you think about this, I would appreciate it. Also, I do not own Hunter x Hunter nor Tokyo Ghoul, I only own my characters and the plot-line. Thank you for reading this chapter. 


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