Chapter eight

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Upon entering the wondrous building, Ryn was instantly greeted with the faint scent of blood that floated in the air from the fights that took place here. The scent could only be noticed by a ghoul, an advantage in this situation as ghouls carried a different scent than humans did. The navy haired female wandered down the halls, trying to pick up the ghoul's scent as well as avoid suspicion from the people around her. She didn't want to spend too long in this place in case someone was able to detect that she was not human, but she wasn't leaving until the ghoul was dead. Approaching the lift, she pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. Her hands hid in her jacket pockets as she hung her head low. The lift doors opened with a soft ding and she felt a spark of surprise zip across her chest. The golden glow of his eyes reflected that of fresh embers, his lips twisted into a sickly-sweet smirk at the sight of the navy blue haired female before him. 

"Well, I didn't expect to see you here, Ryn." Hisoka rested a hand on his hips. Ryn glanced over her shoulder to see a handful of people in the corridor. The chance they would be overheard was something she didn't want to risk. She had spent years ensuring the Ghoul Hunters, or other humans, could not identify her and she was not going to slip up on that. She stood next to Hisoka in the lift and pressed a floor button. Once the doors shut, she tossed a glance at him.

"I didn't come for chit-chat." Hisoka leaned against the wall, placing a hand over his chest in a mock hurt.

"Such a shame. I love chit-chat with you." Ryn turned her attention away from the magician. She could only hope that he wouldn't draw attention to her. The last thing she needed was unwanted attention.

The doors opened and Ryn slipped out, Hisoka on her heels. The target's scent was strongest on this floor. Ghouls were capable of detecting the difference between humans and other ghouls, she couldn't approach him directly especially since he knows he's being hunted. That was where Hisoka would come in. Ryn peered around the corner, her gaze landing on the ghoul who seemed engrossed by his phone. Hisoka's head hovered close to hers, following her gaze.

"Looking for dinner?" he asked, an eyebrow raised slightly.

"No." she muttered, turning back to Hisoka who stood a little too close for her liking. "All you need to know is that he had to die." she simply replied. Hisoka rose a thin brow at that, "And I need your help." That was what caught his interest, she could tell by the glint in his eyes. Ryn was not going to underestimate his intelligence, the magician was always two steps ahead - but so was she. She just wanted to see how he played his pieces, and how he stepped.

"Get his attention, lure him outside into the alley. Leave the rest to me." she turned and quietly made her way down the corridor, leaving Hisoka standing there.


Hisoka stood there for a moment, his gaze locked on Ryn as she walked away from him and disappeared around the corner. A small chuckle left his lips. The female ghoul was certainly puzzling - having no interest in chatting but more than happy to ask for his help with a single job. This ghoul was beginning to become one of his favourite toys.

Hisoka walked down the hall towards the ghoul, who was still on his phone, and stood there.

"Can I help you?" the ghoul pulled his baseball hat down slightly, shadowing his eyes. The magician gave a simple nod,

"Yes actually." he replied, his golden eyes quickly scanning the ghoul's physical appearance: skin was dirty, smeared with bits of dirt around his neck and lower jaw, unkept mop of hair sticking from under the worn baseball cap. A tissue peeking from his jacket pocket with bloodstains on it, but the point that really caught Hisoka's gaze was the bruise coloured holes in his neck no bigger than a needle. Symptoms of a drug addict. 

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