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I wake up abruptly, covered in sweat and tears. But completely clueless about my state.

What the fuck happened?

I turn my phone on to check the time only to see that it's around 4 a.m. Knowing that I won't be able to go back to sleep, I slowly make my way to my bathroom and wash up.

Once I'm done I grab a pack of cigarettes and make my way outside. I sit in my favorite spot that I used to go to all the time before.
I plug in my headphones and turn on some music before pulling out a lighter and lighting up my cigarette.

"Smoking is bad." I turn my head to see Yukhei looking down at me. Sleepiness clearly visible on his face. I roll my eyes at him, "shut up you do it too."

"You're right. Matter of fact can I have one too?" He extends his arm hoping that I'll give him one.

"Fuck no these are expensive." He doesn't say anything and neither do I.

I notice that he isn't planning on leaving anytime soon so I groan and finally one him one. He takes him with a smirk and takes a seat next to me. I move away from him.

"Are you feeling better?" Confused, I mutter a quick 'what are you talking about?' And he looks away almost as if he's nervous.

"Remember that night. When we met -"

"Forget it happened." I stand up throwing my finished cigarette on the floor and leaving Yukhei without another word.

The whole was spent planning for tonight. Most of the gang will be meeting BTS do teach them a lesson.
They've been trying to take over our territory and even ended up killing a few of ours. That made Taeyong so angry to the point that he almost killed everyone that was in the same room and obviously broke a few things.

"Areum, you can stay in the car. I know you just came back so take it slow." Yukhei said to me in a low voice.

"Why would I do that? I'm not a beginner. I've been in this shit before you. Maybe you should sit this one out?" I raise my eyebrows as if challenging him.

"Ooh Lucas has some competition now. Watch out, Taeyong might replace you with Areum." Jaehyun calls out with a laugh which only makes Lucas even more frustrated. He takes out his gun and points it towards the older boy who only laughs, knowing that he will never pull the trigger.

"Nice try."

"Whatever. Let's go." I call out and we all head outside. Ready for what's about to happen. We all make sure we're well equipped and we finally leave.

We were meeting them at a bar. Known for being attended by different gangs to make deals or other stuff. The boys were interrupted when they saw a few attractive women that were here. I decide to leave them alone, knowing that I can easily call them if something happens.

When I enter the VIP room we can already see the members sitting there doing drugs and other illegal stuff.

"What an unpleasant surprise! And would you look at that! Areum finally made a comeback. I can now finally kill you." Jin, the oldest member calls out. But his other member, V adds "I'll be the one to kill her." He wraps his arm around my waist and takes out his gun.

"How nice. I love my fans but you've already tried multiple times and I guess luck isn't on your side." V and I used to have a weird relationship. We would fool around sometimes and I can tell that we still have that sort of connection. But I'm not here for him. "Now where's RM. We're here to tell your gang to leave our territory and we don't have any limits. You know how Taeyong is, he doesn't hold back. He probably doesn't even know what that means.

V leaves my side and takes a seat next to Jungkook who was busy snorting cocaïne, obviously not caring about the current situation. But immediately stopped when he noticed someone enter.

Thinking it was RM, I pull out my gun before quickly turning around only to come face to face with Lucas.

"Great. I'd rather see RM than you. Now come on where is he?"

All of a sudden all of the boys come rushing in. And that's when I knew that he finally arrived.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" RM comes into the big room and takes a seat on the large velvet sofa.

"Stop trying to take over our territory. You've tried countless of times and it's obviously not working. This is the last warning and I won't hesitate to shoot." Lucas says and when I take a look at him, I see a completely different person. His face filled with hate and his eyes dark like the night.

Somehow the night ended with Jin getting shot in the leg and almost everyone beat up.

Once we arrive back at the headquarters, we all gather in Taeyong's office.
"We need to step up our game. With the looks of it, they probably will come back and try to do something else."

After we finished briefing, most of the gang made their way to the club downstairs but I made my way to my room. As I'm about to enter, I hear someone call out my name. I turn around to see Johnny come up to me. In his hand is a bag filled with what looks like food.

"I literally went to my room not to socialize ." I roll my eyes at him but he just smirks.

"They're weed infused brownies." He slightly lifts up the bag and I widely smile at his words. I take out my keys and open the door widely.

"Come on in my friend. We will have a great time you and I." I let him in and we sit on the couch in the corner of the room. And I know that as soon as he opens the box, the night will be great.

Coincidence // NCT lucasOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant