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For the past week, nothing special has been happening just the normal drug deliveries, etc. I didn't see Lucas again but didn't think about telling him about the gang, knowing that Boss would tell him. But today was a bit of a surprise. It's around 10:30 p.m when they struck. Most of us were at our race tracks, watching the vehicles pass by when multiple roars came from the shadows. I instantly knew who they were and alerted everyone. "Red Roses are here, make sure to have your weapons ready, guns loaded. We don't strike unless they do." Neither boss nor Lucas was with which meant that I had to take care of this.

"If it isn't the famous Areum. I thought you had left the group." I roll my eyes at him, "You coming here at this moment is a bit inconvenient, can you come back tomorrow maybe?" He snarls at me and takes a few steps closer and I copy his moves. "I'm here for revenge. You thought you did a good job at getting rid of us but you, obviously, failed. Now it's my turn to get rid of you." Jeon Wonwoo says, his voice low and threatening. He pulls out his gun but before he can do anything, I knock it out of his hands with my leg and catch it with my right hand, taking out my own gun with my left hand. "I warned you, Jeon, this is inconvenient." I point both of the guns at him making his members point theirs at us. "You're in luck, I can't do anything until Boss comes but when he does, you're dead. And this time I won't miss." The young man's eyes darken, "Put the guns down." he orders his gang. "You too," I tell the rest of my group. "Is this turning into a civilized conversation?" I question him with a smirk on my face. "Do you see what you did to me?" He asks and points towards the burns on his cheek. I don't show any emotion.

Everything happened so fast. All of a sudden, one of the members from Red Roses, takes out his gun and shoots Taeil. Instantly, screams fill the air and the sound of gunshots become frequent. "I'll kill you, Areum." He shoots but I move away just in time for it to miss me before shooting him and hitting his leg. He lets out a pained scream. "Fuck off, Wonwoo, you already know that that won't happen."

In the midst of the fight, I didn't hear the roaring of more cars coming closer. People were getting shot left and right.

"Taeyong." Wonwoo whispers in surprise but before I can even turn around to look at our leader, I feel something hit the back of my head and everything turns black.

I wince when my eyes finally open and come face to face with an angry-looking Lucas. "You scared me," I mutter, my voice hoarse. He doesn't answer and only looks even angrier. "This all happened because of you." "Let me guess, you're the one who hit my head." "Good job." I poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue and sit up. My hands grab my head when it starts pounding. "How hard did you hit me?" "Pretty hard, I used all of my pent up anger on that hit." I look at him in disbelief, "Give me something to ease the pain." He leans towards the table next to the bed and grabs a glass of water and two pills and gives them to me. Once I'm done, I look around and my brows furrow when I don't recognize this. "Where am I?" "In my room," Lucas answers, nonchalantly. "Oh." Is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. He looks back at me, "Why didn't you tell me about them?" "I was going to tell you when I went to your room last week but..." I give him a sheepish smile but he only glares harder. "And when were you going to tell me?" "Already, I don't understand why I have to be the one to tell you when that's Boss' job." Lucas looks up to the ceiling as if trying to compose himself. "You don't realize your position here. Your role is just as important as mine, you should tell me what's happening." He instructs me like a parent grounding their child. "I didn't even know who they were until yesterday. Why didn't you or Boss tell me anything?" I shrug, "I don't know why Boss didn-" "But why didn't you?!" "I don't fucking know Lucas, okay? Why are you getting so mad? You don't even know them." "You could've died." His voice is barely a whisper, I almost didn't hear him. Almost.

"Why do you care?" I yell back. "Because I fucking do! I may not know who they are but I know that the burns on your body are because of them. Don't look at me like that, everyone knows the story." "Fucking Doyoung, he doesn't know how to keep a secret." Suddenly, I remember the members that got shot, "How is everyone?" He sighs, "They're fine, no one is severely hurt." I nod in relief.

I get out of the bed and walk into the bathroom to wash up and change into the set of clothes he put next to the bed. When I'm out, I go to the living room and see him sitting down on the couch. I take a seat on the other side of him.

"Areum." "Yes?" "What happened with the Red Roses?" I look down. "They're the reason why I left Taeyong and everyone else." He nods. "Basically, since the beginning when the gang just formed, Jeon Jongmo, the leader of Red Roses instantly became our rival. He would do everything to get rid of us especially because we were rising up fast. He has a son, Wonwoo. He was the one that I was against yesterday. Anyways, there were too many fights between us and one day, Boss decided that we should put an end to this. I had to do the job. I was sent to their headquarters with only one other member. I had to kill everyone, so I brought multiple bombs and decided to bomb the whole place. At first, everything was going according to plan, the bombs were placed and ready to explode, all we had to do was leave. But as we're about to leave, Jongmo caught us. We were all going to die. A minute after he caught us outside of the building it exploded killing everyone. Well everyone except for me and Wonwoo. Xiaojun, who was with me died instantly. Almost every part of me was burnt. I still remember everything which is why I have nightmares most of the time." I laugh bitterly at the last phrase. "After that, I told my self that I should leave, and I did for like a year but came back after my mom and I had a fight. It wasn't like a stupid fight though but that's none of your business." I look at him and he's just staring back at me, his eyes void of any emotion. "Everyone was sure that the whole gang was done because they all died but because Wonwoo is alive and has more members, the battle isn't over. But shit, I wish it was."

"I'll take care of you." I look at the boy, confused but his face is turned away from me. "I'll make sure you don't have to get involved with them or get hurt." My hand comes in contact with his shoulder, making him flinch. "I want to be the one to kill them, be sure that this time none of them come out alive. But maybe I'll need your help." I give him a small smile when he looks back at me.

My eyes slightly widen when I see him come closer, his arm coming behind me. "Then I'll be sure to stay by your side when that happens." By now, his face is inches from mine, our breaths meddling in together. Finally, his lips touch mine and his other hand cups my cheek, our eyes close. Butterflies are in my stomach and my fingers shakingly clench around the fabric of his shirt. This feeling completely new to me but it's the best I've felt in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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