Chapter 10

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You've got to be kidding me. Now, right now is the time they want to interview him? They couldn't have waited five more minutes? Nevertheless, Kyoya leaned away from Tamaki and cleared his throat. Usually, the more polite he acted, the more angry he actually was.

"Good afternoon Akira." Kyoya was mad. "How are you?" Kyoya was really mad. "Before we continue talking, I must ask - did you check in with his doctors? The nurses at the front desk?" Kyoya adjusted his glasses, instantly sliding into the business titan persona he's known for.

"Yes, I checked in and received a thirty-minute visitor's pass," Akira stiffened, taking a step back, "But I was under the impression I'd be doing this interview one on one."

"Absolutely not. As vice president to the Host Club, I cannot leave you alone to take advantage of our president in his time of vulnerability."

"But as a student Tamaki is free to be interviewed on his own and of his own volition. It's not up to you, vice president, but I can surely let the students of Ouran know that Tamaki's own subordinates don't think he's capable of one measly interview."

Kyoya clenched his fists, and opened his mouth to retort, but Tamaki beat him to it.

"I'd love to talk with you Akira. Kyoya, would you mind going ahead and heading back to Haruhi's home? Let the hosts know that I have a quick interview, and then we can get to the celebrations!"

"Celebrations?" Akira asked, a glint to his eye, "What are you celebrating?"

"Oh, it's my birthday today!" Tamaki smiled, patting Kyoya's hand. Kyoya looked livid, and he glared at Tamaki, but after a moment of silent debate he relented. With a heavy sigh, he let his shoulders sag in defeat.

"I will be gone for twenty minutes. When I return, no matter what is happening the interview is over, and Akira will leave. Is this understood?" He turned his glare onto Akira, who shriveled back in fear.

"Understood," Akira whimpered.

"Of course Kyo, sounds good!" Tamaki cheered. Kyoya's eyes softened, and he gave Tamaki's hand one last squeeze.

"Stay out of trouble until I'm back, mh?" Kyoya offered a small smile, then he left. He slammed the door behind him, causing Akira to jump again.

"I hate this, you don't deserve to be written about in such a prasing manner, but I am a professional, so I will do what I have to." Akira grumbled, pulling up a chair. "So, Mr. Suoh. Tell me, how long have you known you had cancer? Months? Years? How long have you been lying to us and pretending you're fine?"

"That's your first question?" Tamaki raised an eyebrow. "You're not gonna ask me my full name or year?"

"We are in the same year moron," Akira frowned, scribbling something down in his notes. "So, cancer?"

"Well, I was officially diagnosed about... oh dear.... Five or six weeks ago? At the end of March," Tamaki said, counting weeks by on his fingers. "But my mother has cancer as well, so I had been getting screenings since I was little. This wasn't a huge surprise, but it was still a shock."

"So you admit you've known for awhile!" Akira yelled. "And yet you act like you're innocent!"

"I never said I'm innocent," Tamaki rolled his eye, "However, I was not under the impression I would lose my eye as quickly as I did so I was under the impression I could let the school know closer to my actual surgery date."

"Wait, so this wasn't a planned surgery?" Akira faltered.

"Well... In a way it was, but it happened several weeks ahead of schedule due to a complication with my condition."

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