Author's Intro

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Howdy. It's the Author. I wrote this story a few years ago to mirror a dream I had, and it evolved into a passionate love story that I couldn't even write on my school computer without heavy censoring XD However, I own my own computer now, so hopefully I can write what I really wanted to write.

Trigger Warnings - This story deals with depression, eating disorders, self harm, cancer, abuse, past suicidal behaviors, and emotional manipulation. If you or someone you know is struggling please reach out to these hotlines.

Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255, Or text "Contact" to 741-741

Now, if y'all are new to my blog, this is a rewrite of my 2014 fanfiction To The End. Most of the plot points are the same, however they will be presented in a more easy to understand fashion, with better grammar. This fic will still take place after the last episode, but things ended differently. Haruhi ended up with Hikaru, after about a week of dating Tamaki. The break-up was mutual however, and all the hosts are happy (for now).

EDIT 1/14/23

So, my thoughts have changed as I have thought about how I view Bisco Hatori's work, and I have changed how I view my ships. Tamaki and Kyoya have always had a deeprooted love and chemistry for/with each other, (as do Tamaki and Haruhi, but I prefer them as friends and ship Tamakyo more). My thoughts on Tamakyo haven't changed.

I also think Hikaru and Haruhi have insane chemistry as well, and like them together as a ship. I do not ship incest in the sense that I find the twinscest as presented in the show in anyway desirable. I don't want to see Hikaru and Kaoru kiss or fuck, but I don't hate people who do. It's just not what I like. However, I do like the relashionship that Hikaru and Kaoru have as twins, they know each other and care about each other in such a unique way that they have because of how well they know each other and how close they are because they grew up together. I think that simply implying they are brothers is not enough to describe how important they are to each other. Yes, I view Haruhi capable of loving Hikaru and like that relationship, but I like that with the implicit knowledge that Kaoru is a part of both of them, and would mean more to them and know them in a more intimate way. It reads to me as a sort of queerplatonic relationship? Where the three of them love each other and care about each other in a way unique to the three of them, but two of them are actively dating/having sex/being romnatic, because Hikaru and Kaoru do not harbor lustful love for each other. Then, moving onto Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai. I love Honey-senpai's canonical future partner, and don't mind that relationship at all. However, much like Hikaru and Kaoru, I believe Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai love each other deeply, but I perceive Mori-senpai as arosexual and acesexual. I believe the love he feels and the love he cherishes most is the love he has for his friends, and that Honey-senpai is the biggest example. I believe that Mori-senpai is the most affectionate he is capable of being with the hosts and Honey-senpai especially. So I view Honey-senpai as a sort of partner for him, not a romantic or sexual partner, but the closest thing to our understood concept of a boyfriend or girlfriend that Mori-senpai would ever want to have. So in a way, I ship Mori and Honey in that sense that their relationship is important to me.

I am not upset or offended if you don't like my #hot takes, if you perceive my ships as inherently romantic/sexual that is up to you. I'm a 21-year-old college student writing fan fiction of my favorite show from the 2000's, of which is a very small fandom. I also love this fandom so much! It's been so fun to read works and write my own, and I love the characters. I just kinda realized I never explained myself and thought I would now that I've given it a lot of thought!

tl;dr the UPDATED ships are -

Tamaki x Kyoya (My OTP and favorite sun/moon dynamic couple)

Hikaru x Haruhi x Kaoru (I do not label Kaoru's sexuality in the story but I perceive his love for Hikaru and Haruhi as inherently platonic but still intense and personal, so I view them more as a trio unit in this story)

Mori x Honey (Mori-senpai is an aroace king and Honey-senpai is his favorite person).

Also just to add, I thank the comments for informing me Tamaki's mom has a cannon illness! I knew she was sick, but I did not know she had lupus. Alas, hindsight is 20/20,  so for the sake of my story Tamaki's mothers illness is cancer instead of lupus.

END EDIT 1/14/23


Tamakyo (Tamaki x Kyoya)

Hikaru x Haruhi (Hikaruhi?)

Mori x Honey (Haha that could be Money! Get it? Mori and Honey....Uh... I'll just stop)

Karou x I have no clue yet..... (It's actually just Karou this time, the old character Misani was scrapped).

DISCLAMER - As much as I'd love to, I do NOT own OHHC. Bisco Hatori is the original writer of the manga, I'm just writing horrible stories about the characters. 

Walk With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora