Ep. 3 It Was a Monster Mash

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In 1978, John Carpenter's "Halloween" gave birth to the slasher horror film. Where the killer became the star, and anyone who crossed their path was about to meet the least graceful demise the killer could think of with their surroundings. It was eerie, but Michael Myers was just a man. Once the 80s came around, we had slashers who were damn near unstoppable because they weren't human. The hockey masked killer who died in the lake, the burned man with the glove that haunted our dreams, we weren't even safe if we found a Leprechaun or a doll.

We may entertain ourselves wondering how these evil creatures were going to kill their next victim when it's just fiction, but what if it wasn't? We'd have to separate what we know from what is real. If you cross paths with a slasher in real life, you can't just say "I'm screwed now". This isn't a 120 minutes in passing, you have an entire life to fight for. Because in real life, no one is laughing at your blood and guts all over the walls, people are going to want justice, and are in danger of crossing the same path themselves. If these monsters are coming after you, no one is cheering for the killer in reality.

Framingham, MA - With Halloween approaching, Spooksville was the hottest Halloween store in town. Earl Hammond was closing his store for the night, and shutting off the main lights. Meanwhile, a large mysterious figure was in the room with him. Earl continued to count the register, while this large man grabbed the first mask he saw, which is Dopey from Snow White, and he put it on with his rotting and burned hands. Earl started to get thee sense that he was not alone, so he looked around. Just when he started to feel reassured, he turned around, and the large man in the Dopey mask was standing behind him. Earl screamed as this man's hands, covered in third degree burns, wrap around his head and start to squeeze. In a mater of seconds, the wall was covered in blood and pieces of Earl's head.

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Clinton, MA - Tino had a long night performing several exorcisms in different parts of Massachusetts. The last one was in Sterling, MA, so he decided it was best to spend the night on Kenny's couch because Clinton was near by. He woke up, hung over and burned out, so he sat at the island in the kitchen and had a coffee, when Kenny and his wife, Olivia stepped in to join him.

"Hey, man," Kenny said, "You were so plastered when you crashed last night, I wasn't expecting you up so early."

" Well, I gotta be back in Winchendon for work, so I figured I should get a cup of caffeine in me. Thanks again for letting me crash here last night," Tino replied.

"Come on, Dino. You know you're always welcome here. Especially since you're my husband's new business partner. How's it been lately," Olivia kindly expressed.

"Well, it's nice to not get my ass kicked for a change, but man, it's been busy. It was almost two in the morning when I got to that last exorcism. No way would I have made it all the way back home last night," Tino explained.

"You know, you don't have to take all the exorcism cases. I don't mind grabbing a few here and there. I sang in the same choirs as you, so I can also read Latin," Kenny told him.

"It's not so much the Latin, it's more so how draining it is. Once you're done, you have to sit down for minute," Tino told him.

"Oh, I know. I felt it just practicing the reading," Kenny agreed.

"So, what are you doing for Halloween this year?" Olivia asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, getting drunk, watching horror movies. Don't know what I'm cooking for dinner though," Tino stated.

"That's it?"

"Of course. I got the day off, so I'll be able to catch a whole marathon."

"Dude, I'll never understand. How can you be a paranormalist who doesn't like Halloween?" Kenny said.

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