Chapter 5

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A/N: Trigger Warning - Blood

After this next few chapters it's gonna diverge where the original story was, because a lot of that didn't make sense. Hah. But don't worry the original story will stay up.


Tamaki's head was spinning. It's been a week since his doctor's visit. He's tried multiple times to reach out to the hosts, but something else keeps coming up. And to be honest, he has no idea what to say. All he knows is that he's running out of time. And yet here he was, back in school, none of his hosts the wiser. The doctor said he could resume his normal schedule for four weeks but then he'd have to spend a couple of weeks in the hospital for tests and the actual operation. He was hoping to be able to have visitors, but the doctor said that was technically up to his father. Luckily his father was out of the country for the month, so Tamaki hopefully gets to decide in lieu of his guardian. But first, he would have to actually tell the hosts.

'What if I stage ah.... never mind that's way too dramatic. Can I just.... Kyoya would know what to do but ... maybe I should just come out and tell everyone right now, with no fancy details.... But they could worry? I have to be careful about this. They'll worry too much if I make it sound serious, I can't be a burden'

Tamaki was pacing now, fingers absentmindedly running through his hair. He had skipped his last period to beat everyone to the music room, he wanted them all to be there when he told everyone. Also, it was getting hard to read out of his right eye, everything was blurry and painful, so he was granted permission from his doctor to leave class if he was straining himself or his eyes too much. His doctor had explained that he would be experiencing symptoms like nausea, drowsiness, bloody noses, blurring vison, and pain. Wow, Tamaki, he thought with an inward laugh, I sound like a commercial for a prescription drug. Tamaki was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the dripping of blood falling to the carpet or the blossoming stain on his jacket.

His thoughts were interrupted with a scream from the doorway. He turned to see Renge, back from an anime convention, waving her arms wildly. She looked terrified. "HELP! SOMEONE! GET IN HERE TAMAKI'S DYING!" She shouted before dashing towards him and looking for any wounds.

"BOSS!!" He heard twin shouts of fear. Hikaru and Karou heard Renge's scream and rushed in to help. They were met with Tamaki, blood oozing down his face and onto his jacket, and Renge, buzzing around him trying to find the source.It was a frightening sight to see the beautiful Tamaki Suoh covered in crimson. Like a white rose stained red, petals wilting and dripping down to the floor.  

"Boss you're bleeding! Are you okay! Do you need a doctor!?" Hikaru shouted worriedly, examining every inch of him along with Renge.

"AH! It's all over your jacket!" Karou screamed, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he passed out.

"Guys! Relax my nose was just bleeding!" Tamaki said annoyed. He started to dab at his bleeding nose, getting frustrated at the blood now staining his blue jacket. "Is Karou okay?" he asked, feeling guilty for causing Karou to faint.

"Yeah, Karou's just a little squeamish around blood." Hikaru said slowly, "It's alright he'll wake up soo-"

"TAMAKI SUOH!" Kyoya shouted. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

"Uh-Oh." Tamaki muttered. Kyoya materialized in front of him, gently cradling his face and checking every square inch for signs of major injury. When finally satisfied that it was only a bloody nose, Kyoya proceeded to help him clean it up. In a commanding voice he tasked Hikaru and Renge with retrieving some towels to soak up all the blood.

"Yeah, I guess this was a particularly bad one, eh Kyoya?" Tamaki said, still bleeding. "I jus-"

"TAMA-CHAN! TAMA-CHAN!!" Honey-senpai cried as he wrapped him in a steel grip. "Tama-chan don't die please don't die!! Here, we'll help you!" Tamaki wanted to laugh at this point. Everyone was completely over-reacting, but it made him feel better to know that they cared. Mori came in shortly after, and proceeded to run back out.

"Relax Honey-sempi it's just a blo-"

"Oh my GOD! Tamaki what happened!?" Haruhi shouted, followed by the screams of the guests as they all poured in. Mori slid back into the room as well, cradling a boxes of tissues in one hand and a new school jacket in the other. He placed both next to the couch Tamaki was unceremoniously shoved onto.

"Everyone calm down. It's fine I'm just having a bloody nose," Tamaki said soothingly. Kyoya nodded.

"Yes relax, our precious king won't be dying anytime soon," he smiled, placing his hands in the air in a calming manner. After changing into a different uniform and holding the towels to his nose, Tamaki was back to entertaining the guests with full force. Some of the Hosts still seemed worried because his nose was bleeding an abnormal amount, but Tamaki didn't really care.

"Oh Tamaki when I saw you covered in blood I thought you were gonna die!" One of the ladies shouted. (A/N - if you want to pretend the girl is you go ahead)

"My dear do not worry, for I could never leave you! No matter the blood I lose or the bones I break I will always remain by your side." Tamaki grinned as the guests all swooned and sighed with passion. Tamaki sighed and sat down, but he couldn't help but smile. It made him feel good to know that they were happy, and he meant those words. He wouldn't leave them, he won't let something like this illness get in the way of helping others. He was strong, he had to be. He could do this.

As he reached up to wipe a tear away from his cheek, his right eye burst into blazing pain. It was worse than anything he had felt before. Shaking, he stood up. He couldn't even see out of his eye anymore, his head was spinning. He gritted his teeth and reached out again, wiping at his eye. He felt more wetness at his eye, and he pawed at it. What was... What was wrong?

"Tamaki are you having another bloody nose?" Honey-senpai asked, concern lacing the question but Tamaki couldn't answer, he couldn't see his friends because his eyes were screwed shut in pain. It was dark, it was lonely. He was in pain and he couldn't see.

He heard more mutters, and more questions but he couldn't respond, couldn't speak though the agony. He felt arms wrap around him but he didn't know who's. Suddenly his knees gave out and he was sagging against the person. Part of him wonders if it was Kyoya, embracing him like in his dreams but the pain outweighed the fantasy.

The muttering was turned to shouts and screams as people panicked, and he felt a warm weight against his eyes. A towel? It hurt, it hurt, it hurt. There were shouts to call 911, and people screaming for the nurse. He could feel people grabbing onto him and reassuring him about things he didn't understand, all he knew was that they were worried for him.

"I.... It hurts." Tamaki finally managed to groan, reaching blindly. "Kyo? K.. It hurts..."

"Tamaki, I know it hurts just stay with us, okay?" Kyoya, who was indeed holding him, said soothingly as he gently set him on the couch.

"Yeah Tama-chan we're right here, so please be okay!" Honey-senpai said, and it sounded like he was crying.

"D.... Don't cry...... H-H-Honey-senpai.... I'll be.....fine..... Just d-" Tamaki said, but before he could finish he blacked out.

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