Ep. 4 I Have No Fear, I Have Only Love

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It's very safe to say everyone has secrets. Most of the time the most life changing experience or most terrifying experience stems from the secrets we keep. However, we've heard plenty of stories that take a big turn because of a big secret. But secrets aren't always the enemy. Sometimes, when you're stuck in and there's no way out, one person's little secret, almost trivial, can pull you out of a fire. Sometimes what we keep to ourselves just feels safer to us when it belongs to us.

Oxford, MA - Brenda Dorman of Oxford City Counsel, was feeling nervous before giving her speech at town hall. It wasn't because she had to speak for the Mayor, who was home with his sick kid, it wasn't even because of the big announcement. It was because of a man by the name of Brian Quills, who wouldn't stop staring at her since he entered town hall. She didn't want a scene made, so she didn't have her head of security escort him out the door, but she did ask him to keep an eye on this man.

After building up her confidence, Brenda made her way up to her podium, but as soon as she accidentally bumped into Brian Quills, she burst into flames. The flames surrounded her as she screamed in agony, all while Brian Quills stared and smiled. They were able to put out the flames, but she didn't survive. This was only one strange incident occurring in Oxford around this time, but it was the only one to happen for a good amount of the city to see.

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Winchendon, MA - When Tino stepped into the kitchen, his Ahmed told him he had a visitor, and he made a joke about how Tino was probably going to wish he shaved first. This was a joke Tino always made when he delivered pizza to an attractive woman, so this implied that this was the kind of visitor he had. Tino joked back by saying "At least I did my hair today".

This visitor was an attractive woman, but this one caught Tino by surprise. It was a woman named Amanda, someone Tino briefly dated last year. She seemed very distressed and mentioned that she had just moved into a new apartment in Keene, New Hampshire, and the police couldn't help her, and new this was the kind of thing he handled.

She went on to tell him about the night before, she stepped into her bedroom in her bathrobe after getting out of the shower. She was slightly startled when the lights shut off on their own, but easily assumed it was just a bad bulb. She proceeded to change into her pajamas, when she heard the perverted laugh of a malicious man. This gave her a jolt of fear, so she threw her robe back on, and ran into her living room, where the lights were flickering off and on, and all over the walls "Love Me Deadly" was written all over in red crayon.

"I just ran to my neighbor's and called the police," Amanda told him, "It was little things at first. My bed shook on my first night. And there was banging on the walls. I thought it was my neighbors at first, but I don't know now."

"Okay, I actual run a Paranormal Service now. I can take your case a little later on. It sounds demonic to me, so this will be Pro Bono. If not, diagnosis is still free," Tino explained to her and then chose his next words wisely, "And, also, I swear I'm not calling you crazy. But it's policy..."

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Townsend, MA - Diane was just coming back to Townsend High after her lunch break when Tino called her. She sat in her car talking to him on the phone.

"I take it you have a client you'd like me to meet with?" Diane assumed.

"Well, yes. She's based out of Keene, but I told her you'd meet with her at Toy Town Pizza," Tino said.

"Keene? You guys have contacts in New Hampshire?"

"Well, kinda. She's sort of an old flame from last year."

"Oh?" Diane responded, feeling a little displeased by what she was hearing.

"Thing is, I only went on a few dates with her, so I don't know how sane she is. So I figured an evaluation would be a good idea."

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