Chapter six

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This was a stupid idea. The second Ryn saw the cherry red that painted the exterior walls with the peach coloured letters of the cafe, she knew this was a stupid idea. Maybe this was the wrong place? There were a handful of cafes around Heaven's Arena and the only details Hisoka had given her were "The one with the red walls." Ryn had checked the area, there were three cafes with red walls. He was not at the other two cafes so this had to be the place. Her watch told her it was only 11:55am. 

Pushing the door open, the intense smell of fresh coffee hit her like a punch across the face. Her nose burned slightly at the intensity. She took in the small cafe, searching for the fushia haired male who arranged this meeting. Her brow furrowed in confusion at his missing form. Where was he? There weren't many people here so that was not the issue of him hiding in the crowd. The building annoyance of this search left a bitter taste on her tongue, she exhaled through her nose slightly. She concluded the possibility that she was early and pressed further into the cafe. The woman at the counter beamed a smile at the navy haired girl, her summer yellow uniform held her name tag though Ryn didn't even glance at it.

"Hello, what can I get you?" the woman's energetic attitude was the result of her drinking far too much coffee. Ryn ignored her growing annoyance. 

"A black coffee." the woman's hyper attitude easily deflected the cold response and scribbled down her order, then typed it into the register. Ryn furrowed her brow at the woman's action but remained silent before handing her the amount of money required. Her ankle boots lightly tapped against the floor as she walked towards the small table in the far corner of the cafe. She pulled her phone from her pocket to see if Hisoka had sent her any other message, he hadn't. A small huff slipped her lips, her pale fingers rubbed her eyes a little to help her focus on her thoughts. At this moment, Hisoka seemed to be more of a nuisance than she originally believed. She could only hope that he was worth the annoyance he caused.

The seat across from her slid back as someone sat down. The familiar scent lingered from him and she could feel the smirk that plastered his lips. The annoyance bubbled under her pale skin, lightly prickling at her muscles as her hand clenched into a fist. 

"You made it. I was worried you weren't going to come." The glare the navy haired ghoul shot at him made him chuckle. Before she could speak, the waitress approached their table, placing their drinks down then leaving without a word. Ryn grabbed her cup and sipped the hot liquid. The burning sensation that raked down her throat was pleasing in its own way. She brought her eyes back to the magician.

"How did you get my phone number?" her question cut off anything he was about to say. His lips held his ever-present smirk as he sipped his own coffee,

"A magician never reveals his secrets, my dear." The annoyance swirled inside of her chest, clashing with her ribcage from his response. She took another sip of her coffee in an attempt to dull the stirring in her chest. He had arranged her to meet him after all.

"What is the reason you asked me here?" Ryn saw no point in wasting time with this. The amber eyed magician grinned, propping his elbows on the dark wooden table and resting his chin on his intertwined fingers. His golden eyes, half-lidded, locked on the female across from him. 

"I just wanted to get to know you. After all, we are friends, no?" Ryn bit down on her lip to prevent the sly comment that almost leaped from her lips from escaping. He pulled her from the harmonious realisation that her brother was alive and well, then had her search three different cafes for him just for him to play Question and Answer. The last part of his sentence caught her attention though; at what point in their short time of knowing each other did they become friends

"If that is what you believe." was the only response she could give to the proposal of friendship. There was no doubt that there were hidden benefits with Hisoka, she was curious of them. A trophy or prize of his worth to her. All traces of annoyance faded away at that reminder. What fun is there to a hunt if there is no obstacles  in the way? It only makes the prey that much more sweeter when she catches them.

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