Ep. 5 When Skip Met Clementine...

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Conviction is one of societies biggest downfalls, as well as the downgrade in one's own personal behavior. By have such strong beliefs that the can't be twisted, turned or penetrated, you deprive yourself the ability to change and grow for the better, or accept the way the world around you progresses. Without conviction, you have the hope to adapt when it turns out everything you believe may not be as accurate as you think. But if you put all your time and effort in believing the things you knew for a fact were impossible couldn't possibly happen, you're helpless when you're alone and knowing this obstacle is right there in front of you. You weren't the least bit prepared for surviving it.

Winchendon, MA - Clementine was getting ready for bed for the first night in her new house. This was the home she grew up in, but when her parents moved away, they left her the house. She turned off the lights in her bedroom and got into bed. As soon as she closed her eyes, the lamp next to her bed turned on. Too tired to comprehend how weird it was, she turned it back off, only to have it happen again seconds later. Frustrated, she turned it off one more time, and started to rest. Then she felt a swift slap across her forehead, which woke her right up, and when she opened her eyes, there were several angry people standing around her bed, looking at her with malicious intent. All of them looked different, some young, some old, some bleeding, some drooling and twitching.

She ran as fast as she could, and when she got downstairs, she saw a pale child. The child turned around, and his eyes were pitch black with what appeared to be ink creeping down from his eyes. Clementine was terrified, as all the lights flickered on and off, figures appearing and disappearing, and objects flying around. Her only option was to bolt out of the house, and when she exited, everything dropped and the lights went out. She only had one possible option, and she hated the idea of it.

Skip finally found a balance between his two jobs by doing his Winchendon Anchor photos at the office, and his CVP photos at home. He was updating his pictures from the messy case CVP worked the night before. He may have been used to seeing hauntings when he was out with his friends, but when he had to think of it when he was by himself in his apartment, it was hard not to get a chill when seeing the pictures. Which is why he jumped off of his couch when he heard hysterical banging on his door. He answered his door to see a side of Clementine he never thought he'd see.

"Oh, my god. Skip. You gotta help me!" Clementine insisted.

"Clem, what the hell? It's one in the morning," Skip asked.

"There are people in my house. There's... things in my house. I need help."

"Well, why the hell are you running to me?" Skip asked because he was still annoyed to see her.

"My house. It's haunted," Clementine hesitated.

"Really?" Skip replied, tickled pink that the pain in the ass skeptic finally saw the truth, "Suddenly me and my friends aren't such hacks."

"Look, I promise I'll pull the story I wrote on you guys if you just help me. It's not safe in there. And if you offer some kind of payment plan, I'll do what I can."

"They do that for all our clients, it's no problem. Tino's usually awake at this hour, he's a case taker, let's go talk to him."

He walked he down the stairs and he knocked on Tino's door.

"Do you think he'll know what's going on?" Clementine asked, finding a shred of hope in her scary night.

"He's usually the expert on diagnosing a paranormal issue. Trust me, he's a professional."

Tino answered the door, drunk as a skunk, holding a glass of whiskey, and not wearing pants. Through is alcohol induced smile, he said, "Howdy, neighbor."

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