Chapter 1

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 Tamaki's P.O.V.

To say that Tamaki Suoh was having a bad day would be the most horrible of understatements. The blonde boy, who by now was ready to scream and cry in frustration, was sat in his History class. Now, Tamaki has had bad days, maybe more than the average student, but never one as nerve-wracking as this.

His father had not been cruel recently, though to be fair his father hadn't been home either. His mother had sent him a letter, which was a pleasant surprise but not unwelcome. No, he was not nervous about parents, or school for that matter. The reason he was nervous was sitting in his pocket, ringer turned all the way up and still remaining silent.

Tamaki was so focused on pretending not to be nervous, he completely missed all the students filing out of the room. All, except one. 

"Tamaki you idiot, did you even hear the bell ring?" Kyoya said cooly, forcing Tamaki from his brooding.

"Wha- I umm... No?" Tamaki stuttered. Kyoya shook his head, his initial smirk melting into a more genuine smile as he flicked Tamaki's cheek.

"Get your head out of the clouds and lets go." Instantly Tamkai sprang up, banishing all thoughts from his mind. Honestly right now he needed the distraction of the club, and he was excited to see everyone.

"So Kyo-chan, I was thinking, for this cosplay? There's a popular show among our guests, its called... Uh.. what was it again? Black Nanny? Midnight Maid? I don't know, it was a Victorian show with demonic servants. Anyway, should we model the costumes we purchased to fit that show? I think it would look super cool," the blonde mused as they walked up the stairs. They had decided to dress in vintage 1800's clothes, and it already looked like it would be popular.  

"You mean Black Butler idiot. Where in the world did you get 'Midnight Maid'?" Kyoya corrected before opening the door to Music Room #3. "But yes, I believe that if we cosplay as characters rather then just wear old-fashioned clothes, it will draw more guests from different social circles. Plus I think I'd make one hell of a butler."

Tamaki laughed and strolled into the room. They were early, as usual, so no one was there yet. He set his bag down before stepping behind a curtain to get changed into his costume. He was dressed a rich aristocrat, so it took very little time or effort to get into character.

When he was finally in full costume, he pulled back the curtain to see that Honey-senpai had arrived. The adorable 3rd year sat Usa-chan down before running to the changing room for his little sailor outfit. Mori-senpai, who had also arrived with their bags, was watching him go. Even though he tried to hide it, there was a hint of fondness in Mori-senpai's eyes as he watched Honey-senpai go. Tamkai smiled to himself, enjoying the peace of being around people who truly cared for each other. He nodded a greeting to Mori-senpai before walking over to his bag, trying hard to be casual. Usually Tamaki could talk about anything with little effort, but right now he was anxious for the call. He started to pace around the couch, cradling his bag, wondering if his phone will spontaneously ring just to lift the tension off his shoulders. For better or worse, it'd be good to finally know the truth. However, he hadn't notice that he'd gone quiet.

"Tama-chan? Are you okay? You seem kinda anxious!" Honey-senpai pointed out, in between bites of his first slice of chocolate cake. Wait, when had Honey-senpai come out from the changing area? 'Get a hold of yourself Tamaki! Either it rings or it doesn't but don't let it distract from the important things in life.'

Tamaki straightened up, adjusted his necktie, and turned around on his heels. "I am perfectly fine Honey-sempi! I am just waiting for those two doppelgangers to get here with my darling daughter."

Honey gave him a skeptical look, but he shrugged before diving back into his cake. Mori's steady eyes were also studying him, however he decided Tamaki was telling the truth and went back to eating with Honey-senpai.

Suddenly Hikaru and Kaoru rushed through the door, Haruhi lagging behind them. Hikaru and Haruhi were laughing, and for a moment Tamaki felt wishful. After the Ouran fair, Tamaki and Haruhi had announced that they were dating to mass approval from the club. However, it only took a week for Haruhi to realize just how much Tamaki loved Kyoya. It took her a week, but apparently Tamaki hadn't noticed at all. After a lengthy sit down, and a rather awkward break up, Haruhi and Tamaki were on the same page and much closer as friends. About a month later, Hikaru had asked Haruhi out on another date. Thankfully, this one went smoothly, by the end of that month Haruhi had told the club that she was dating the more mischievous twin. Even though the rest of the club members were worried that their blond King would be upset, Tamaki honestly didn't mind. For one thing, both Haruhi and Hikaru were much happier, and that meant that his family was thriving. That's all he wanted, so Tamaki couldn't complain. Besides, It would have given him plenty of opportunities to ask out a certain other member.

Anyway, as the first-years got ready, Tamaki struck up idle chat with Honey, trying his hardest to ignore his bag. After a moment, he realized that Kyoya wasn't sitting on the couch anymore. He looked around, wondering where his Shadow Prince had gone.

"Ehem. Tamaki? Were you going to unlock the doors? Or are you gonna let the girls sit in their moe flames until they pass out from fantasies, that are quite frankly way under-realistic." Kyoya said from one of the many couches, his eyes trained on his computer and a smirk lining his mouth. Tamaki, flustered to be caught daydreaming, rambled on about how he was simply adding ambiance to the scene. Outwardly he was laughing, but he had to get his head together or someone will notice that something's wrong.

"Why hello my lovely princes and princesses, and welcome to the Host Club!" Tamaki said graciously, easily slipping into his princely charm and allowing the ladies and gentlemen in. The twins had come out just in time, dressed as servants with Haruhi popping out behind him in a maid costume. Everything was falling into place. He swept his arms as he guided his regulars to his designated portion of his room. He was smiling and laughing, until the idle chatter of the room was broken.

"Kiss Kiss Fall In Love!"

"Uhh Boss? You gonna get that?" The twins said together.

"Hey, I thought this was a no-cellphone club," Haruhi interjected, "and what's with your ringtone?"

Tamaki wasn't listening. His brain was on autopilot as he walked over to his bag and pulled out his phone. The caller ID read "Ootori Hospital", which meant he was getting his results back. The last thing Tamaki wanted to do was accept the call, so that's exactly what he did.

"Yes, hello? Is this Mr. Suoh?"

"Yes this is he."

"Hello Mr. Suoh, this is Aio Aishi from the Ootori Hospital. We finally got your reports back. I regret to inform you that your right eye is cancerous, and it seems an operation is inevitable. There is still a lot of unanswered questions however, so we will need to schedule a few more appointments."

"Oh. O-Okay, I.... Yeah I can schedule a few appointments, how soon do you need me in?" Tamaki said, but all that was revolving in his head was cancer, cancer, cancer like an alarm.

"Dr. Shou would like to meet with you within the next two weeks, we have an opening next Monday morning and Friday afternoon. I know this is a lot to process, so take it easy."

"Yes ma'am, Monday morning sounds lovely, thank you ma'am," Tamaki murmured before hanging up. His head was echoing with the news. Cancer. He had cancer. They may need to operate on him.

Well his day just got worse.


A/N - Haha! I think I still got some writing juice left in me, and it felt nice to stretch the old fingies again and write some angst. So, how'd you like the first rewritten chapter? I wanna remind y'all that I'm not writing something new yet, I'm revising the old, so I'm sorry if y'all were wanting something completely new. I will write the second chapter soon, if my schedule permits. Rate, comment, vote, do whatever. 

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