Chapter 11

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"No way," Kyoya gritted out, ripping the party hat off of his head and crumpling it in his fist. "The last thing Tamaki needs is to see that bastard."

"Kyoya that is not your decision to make. As his father, Yuzuru has a right to see his son, and he can deny guests as he wants."

"But his dad is a monster!" Hikaru hissed, and his brother joined in, "He can't just waltz in here and kick us out when we care more about Tamaki then he does!"

"What are you guys talking about? Why is Tamaki's dad not allowed to see him?" Haruhi asked, but no one looked at her or acknowledged her question.

"Guys," Tamaki said, waving his hand in the air. "It's okay. This was bound to happen eventually." With a sigh, Tamaki removed the bow from his head. "We will just have to put off the celebration for a little while longer. Besides, he only has a maximum of thirty minutes, and then you guys can come back."

"Actually, that's not true." The eldest Ootroi said, stepping fully into the room. "Yuzuru Suoh gets to decide who comes in and out. If Yuzuru wishes, the hosts will not be able to visit anymore. And the thirty minute rule does not apply to him."

The hosts all gasped, anger on their faces.

"Yuuichi! You cannot poss-!" Kyoya started, but his brother cut him off.

"You think I like this any better than you dip-shit?" Yuuichi exploded, throwing his medical files to the floor. "I see what Tamaki looks like when he comes over, I know what Yuzuru does to him. You think I wanna willingly let that happen again? I don't! But this can't be helped! Yuzuru is his guardian, Yuzuru has the law on his side! And because of this, even if we claim child abuse, even with proof, he could sue the hospital for millions! I can't do anything about it!"

The room was silent, Yuuichi huffing with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Tamaki I am sorry but I have to let your father in."

"...Okay," Tamaki whispered, looking down. He could not meet any of his friend's eyes, could not bear to see their disappointment. He had to prepare to be alone again, and it would be easier if he didn't have to look at the people he loved.

"There's got to be a loophole..." Kyoya murmured softly after a moment. "There's got to be something.... we could do..."

Yuuichi straightened his lab coat, before sighing. "If you can think of anything, I'm all ears. But for now, we have no choice but to let Yuzuru in."

Kyoya nodded, unclenching his fists. He looked at the crushed party hat for a moment, then steeled himself.

"It'll be okay Tamaki, but we have to leave."

"Kyoya!" Hikaru started, grabbing his shoulder. "You can't be-"

"We will respect the law, Hikaru! We don't want to get Tamaki in any trouble," Kyoya said sternly. "We can find a way around this. We will find a way around this. And in the mean time we can hold on to the fact that Yuzuru won't stay here forever."

Kyoya was right, Tamaki's father wouldn't stay there forever. But damn did it feel like an eternity.

"Tamaki," Yuzuru said, standing in the doorway, a few minutes later. "What happened?"

"Well, I got a call from the doctor's office. They had told me I had developed-"

"Quickly Tamaki, I have very little patience right now." Yuzuru spat, stalking towards Tamaki's bed. "Just tell me what happened and how much this will cost."

"... I was diagnosed with stage three optic cancer. They had to remove the developing tumor and removed my eye as well because the two were connected. I'm not sure.... how much it will cost. Dr. Ootori has the bill on file. I could take you to him," Tamaki said after a moment, slowly reaching for his IV. "But I -"

"What did I say about being quicker." His dad growled, ripping the IV out of Tamkai's arm and throwing the needle to the floor. He ripped the antibiotic needle out too, before storming to the door.

"Come on now Tamaki we must find your doctor." Tamaki bit his lip to keep from crying, gently applying pressure to his arm - which was of course bleeding from the rough treatment.

"Of course sir," The blonde murmured, standing up shakily. "Right this way."

Tamaki, weak and staggering, led his father down several hallways to Dr. Ootori's office. The doctor immediately dropped his files on his desk and rushed to Tamaki's side.

"You should not be out of bed Mr. Suoh! And your arm! Where are your IV's?" He asked frantically, checking him over and supporting the blonde's body-weight with his own.

"Tamaki here was impatient, he wanted to ask you a question about his bill and removed his IV's before I could stop him." Yuzuru said innocently, looking Tamaki dead in the eye.

"Right, son?"

Tamaki held his breath, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't tell the truth.

Tamaki Suoh was afraid.

"Yes, that's right," He murmured to Dr. Ootori, offering a weak smile. "So could you provide my father with the proper paperwork?"

Dr. Ootori opened his mouth to argue, but closed it with a grim look. But then, he stiffened, and a familiar gleam shone from with in Yuuichi's eyes. The same gleam that shines in Kyoya's whenever he gets a particularly interesting idea. "Yes, I can. It will be just a moment, Mr. Suoh, I need to get an intern to help Tamaki to his bed."

"Oh that won't be necessary, Tamaki is well strong enough to do it on his own," Yuzuru said confidently, extending a hand to his son. "Look at him, a true trooper."

"It's company policy," Dr. Ootori said adamantly. "Just a moment."

Dr. Ootori rushed past Tamaki and out the office door, heading towards the common rooms. In the silence left by his absence Tamaki and his father looked anywhere but each other.

"Hello, Mr. Suoh. May I help you back to your room?" a familiar voice asked from behind him after a few minutes. Tamaki turned to see Kyoya, a pass around his neck, offering his hand out in assistance.

"Wh..." Tamaki's mouth opened in shock.

Yuzuru frowned, stepping in front of his son. "I recognize you. Aren't you Ootori Kyoya? One of those... hosts?"

Kyoya plastered a fake smile as he looked at Tamaki's father. "Yes, I am an acquaintance of Tamaki's from school. I received a highly sought-after internship here at the hospital though, since my father owns it, so I am well qualified to help your son." Tamaki was shaking, he was so relieved he could cry. Kyoya would help him, Kyoya was safe.

"I don't -"

"Mr. Yuzuru Suoh?" A nurse asked, followed by Dr. Ootori. "We will meet right over here to go over all the paperwork."

"Please, let our intern do his work," Dr. Ootori added, smirking.

Yuzuru frowned, staring down his son and the 'intern' with skepticism.

"Fine," he sighed, and he walked with the doctor and the nurse back to their office.

Once his father was gone, Tamaki sagged into Kyoya's waiting arms. "What... just happened?"

Kyoya smiled into Tamaki's hair, holding his friend close. "A loophole."

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