Chapter 9

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Kyoya's P.O.V.

Tamaki didn't die the second week.

He was in terrible condition, but he didn't die. The doctors were calling it a medical miracle, and the other Hosts were calling it sheer stubbornness. Tamaki was too stubborn to die, it was a simple fact. That being said, since he was in critical condition, they weren't allowed to visit him for more than thirty minutes at a time anymore, so they had to make due with what they had. Haruhi initved the hosts to stay at her house, which was six or seven minutes away. They had a system at this point, a rotation of who would be at the hospital and who would get to go to the house and shower or sleep.

"Hey, Kyo-chan! Tamaki woke up! Let's go talk to him!" Honey-senpai enthused, balancing sweets, stuffed animals, colored pencils, and coloring books in one giant stack. "I want to make sure he gets all our gifts!"

"Yes Honey-senpai I'm sure he'll love them," Kyoya smiled, taking some of the gifts off the pile into his own hands so the short boy didn't drop everything on the floor. At the moment, they were the only two hosts in the hospital. Karou wanted to come, but he volunteered to help Mori-senpai clean Ranka's kitchen, 'in payment for allowing so many people to stay at his house' according to Karou. Hikaru and Haruhi volunteered to get groceries, and they said they would stop by the hospital on their way back if they had time.

Kyoya wondered about Haruhi, why she was so willing to leave the hospital and ignore visiting hours. She was growing distant. Tamaki told Kyoya that Haruhi was probably afraid of losing another person in her life, and she was trying to save herself from going through that heartbreak again. Kyoya was shocked that Tamaki could notice something like that, but it made sense.

"Hey Kyo! Snap out of it! It's my job to daydream, not yours," Tamaki said with a weak grin. The doctors said he was getting progressively better, and Kyoya could believe it. Even though his shiny golden hair had gotten duller, and he had gotten painfully thin and pale, he still had a bright and annoyingly beautiful spark in his right eye. You could tell he was strong just by looking at him.

"Seriously Kyoya, focus! We need to plan the next Host Club theme, since I will be there to see it!" Tamaki was positively glowing with happiness. The doctors had said that since Tamaki was recovering nicely he should be able to head home in a few days, and he could stop by the school to pick up homework and check in on the club. As long as he changes his bandages and applies medicine regularly, about every two hours, they said he should make a complete recovery.

"We should do Black Butler," Haruhi said from behind them, arms full of bags. It seems they were done getting groceries. Hikaru made an angry noise, elbowing her even though he too was carrying groceries.

"Dude, not cool," Hikaru muttered, and Kyoya agreed. It was kinda insensitive to bring up eye-patches given Tamaki's condition, but Tamaki didn't seem to mind.

"Hmm.... well.... if my contract-binding eye was scooped out, does that mean I don't get a sexy demon butler?," Tamaki whined. Kyoya was happy to see that he wasn't gonna let any of this phase him, but it still amazed him that Tamaki wasn't affected at all.

"Tamaki! Don't joke about something so serious!" Honey-senpai scolded, but he was unsuccessful in hiding his grin.

"Aww come on! I came up with tons of eye-related jokes!"

"Let's hear one then," Kyoya challenges, "If you have so many why don't you tell us?"

"I mean I would love to, but I can't," Tamaki giggled nervously. "I can't see the punch line."

Kyoya and the others laughed, which caused Tamaki to smile blindingly. He truly was beautiful, especially when he smiled. 'Beautiful? Where did that come from? Get it together, Kyoya. Tamaki was air-headed, rash, narcissistic, self-sacrificing... intelligent, caring, beautiful, absolutely perfect...'

Gah, he was going crazy. It must be thoughts stemming from long nights and the little sleep.

"We should go get the others!" Honey-sempi said suddenly, bouncing up and down in anticipation.

"Why?" Tamaki asked. "Aren't they busy?"

"Well, yeah, but it's the 8th today Tono!" Hikaru said with a grin. "We want to celebrate!"

"Yeah," Haruhi added. "It's finally your birthday and we wanted to have some fun and celebrate. You always go all out for our birthdays so we wanted to do the same for you!"

"We will go get Takashi and Karou!" Honey was already at the door, bouncing up and down. "That way you'll have all of us here! And we can sing and play games together!"

"We will also put these groceries away, and maybe even get your presents if you behave," Hikaru said with a wink, following his girlfriend out the door. Honey gave them one last smile before he ran after them as well.

And then, it was just Tamaki and Kyoya, alone.

Tamaki's P.O.V.

Tamaki studied Kyoya, taking in his slouched posture and rumpled clothing. His closest friend looked tired, so bone-weary, and it hurt to look in his eyes and see the dark circles around them.

"Can't sleep?" Tamaki murmured. Kyoya stiffened, but after a moment he sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, but I can recognize the signs," Tamaki gestured to his own weary body, "I'm in the same boat after all."

"You don't deserve this," Kyoya said suddenly, placing his hand over Tamaki's. "You don't deserve any of this."

"Kyoya, we can't change this. It happened, I got sick. That's all," Tamaki was shocked, but he laced his fingers in Kyoyas and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Why did this come up?

"No, that's not all. This is bullshit, you worked so hard to make others happy. It should be me in that bed, not you. I'm the selfish one. I'm the cold one. You ..." Kyoya squeezed his hand. "Nothing that shines that brightly should have to fear going out."

"Do you really think anything would change if you were the one that got sick?" Tamaki said harshly. "Do you think it would be any easier for me to watch you die again then it is to die? I understand that you are worried and that you care but do not dare pretend you are noble in your wish to take my pain."

Kyoya flinched, rubbing his thumb up and down Tamaki's knuckles. "I know, but I feel trapped. This is different than when I was in the hospital. I put myself there, I could work to change it when I got out. You can't simply eat a little more and magically fix this kind of sickness, Tamaki. I.. I can't help you. I can't do anything."

Tamaki's eyes softened, and he bent his head down to look Kyoya in the eye.

"I know. I'm so sorry, I know this is hard. We will get through this though," He squeezed Kyoya's hand again for emphasis, "You working out all the paperwork helpful. You supporting me is helpful. You standing here by me is more helpful than any medicine or treatment."

Kyoya studied his friend for a few moments, and Tamaki worried he was getting too emotional.

Kyoya shook his head, leaning closer. He brushed Tamaki's bangs out of the way, studying him with a strange look in his eyes. Tamaki tilted his head up, almost touching Kyoya's forehead with his own.

"Tamaki, I-"

"Hello?" A voice called from the doorway. Kyoya growled, and Tamaki realized just how close they had gotten. He could smell Kyoya's cologne, he could see the sweat pooling in his collarbone, he could feel Kyoya's breath against his own.

W.. Was Kyoya gonna kiss him?

"Hello. My name is Akira, the Newspaper Club President. I wanted to interview Mr. Suoh for the school newspaper?" 

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