Chapter 15

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A/N: The song Tamaki alluded to writing in his head is heavily based off of "Forever With You" and "Thoughts of Loss" by Kyle Landry, and "First Date" by Frad, both on Spotify. I recommend looking them up.


Dr. Yuuici Ootori's P.O.V..

The common room was not meant to hold guests overnight. In the morning, the room was warm. It was comfortable, with faux leather chairs and plush rugs. Coffee would brew merrily from the corner, loud but not distractingly so. Light was free to shine in from the two bay windows on either side of the room, and in the day the room was a safe place to wait for permission to connect with loved ones.

But as the sun went down, the common room became tired. Old. Cramped. Without the haze of the sun, the cracks in the leather became jagged. The walls closed in, making the size of the room feel smaller than it really was. The common room was not meant for guests to wait overnight, and yet for the past week or so six young students found themselves condemned to the room, fast asleep as they awaited news on their friend.

Mori-senpai jerked, loudly snoring from where he was curled up on the longest couch, that was still nothing more than a glorified armchair. Next to him, on another similar chair, Honey-senpai sat fast asleep with Usa-chan held tightly to his chest and several blankets tucked around his legs. Haruhi, ever the practical woman, took several of the chair cushions and laid claim to the floor. She was fast asleep on her makeshift bed, content with no blanket. The twins, who were far less practical and far more feral, had taken as many spare blankets as they could and piled them haphazardly next to Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai, before burrowing themselves in and sleeping. Kyoya on the other hand, was more efficient with his blanket placement. He had layered several blankets down as a barrier between him and the floor, before pulling a few blankets over himself to keep warm.

Altogether, the Hosts had made due with what they had. It was rather quaint, and Dr. Ootori almost decided not to wake them.


"Kyo," Yuuichi walked quietly to where his brother was sleeping. "Kyo wake up."

Kyoya did not stir.

"Hey Kyoya. I have some updates. Wake up," the older Ootori grumbled, nudging Kyoya with his foot. The younger boy cracked an eye open, look positively murderous.

"What, Yuuchi?" he hissed.

Yuuichi smiled tiredly, crouching down to whisper to Kyoya.

"Suoh's vitals are stable. He's gonna be fine, he woke up a while ago but he's asleep again now. If you wanna go sit with him, you can."

Kyoya was instantly more awake at the news, sitting up and putting on his glasses.

"Was it sepsis? Could you confirm it?"

"Yes, it was. He flatlined once, but he pulled through. He fought off most of the infection by now, but we are going to keep him here for another week to make sure he stabilizes completely. Tamaki was lucky though, if you and your friend hadn't acted sooner... well... It's a good thing you caught it in time."

Kyoya nodded, looking down at his hands.

"So.... how are you feeling Kyoya?" Yuuichi muttered quietly after an awkward pause. His younger brother stiffened.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you're going through a lot of stress, I... figured I would check up on you?"

"You've never bothered before."

"Well I'm bothering now."

"Okay, well it's unnecessary. I'm fine Yuuichi," Kyoya glared and threw off his covers. "Don't patronize me."

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