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June 21, 6:25 pm

Kura'in Hospital

Phoenix almost ran to the hospital as soon as he received Simon's call, leaving Trucy with Ms. In'mee, but he wasn't expecting what he found; there where a lot of cops and armed guards, Athena was yelling at one of them while Simon was standing behind her with a mad face.

" Oh Boss, thank god you're finally here!" Athena was so relieved to see him.

" What's wrong?"

" The officers say that they must arrest Apollo and take him to the Detention Center. I managed to revoke that order but they still handcuffed him to his bed!"

" He's the victim here! Why they would want to arrest him? Under which charges?"

" Theft. Your client is a dirty thief Mr. Blue Lawyer" a man rised from his seat and approached Phoenix, he was dressed in a black suit and used a top hat, he was something that you usually wouldn't see at Kura'in. "He took something of my property and I want it back as soon as possible."

" So, you presented the charges. Let me tell you that Apo-my client isn't a thief."

" Can you prove it?"

" I..."

" I know that he has it, I want a confession from him and my precious item back."

" You can't rush this, he's fighting for his life right now, whatever you want can wait."

" It can't. He's not going anywhere until I recover my item!" the man looked surprisingly composed, that fact alone made Phoenix want to punch him right in the face.

" Calm down master, we are in a hospital" an old man had appeared next to the top hat one, he was dressed like an old butler and looked a lot wiser than his "master". "Let me introduce ourselves, this is Baron Alexander Baskerville, England Ambassador and Minister of International Relations of Kura'in. I'm Thomas Barrymore, humble servant of the Baskerville house.

" Yeah, this is Phoenix Wright and Athena Cykes, attorneys at law" said Phoenix in a much less formal way, the old man looked at him in a dissaproving way. " So, you presented the charges. What exactly do you claim he stole?"

" A family relic, I can't say a lot of details but we are sure that Mr. Justice has it."

" How are you so sure?"

" We have a witness." spurted Baskerville just before his butler touched his shoulder, getting his attention and understanding by his glaze that he had to keep silence.

" A witness...who?"

"You can find it out in tomorrow's trial, Mr. Wright." Said Barrymore.

Phoenix and Athena didn't want to give up so easily, but a doctor entered the room with news. He took both lawyers to another hallway but left Simon at the waiting room trying to get a little privacy.

" I will be sincere with you, Mr. Wright. Mr. Justice is alive, but it's very likely that he won't be for so long...I'm sorry."

"W-what? What's wrong with him? There's nothing you can do to save him?" Athena had broke into tears easily, but Phoenix tried to hold himself.

" He has a lot of cuts that vary in severity all over his arms, but the sword caused a lot of damage and blood loss. His right lung has stopped working, he needs a very complicated surgery that we are not able to perform here, he needs to be moved to an speciality hospital in a neighbor country."

" A sword?...boss, what happened?" Athena looked at the doctor "Then there's something that you can do, why you haven't send him already?"

"The arrest order, Athena...he can't go anywhere."

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