Chapter four

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Ryn placed her mask beside her. Her attention directed towards the magician. When she watched the fight in the arena, she was quite impressed by his display. His violence and grace twisted together, melting into a mixture of finesse. It was an entertaining show indeed.

"Pleasure to, formally, make your acquaintance. My name is Ryn." she introduced herself to him. Hisoka grinned at her, his aura showing no confusion as to how she was able to enter his apartment without detection from employees or other fighters.

"Likewise, Ryn." he spoke, his hand raising up slightly, Between his thumb and forefinger was the folded note he was given. "I believe you're the one who sent this?" he questioned her but both of them already knew the answer to his question. She gave a simple nod as an answer. Hisoka smiled, his hand that held the paper turned away from her and the paper vanished, much like a card trick, before he approached her. He sat down in the chair across from where she sat, his gaze didn't move from her as he took his seat. The air around them was heavy with a soft tension that seemed to go unnoticed by the two, both too occupied with each other.

"What brings you here?" Ryn couldn't help the grin that ghosted her lips at his question. Her back leaned against the wall, a single ray of the fiery evening sun laid across the bridge of her nose.

"I was curious about how a human like you showed no fear to ghouls." she replied with a small shrug of her shoulders. "When we first crossed paths, you didn't fear the ghoul that was going to attack you, nor me. I want to know why." A light chuckle escaped from Hisoka, the events of that night replayed in his head yet again. He was certainly surprised that he was able to pluck this ghoul's - Ryn's - curiosity.

"If it helps, I don't fear ghouls because I have no reason to." Ryn tilted her head a little at that. Was he that stupid? He was made of flesh and blood, the only diet of a ghoul and he had no reason to be afraid of them? Hisoka continued with his answer though, "I also don't fear them because of this. . ." he extended his sharp-nailed forefingers upwards. Nothing happened. Ryn allowed her vision to melt into darkness, a blood red glow illuminated everything that had a heartbeat. Between Hisoka's extended fingers was a thin strand of fuscia pink. Ghouls were able to see a Nen-user's aura with their inhuman eyes, as well as detect any form of breathing creature. It was their technique of hunting when in dark areas and in combat. Ryn watched as the pink glow twisted into the shape of a skull. Her expression remained sullen yet her eyes widened slightly at the trick.

"During my encounters with ghouls, I have learnt that their Kagunes cannot break through my Bungee Gum." the pink glow evaporated and he folded his arms over his chest, Ryn's vision returned to its original sight. "That is why I am not afraid of your kind." The navy haired female took in his answer. He was a Nen-user, a powerful one, and took great joy in violence, proven by both his answer to her question and the fight in the arena. Yet that didn't matter. She has seen powerful Nen-users clash against powerful ghouls and fall victim to their wounds and being taken by the Grim Reaper to where everyone goes when they die. Hisoka was clearly not like any other Nen-user, that much was as clear as day. Normally, a human with an arrogance that had them convinced they were immortal, Ryn wouldn't even consider glancing in their direction. But Hisoka was not arrogant like that, he was but it was different. He was challenging, taking the opportunity to fight an opponent worth killing. Ryn slightly chuckled.

"But don't misjudge me, I am no fool when it come to the danger they pose." he finished, a smirk pulling his lips. Interesting. That was a reply she was not expecting. For a male of his confidence, Ryn expected him to have high certainty when fighting a ghoul but he was aware of their threat; and he didn't seem to underestimate them.

"That is important," she started, "Most idiots in this world believe they can stop ghouls because they know the simplest form of Nen. That doesn't do anything to help in some cases." the slight annoyance that conjured at that thought sprinkled her words, "Some ghouls can move faster than you can see. Defend themselves from wounds that should have killed them. All because humans sometimes forget that ghouls are not humans or Nen-users." It was true. She has witnessed many Nen-users who forgot they were battling a ghoul instead of another Nen-user fall in the fight.

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