Ep. 6 For The Approval Of The Midnight Society

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When we make comparisons, many times we say it's like Night and Day, and many would use that as a conceit for Good and Evil. What goes on during the day will be what makes get up in the morning, whereas things that happen at night are what keeps us from going back to bed. Here, we've got a story about the people who know what kind of bad things are out there, and they face it because of all the hope there is when they make them go away. Paranormal beings are easy that way, ambitious people can get rid of them. People on the other hand, their darkness spreads like a cancer and doesn't go away no matter who the hero of the story is. Both the normal and the abnormal can take effect on the same night, and create the same damage, the same trauma, and the same need to strike back.

Fitchburg, MA - Walt was at a crime scene, standing over the dead body of a teenage girl, with the same circular pattern carved into her chest, and a stab wound to the heart. He seemed to be the only one on sight who knew she was a sacrifice for The Order of Sheiko. Just as he's about to make a call to Tino, a police officer came over to him to inform him that he was right about the group suicide that was about to happen in Leominster. The other 5 were dead, from self inflicted stab wounds. But they had one in custody.

Leominster, MA - Cliff Barnes was staring into the mirror with an uncomfortable sense of satisfaction. He knew on the other side of the mirror there were cops watching him. The cops are Walt and Chief Wallace. Chief Wallace insisted that though Barnes had been arrested for robbing cars, he never would've pegged him for the killing type. Walt simply said that anyone who's easily manipulated is capable of these murders, because that's how cults work.

When Walt stepped into the interrogation room, Cliff was smirking and he said, "She didn't scream. She just cried. I think she might have been praying."

"So you confess?" Walt asked, trying to keep his cool.

"I've got nothing to hide. Only need 3 more this month. And in a few more months, he's free."

"By he, you mean Sheiko?"

"He's a god. And when he's free, he'll make us all gods. I only tell you because we're everywhere. No one can stop us. Winchendon's done. Fitchburg's done. He's proud of us. He can't wait to read in Ashby tomorrow."

"Are you still talking about Sheiko?"

"The Preacher," Cliff said with an enlightened grin, "We all have to die to complete the cycle. He'll find a way to kill me."

"Tell me who he is," Walt demanded.

"Kill me."

"Who is The Preacher?"

"Kill me."

"WHO IS HE???"

. . . . . .

Gardner, MA - Kenny, Tino, and Skip walked down the halls of Gardner Hospital talking about their next case. This was possibly the biggest case CVP has ever had because it was being paid for by the town, as the solution to a state of emergency. Templeton, Massachusetts currently had a curfew due to a mysterious entity that was targeting the young at night. The guys went to the hospital to interview the survivors who encountered this entity.

"A huge commission paid for by the town, and it's in your neck of the woods? And it's a town that has it's own town?" Kenny joked.

"This is kinda true, Baldwinville basically a town within Templeton," Skip added.

"That might be true, but desperate times call for us. From what I've gathered, this one's pretty brutal," said Tino.

"Well, yea, anything that targets kids is brutal," Skip said.

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