Chapter 2

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Tamaki tucks his phone back into his backpack, muttering under his breath. He'd have a lot to do to get ready for the next few weeks of doctors visits, but hopefully this would all blow over by the end of the month. Damn, he was never good with schedules. He had quite a bit of experience when his mom went through her treatments, of course, but he was sure things wouldn't end up quite the same this time. A throat clearing quickly causes Tamaki to look up, remembering only now that he was in the middle of a host session. He offered his classic charming smile as a defense.

"Who was that?" Kyoya asked, head tilted in polite curiosity. The other hosts walked over from their respective zones, interested to hear what was happening.

Before Tamaki's brain could coordinate with his mouth, words were flying out, "Oh, mommy dearest, no need to worry! It was just my doctor! He said that he needs perform surgery right away to remove this annoying conscious in my head. I dunno, he has like, black hair and obnoxious glasses, and he always reminds me of this imaginary thing called a budget?"

The club members all laughed, even Kyoya.

"Seriously Tamaki, who was on the phone?" Kyoya said. Tamaki sighed, knowing his friends would not let it go until he gave them an answer. Well, it didn't have to be an honest answer, right?

"Ah, it was just Mr. Suoh! He said I should stop by his office, and maybe job-shadow him for a bit." Well, it wasn't a complete lie. When his father did talk to him, it was only to order him to visit the office and learning how to run the company. Tamaki wasn't interested, but it made for a good coverup.

Haruhi rolled her eyes and gestured to the ladies and gentlemen, who seemed eager to proceed with club activities.

"Well, this conversation seems fun but I don't think our guests can go much longer without attention." Instantly Tamaki rushed to his guests. He opened his mouth to apologize but the guests were already forgiving him and showing off their latest achievements. They were pretty impressive, he was happy to see. However, as he turned around to help one of the lovelies with her latest art piece, he saw that Kyoya was giving him a skeptical look.

Damn, Kyoya knew it was a lie. It was a well known fact among the hosts that Tamaki's dad would never reach out to him willingly, nevertheless during school hours. However, Kyoya seemed to be the only one openly suspicious. He and the original hosts were the only people who knew just what happens behind closed doors at the Suoh house, and Kyoya was not dumb enough to play along with Tamaki's lies. Kyoya's friendship with Tamaki extended far beyond normal pleasantries, and Tamaki was so badly tempted to pull his most trusted friend aside and just be honest. But a voice that sounded suspiciously like his grandmother's berates him for making a big deal out of a few tests. He was cancerous, but it may be a simple procedure to fix. Or hopefully just one round of chemo. He may not even loose his hair!

"You'll be fine," Tamaki mutters to himself, running a shaky hand through his hair. "After all, what's the worst that can happen?"


A/N : A shortie but a goodie. Just saying, I love constructive criticism, and I appreciate all comments given. Let me know if Tamaki is sounding too out of character, I haven't written in awhile and I need to get back into the groove of things XD

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