Chapter seven

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The news droned on in the background, Ryn taking little notice of the reports. The conversation she had with Hisoka played in her head. He seemed interested in her past, mainly events that had an impact on her yet he didn't even give a whisper of his past of his. She has seen her fair share of trauma, both in her life and other's, to know how the scars have an effect on the person. When she stared into Hisoka's fiery eyes, she could not see any scars in his twisted soul. Maybe she needed to dig a little deeper to uncover his secrets.

A beep from her phone caught her attention, she picked it up and unlocked the device to see a message from Ruki.

Someone came into the library today asking for you. By name. Seeds of panic tried to plant themselves in her chest but she pushed them away.

Who was it? What did they look like? The typing icon appeared seconds after she sent the text. 

Long white hair, palish skin, really blue eyes, oh he also wore black clothes like he just came from a Gothic rave. The simple description of the person calmed her growing worry. A low breath left her lips, Ruki was unaware of her brother's arrival in the city. She hesitated. Lloyd told her that he was staying in the city for a while. But did she want to reveal Lloyd to Ruki? She didn't want to pull Ruki into something he didn't need to be in yet she didn't want to lie to Ruki. With a sigh, she typed her reply.

Don't worry. His name is Lloyd, my brother. A moment passed, then another. She had told Ruki of her brother leaving her years ago and he sympathised her. The reply he had sent her was quite understandable.

WHAT!? I thought you brother was GONE!! Ryn couldn't help the small chuckle at his response. Learning that someone who was believed to be gone - possibly dead - was still alive and in the same city is a shock to anyone. Though Ruki was more. . . emotional than Ryn. It was expected for him to have a bit more of a dramatic reaction. 

I'll tell you more at work. Ryn set her phone down once she sent the message. The recent events had left her eager as to what was coming next. The roots of her curiosity continued to delve deeper, wrapping themselves around her conversation with Hisoka again. The man was certainly a unique human, his presence slowly invading her thoughts was something new to her. She could not recall the last time someone had enveloped themselves in her thoughts like he did.


The second Ryn had crossed the threshold of the library, her arm was latched into Ruki's grip as he almost dragged her into the backroom. The energy that buzzed from the golden blonde haired male could be felt through his shaking body, appearing as if he was going to explode if she didn't tell him. It was funny to see Ruki act this way. He forced the navy blue haired girl to sit down on the couch and took a seat on the table in front of her, his soft emerald eyes were wide with curiosity. His right knee bounced quickly, waiting for her to speak. 

"The person who came here looking for me was Lloyd. My brother." she laid the basic fact down first, she didn't want to tell Ruki too much. There were things she did need to keep quite. 

"The same brother who, apparently, left you right after your parents. . . you know?" Ryn understood what he was referring to. Ruki avoided the topic to be respectful since he, too, had lost his parents and understood her pain. She nodded. 

"Well, what does he want?" Ryn shrugged her shoulders.

"We only spoke briefly, but he told me he was staying in the city for a while." Despite her tone sounding indifferent, there was a thin trace of delight that glinted in her eyes at the reminder that her brother was in the city. Ruki smiles, seeming to accept her answer without question. He leaned back, 

"Good, at least you're alright." he said as he stood up, smoothing down his shirt. "Just be careful, okay?" Ryn nodded at him. At the moment though, she could feel the familiar prickle of annoyance tap against her skin at everyone telling her to be careful. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself; what do they think she has been doing these past couple of years? However, she couldn't blame them though. Lloyd has been gone for four years so it was understandable for him to be concerned, but Ruki was aware of her "nightly stalkings" as he called them, and so her expected her to encounter more hostile ghouls and ghoul hunters.

Ruki left the backroom to work at the assistant desk, leaving Ryn alone with her thoughts. She was about to place the returned books back to their original places when her phone vibrated in her pocket. Pulling it out, she unlocked it and looked at the message. The unknown number confused her but the massage was what caught her interest.

We need to talk. Same place where we met at 10pm. L. A gentle smile pulled her lips at the initial. 


The masked female pulled herself onto the roof, the night sky was coated in dull clouds with a sly promise of rain. The breeze was not as gentle due to that, almost excited to join the rain for the night. standing upright, her attention landed on the Plague Doctor standing only feet away from her.. His body remained still, the shadows that partially hid him gave him a much more sinister aura as if he was the harbinger of death. He bowed his head to Ryn as she approached, she mirrored his action and waited for him to speak. 

"We have a problem." his distorted voice spoke. "There is a rogue ghoul in Heaven's Arena, we cannot go after him as he knows us." Ryn's brow furrowed as confusion painted her eyes. Lloyd noticed her confusion and sighed lightly, 

"The group I work with need that ghoul dead." Ryn was unsure how to react at first. She didn't care about the ghoul being killed, it was the group that Lloyd was a part of. There was a bitter rage that bubbled in her stomach at the idea of him leaving her to join a group. She pushed it aside though, Lloyd had to grieve in his own way and if he had to shed blood to do so, then who was she to judge? 

"What do you want to be done with him?" she asked. Even though his face was hidden by his mask, she could sense the emptiness of his expression. 

"They want nothing to be left of him." Ryn didn't question Lloyd's response, his superiors likely demanded the ghoul to vanish and if Lloyd needed her help with it then she will do just that. Not for his group but for him. The navy haired girl nodded, shifting her gaze to the luminous tower where her target was hiding.

"I'll contact you when it's done." Ryn told him as she walked towards the edge of the building. 

"I appreciate your help, Ryn. Be careful." Through the distorted voice, she could hear the concern in his voice. He made no attempt to hide it, he wanted her to hear it. She turned her head to him, the breeze pushing some of her hair over her eyes. 

"I will be." With that, she pushed off on one foot and dropped into the shadow engulfed alley, disappearing from view completely.

Ryn sat down on the roof of her house, her leg brought up to her chest, eyes locked on Heaven's Arena. She could easily see the glowing structure from her roof. Thoughts swirled around in her head, each one circling around her brother, Heaven's Arena and this ghoul she was going to kill. There were rumours whispered about that Heaven's Arena had a form of system that alerted the employees that there were ghouls in the building. She was unsure if these rumours were true. However, if she bumps into Hisoka. . . her thoughts stopped there. Hisoka. The magician lived in Heaven's Arena, he had no issue with killing. From the conversations she and he shared, he enjoys it. Perhaps he could be useful in this situation. It could also prove his usefulness to her, and allow her to observe how he responds to situations like this. She couldn't help but wonder how he would react if he survives. Would he be angry? Hurt? Confused? Possibly surprised? A light smile pulled her lips at the thought of Hisoka looking at her in annoyance. This could turn out to be more amusing than she believed.      

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