Chapter 7

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A/N: Lots of swearing. You have been warned.


Tamaki's face was completely numb. To clarify, the right side of his face was completely numb. It's been a day or so since he woke up, and by now he has found a rhythm in his medicine doses. Right now, he couldn't feel a thing, so he was confused why the hosts always looked so worried. He was fine. He was never in too much pain, the magic red button took care of that, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Honestly it made him feel really guilty to know that he was putting the hosts through that much stress.

As he was lost in thought, he didn't notice the numbness was dripping away to be replaced with pain. Nor did he notice the host members stir awake from their various sleeping positions around him. Only when the pain became sharp and unbearable did he stir from his thoughts.

He was about to hit the magic red button once more, and let morphine flow into his IV and into his bloodstream. Like a wave, it would wash the pain away. But it would cloud in him, weighing him down until he was drowsy, or even make him hallucinate. He was about to press it anyway, and welcome the liquid sleep, but that's when he noticed the hosts awake and groggy. He didn't want to worry them by pressing the button, and he wanted to be awake and talk to them, so he skipped over the button and grabbed the glass of water on the bedside table instead.

"Hey guys," He said softly, because he was developing a slight headache.

"Hi Tama-chan," Honey-senpai said sleepily. Tamaki had no idea what time it was but he had bet it was well past Honey's bedtime.

"How are you feeling?" Karou said, a sleepy look of sympathy on his face. His twin yawned, looping a lazy arm around Karou and quirking an eyebrow up in silent question. Tamaki gave a big grin to ease their fears before shifting his position, because his legs were falling asleep.

"I'm fine, just a little anxious. I wanna get out of here and back home." The doctor said he was recovering rapidly, and he may get to go home in a couple of weeks. That was music to Tamaki's ears, because the hospital was becoming more like a prison.

The Host Club members have been spending their nights with him in his hospital room, playing board games and reading with him. To his surprise, they had two seasons of Black Butler on-hand, and the whole Club had watched it all multiple times. Even though his 'family' rarely left his side, he stubbornly refuses to allow them to watch when he gets his bandages changed, and he hardly ever allows them to see him without his blanket covering the faded bruises his dad left.

Also, to his delight, many people from school had visited him. Almost all the customers from the Club came by to pay their respects, and that made the hospital less boring for sure. Nekozawa-senpai stopped by regularly to watch Black Butler with the hosts, and although it scared the shit out of Tamaki he still appreciated the gesture. He had tried not to be bothered by the fact that that neither his father or his grandmother had bothered showing up, and he really tried to ignore the looks of horror and sickened awe on his guests' faces as they beheld his right.... Eyehole. But some days it weighs harder than others. The oddest day though, was when some unexpected visitors showed up.

The ladies of Lobelia showed up to 'say hi', but the visit quickly turned south

Tamaki had awaken to a huge fight, bigger than he was prepared for, considering he was in a hospital and it was usually only the hosts around him.

"Like hell we'd let you guys talk to him." Hikaru spat venomously. Kyoya was giving them the devil glare only reserved for the people he loathed, and Tamaki was shocked. So far only his dad had received that glare.

"Oh please! That goddamn halfer is obviously faking it. I mean, he couldn't have lost an eye, you guys are just doing this to get more publicity for your precious 'Host Club'!" Benio states furiously. Apparently, though Tamaki had no clue what was going on, the Zuka club had decided to show up to give their 'condolences'.

That statement set the twins off. He saw Hikaru and Karou lunge at the Lobelia members, eyes burning as they balled up their fists and prepared to beat the shit out of the girls. The Lobelia Ladies themselves looked gleefully ready for a fight, balling their own fists and taking fighting stances. The only thing that had managed to stop the oncoming battle was Mori-senpai, who seemed like he wanted nothing more than to beat the girls himself. Honey-senpai moved to Tamaki's bedside, eyes dark and fists balled. Tamkai, thinking rather smartly, pretended to be asleep so he can witness this without being dragged into it himself. Haruhi had sprang up into the middle and was now trying to calm down the twins, who were hurling insults and swears at the Lobelia ladies like they were loaded grenades. But no one was holding back Kyoya, and that was a mistake.

"I bet he's fucking faking this for attention. He's such a little bitch!" Benio spat. Hinako joined in with a cruel laugh, "I hope he isn't faking it so I can laugh in his face!" Chizuru simply spat at the twins. Tamaki held his breath, waiting for the twins to retaliate, when he heard a loud echoing smack. He cracked open his eyelid to watch Kyoya back-handed Benio across the face again, face cold and deadly.

"Shut up." Kyoya was shaking. "Shut up you insignificant bitch. Tamaki is dying and you're sitting here holding petty grudges."

"Y - you hit me!" Benio shrieked.

"And I'm about to do it again, if you don't SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH!" Kyoya roared furiously. The twins shouted and hollered in agreement, while Haruhi sat shocked and Mori-senpai looked at Kyoya with thinly-veiled respect.

"Did you see him bleeding to death on the floor!? Were you forced to wonder if the only thing in this world worth living for was going to die anyway? No? Then fuck off. I suggest you get out before I let the twins beat the shit out of you, because they're more than willing!" Kyoya seethed, and he looked truly murderous. The twins were spitting mad and twisting furiously to get out of Mori's grasp, now even more riled up with the fuel of Kyoya's words igniting them once more. Tamaki could tell that Mori was struggling to hold both of them back without hurting them. Honestly Benio's words didn't even sting, his father had said worse. Tamaki hummed to himself, wondering why they cared so much. He decided it was probably due to the stress of the hospital. Finally, after many threats, curses, and shouts the Lobelia ladies left in a huff. He decided that then was a good time to 'wake up'.

Now thinking back, he probably should have intervened, but he can't change the past.

"Boss were you listening?" Hikaru said with a smirk.

"Nope." Tamaki answered with a grin. A plus side of his medication was that he can daydream all day and no one can tease him for it, because it's a 'side-effect'.

"Well we had decided to kick back and watch some BB, but if you wanna nap speak now or forever be my butler." Karou summed up with a smile of his own.

"Yeah let's watch some, where did we leave off?" Tamaki answered.

"Umm.... was it when we met Alois at his mansion again, or was it during that one party when Alois was cross-dressing?" Harhuhi said, clicking through the scene-selection.

"Let's just skip ahead to when Claude kills Alois, I mean that's where it really gets interesting." Kyoya said with a shrug.

"But I like Sebastian more! Can't we skip to their fight? Claude sucks!" Honey-senpai whined. Mori-sempi nodded in agreement.

Even though Tamaki was nervous for his future, and he was in a whole lot of pain, he had to admit; He loved these moments with the Club, laughing and watching TV, and just being a family.

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