Chapter two

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The gentle chill pinched at Hisoka's exposed skin, having little effect on the Heaven's Arena fighter. Distant roars of cars echoed down the streets which became the only sound heard, aside from the faint click of his heels. The street he wandered down was dead with the occasional car driving past, taking no notice of Hisoka, and vice versa. The towering beacon of light called Heaven's Arena stood tall from the other buildings, informing the magician that his remaining journey was close to an end. He didn't leave Heaven's Arena at night by his own accord, he had originally met up with an acquaintance of his he met during his time at the Hunter Exam. He refused the meet up at first but his acquaintance demanded his presence. Now he was walking back to his apartment in the dark. However, fear had no place in him, not even a flicker in the corners of his subconsciousness. The idea of encountering a ghoul bloomed in his head, but he refrained from sinking into those fantasies of a violent conflict. The last time he encountered a ghoul he received a wound from it. That didn't faze him, it was actually a very entertaining event for him. One he wished to repeat. A calming sigh slipped from Hisoka's lips, his golden orbs fluttered shut for a moment as he embraced the wind's light chill to soothe his rising need.

A sudden shift in the atmosphere ripped the magician from his harrowing thoughts, halting his walk. His golden gaze peered into the shadows, seeking out the cause of the sudden change in atmosphere. A chilling sensation pricked at his skin, luring his attention towards the alley. Amongst the blackness, a pair of scarlet orbs illuminated from the darkness, solely focused on Hisoka. The excitement he calmed down erupted to life again, flooding through his blood, sparking electricity through his nerves. A sharp intake of oxygen surprised Hisoka as he held himself in place, he was not going to be reckless. He was going to savour this as long as he could. The ghoul emerged from the shadows, his inhuman eyes radiated with hunger. A chuckle escaped his lips, the awful sound cutting through the calming silence, Hisoka half expected him to break down into a coughing fit at the end. 

"This night just keeps getting better an' better." the ghoul spoke, his wide eyes still locked on the magician who remained unfazed by him. "First, I pinched a watch, now I've got a late night snack." Hisoka remained still, his golden orbs observed the ghoul. A single playing card appeared between his sharp nailed fingers, an intense dark pressure crawled its way through his body, softly humming across his muscles. His arm slowly raised up, the playing card ready to embed itself into the ghoul's flesh. The ghoul spotted this action and his lips twisted into a sadistic grin, his foot sliding behind him, ready to lunge at the magician. The ghoul pushed off on one foot, his figure moving at rapid speed towards Hisoka. 

Just as the playing card was about to fly from Hisoka's fingers, the ghoul froze his attack. Blood spurted from his mouth along with a yell of pain. Both males gaze fell down to the ghoul's chest; a large, pale blue blade had impaled through the ghoul's chest, spilling blood down his body and dampening his clothes with the liquid. The pale blue weapon appeared to have been constructed of muscle yet it held the form of a blade, easily slicing through the muscle, bone and tissue of the ghoul's chest. Sharp, shallow gasps slipped from his lips as the blade pushed forward until the blade's point rested gently against his forehead. His body shook with pain, his muscles contrasted from the shock. The blade shot forward without any form of warning, the sound of it scraping against the bone was almost blocked out by the flesh slicing open. The blade quickly retracted, the ghoul collapsed to the ground without its support, the upper half of his head landing next to what was left of his head. Hisoka's eyes widened slightly at the brutal display that he had witnessed. Slowly, the pale blue blade retracted into the shadows behind the corpse, where he originally emerged from. Another pair of scarlet orbs could be spotted among the darkness.


The navy blue haired female stepped out of the shadows, her attention focused on the mutilated corpse as her bikaku concealed itself in her lower back. The scent of the thief belonged to the corpse on the ground at her feet. She took little interest in the fiery haired male who had front row seats to the violent, partial decapitation, all she cared about was reclaiming what was hers. She crouched down, her pales hands searching through the corpse's pockets. Her fingertips brushed against a cool metal object, fishing it from his pocket, she held the watch with a delicate hold. Soft, sweet relief flooded her when she saw it wasn't damaged in any way. Thank God you're not broken. As she pocketed the watch, her dark gaze shifted to the fuchsia haired male, somewhat surprised to see him still standing here rather than running like a bat out of hell for his life, like most humans did. 

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