The Son of the Dragon

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The case so far:
-Henry Baskerville was accused of murder, the evidence points at him as the true culprit.
-The Professor James Moriarty forged evidence, but it’s still unclear exactly which one.
-Ryuunosuke Naruhodou was killed, however, his death was declared an accident.
-Sherlock Holmes investigates but discovers that Susato is pregnant and hides her along with Iris under the Wright family.
-Sherlock is exposed as a fraud and liar during a public trial in which Moriarty acts as a lawyer to carry on with his plan. His career is ruined and his investigation is put on hold.
-Sherlock manages to ruin Moriarty and confronts him. He discovers that Ryuunosuke was killed because he knew something, Holmes suspected it but was too late. He left something behind after calling for someone by letter and then commited suicide, taking Moriarty along.
-Apollo was attacked at his office. He needs a surgery to save his life but Alexander Baskerville, England’s ambassador in Kura’in, accuses him of theft and impides him to be trasladed.
-Phoenix and Athena took his case to clear his name as soon as possible.
-The weapon used to hurt Apollo was an ancient sword named Karuma, it once belonged to Ryuunosuke but it’s said to belong to the Von Karma family. Franziska claims that it was stolen.
-The crime scene doesn’t show signs of someone entering the office, but the attack certainly happened there.
-Wright has three important pieces of evidence:
   Ryuunosuke’s journal.
It lacks several pages, but shows a connection to Baskerville’s past
   Apollo’s journal.
Among notes from past days, it contains a bloody writting with clues that himself left.
   Sherlock Holmes’ old book.
-Ahlibi said that Baskerville argued with Apollo in the incident’s day morning.

June 21, 10:25 pm
Kura’in Hospital
“Mr. Wright, please come to the clinic as soon as possible. Mr. Justice’s condition has gotten worse, we’re losing him.” said the last phone call Phoenix received. He wasn’t expecting it, he was planning to go to the Embassy and get more info about Ryuunosuke, but he couldn’t leave Apollo, not now when he needs him the most, not now when he may as well spend his last moments alone.
He came along with Trucy, holding her hand in a protective way. When Phoenix finally arrived to Apollo’s room he was surprised to find Nahyuta and Barkerville, arguing quietly in a corner.
“Mr. Wright” greeted Nahyuta.
“Prosecutor Sahdmadhi…” right, he was Apollo’s brother. Phoenix looked at Apollo and noticed that he wore a heavier oxygen mask and now was connected to even more machines, he felt his heart drop. “What happened?”
“He can’t breath on his own.” Nahyuta looked sadly at his brother. “They don’t know how much time he has left.”
“Oh…poor Polly…” lamented Trucy, holding Apollo’s hand.
Phoenix clenched his teeth, Baskerville still had the courage to watch him die. He hold himself together, he had to for Apollo and Trucy’s sake.
“What are you doing here?” he asked Baskerville. The man, however, had lost the confident look he had earlier, he was just standing with a neutral expression.
“I wanted to…meet him”
“Really? You meet him this morning at his own office, don’t tell me you forgot.” Argued Phoenix, remembering Ahlbi’s testimony. Baskerville jumped.
“H-how did you…” but then he covered his face and sighed “I had to discuss a certain suject with him, nothing else. I barely talked to him.”
“What did you discuss?”
“I can’t tell you. But I never thought that he would end the day like this…”
“Are you implying that you actually worry about him? Is this…some kind of bad joke?” Phoenix slammed a small table, startling Baskerville. “Why don’t you retire those charges instead? I assure you that he’s not a thief, I’m not talking as his lawyer but as his friend…you don’t know Apollo as I do, he would never even dear to steal. I’ve watched him grow and I care about him almost like a son. You can’t just leave him die like that…please.” His voice cracked at the last part, Baskerville watched him in awe.
“I-I just can’t retire that charges, or else…” but he bit his tongue lightly, like trying not to talk more than necessary.
“Or else what? Mr. Baskerville, are you…being treathened?”
“Of course not!” Phoenix was expecting Psyche Locks to appear, but not even one was visible. What was he planning then?
“Daddy! Look!” yelled Trucy while looking at the window, she had moved the curtains to see the outside. From Phoenix’s point of view he could see the curtains colored with a soft orange, like if there were fire behind. He got closer, opened the curtains and what he saw left him frozen.
There was a lot of people outside of the hospital, more than Phoenix could count, they had a lot of flags with the symbol of the Defiant Dragons on them, like the day the revolution started. But this time, the people wasn’t fighting or yelling. Each one of them was holding a lighted candle in their hands, the soft light being amplified to look like a strong fire. At the front of everyone were Beh’leeb and Ahlibi.
The reason of their act was unclear until they raised some posters: “Please save the Son of the Dragon”, “Justice for Apollo”, “Beware Baskerville”, “May the Holy Mother save his soul”, “A dragon never yields”.
Phoenix couldn’t believe it, he looked at them all with nothing but amazement. They were all cherishing Apollo, supporting him, everyone wanted him to survive…. He looked at Apollo and couldn’t help but to cry, Nahyuta smiled at him.
“He has helped them all at some point, I’m not surprised at how much they love him.” He said.
Trucy hugged her father.
“It’s so amazing.”
Phoenix haven’t noticed that Baskerville was also watching, his eyes traveled from flag to poster, from candle to face. His fists were closing, he swallowed and then looked at the floor, however, his eyes didn’t show anger, they showed a deep sadness and resignation. Phoenix wasn’t expecting that either, the more he tried to understard Barkerville the harder it was, he had no way to know what was passing trough his mind.
“I…won’t retire that charges.” He stated. “But, I will allow him to receive the help he needs…just, take him to a real hospital for god’s sake, I don’t care.”
Everyone else stayed quiet, not giving credit to what they just heard.
“Thank you!” yelled Trucy “Thank you so much, Mr. Baskerville!” she was crying a lot, Baskerville looked at her, then turned on his heels and proceed to leave the room.
“We will see if what you said it’s true, Mr. Wright. See you in court.”
“Hold it!” Wright reacted, he almost forgot.”Mr. Baskerville, I need to ask you something.”
“What is it, Mr. Wright?”
“What do you know about Naruhodou Ryuunosuke?”
Baskerville flinched lightly.
“I haven’t heard that name in my life”
Five red locks covered Phoenix’s sight, but before he could ask something Baskerville exited the room, taking his locks with him. Now it was clear, there just was something really important between Naruhodou and Baskerville, Phoenix felt like he was so close.
“Daddy, can you lend me your notebook?” asked Trucy and when Phoenix handed it to her she scribbled something on it before showing it in the window. The people outside smiled and held their candles higher.
“What did you write, Truce?”
“Thank you.”
Phoenix smiled, the doctors entered the room and started to prepare Apollo to be trasladed, he was going to receive the help he needed, he was going to be okay at last. But just before exiting the room Phoenix saw a sign among the crow that got his attention: “The hound won’t defeat a dragon.”
A single word stuck on his mind like if it was some sort of curse.
He felt a shiver ran through his body as he remembered that word written shakily in Apollo’s journal.
“What’s wrong Mr. Wright? You are as pale as a sheet.” Asked Nahyuta.
“Prosecutor Sadmadhi, are you going to prosecute this case?”
“The theft charges? No, the prosecutor will be Franziska Von Karma.”
“F-Franziska!” Phoenix could almost feel the whip hitting furiously at him.”It has to be the sword’s fault…”
“Indeed, the good news are that the trial won’t be tomorrow. You have one more day to investigate, Mr. Wright, I thought you were noticed already.”
“One…more day.” Phoenix suddenly felt light, in a couple of minutes a big part of the burden was lifted from his shoulders even if it was temporary; Apollo was going to receive proper help, he had a whole day to search for more clues and question Baskerville, he already had Ryuunosuke’s diary and Trucy was safe. He couldn’t ask for more at that moment. He sat down in a near chair and let out a long sigh. “Thank god…”
“You okay Daddy?” asked Trucy.
“Yeah” he smiled at her and patted her head. “Just very tired all of a sudden.”
“You should rest a little Mr. Wright, you won’t be very useful if you end up like a walking dead.”
“Just help me with one thing Prosecutor Sadhmadhi, please. Who is the hound?”
“Alexander Barkerville. There’s a tale that says that the Baskerville family was cursed by the spirit of a demon hound, it killed one of its members long ago and tormented another one, that last story is very famous because it’s written in a Sherlock Holmes story. Mr. Alexander used it as an advantage and took the hound as his symbol, it attracts lots of tourists.”
“A Sherlock Holmes story?” Phoenix suddenly found sense on the words that Apollo had left written: “JOURNAL. HOUND. KARMA. RYUUNOSUKE. SHERLOCK. BARKERVILLE”
Ryuunosuke’s journal and his sword, Karma. The Hound, Alexander Baskerville, and his connection to Sherlock Holmes. Phoenix deduced that they were things that Apollo wanted him to look, not things that he already knew. Now, Ryuunosuke’s journal was missing several pages so it would be useless for now, however, Baskerville knew about Ryuu but is trying to hide it. The next step would be said man, Phoenix thought that it would be useful for him to know a little about the hound story, he had one Sherlock book after all.
He opened the book and discovered that it wasn’t a book, it was filled with a lot of notes written by hand. The first page said:
“Ms. Susato, I’m sorry for everything, I’m so so sorry.
Just as you suspected, Mr. Naruhodou’s death wasn’t an accident, he was killed by the man you know as James Moriarty. I have no concrete proof but I’m sure of it, you won’t be able to find proofs either but I assure you that he was punished for it, however, it cost me my life as well. Don’t be sorry for me, it was my decision and now you will be safe too.
However, my dear Ms. Susato, there’s still part of the truth that remains in the dark. I know Mr. Baskerville is involved in Mr. Naruhodou’s murder, I know you will be able to find it out and solve this case that has brought so much pain to us.
I will leave you all the evidence I could find, I hope the best for you. Please, tell Iris that I’m sorry, if it’s in your hearts to forgive me one day I will be so grateful and my soul may rest in peace.
Take care of little Naruhoudou.
Sherlock Holmes.”
At first, Phoenix found himself confused as hell. He thought that it was a joke, that someone was playing to be the Great Detective and wrote everything in that notebook as a joke. But the name of Susato made him consider the idea, she was named in Naruhodou’s journal too.
Sherlock Holmes had to be real…
Phoenix continued checking the book in his way to where they would sleep, at In’ mee’s house. He found notes of Naruhodou’s murder, too detailed that it made him believe that it only had happened a couple days ago.
He stayed at an armchair, reading for a while, however, he was soon asleep with the book still at his hands.
He opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings, however, there wasn’t much to see. It was completely white, there was no walls or furniture, just a light fog.
He knew that he was dreaming, there was no place like this in the real world, he just knew. However, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something in there was familiar. He walked around, searching, and found a black stain not so far from him.
Usually one would be afraid of that kind of things but Phoenix wasn’t, he actually felt attracted to it. He started to get close and with each step the figure turned clearer. It was a man, his back was turned at Phoenix so he couldn’t see his face.
“Uh, hello?” greeted Phoenix. The man flinched and turned suddenly, in his face the surprise was clearly written.
“Ryuuichi?...” the man asked. Phoenix didn’t understand exactly what he wanted to say but now that he looked at him it was a terryfing sight. He wore what looked like an old japanese uniform but it was all covered in blood, his face was full with red streaks as well.
“Uhhh…n-no, the name is P-Phoenix” he was scared, the man seemed to notice it and raised his hands.
“Sorry! Sorry! I-I don’t want to scare you…please, don’t go away!” his voice was shaking and his body seemed blurrier as he get nervous. He touched his head like if it hurt him.
“I won’t! I promise, I promise. Calm down, please.” Phoenix got close and tried to touch him, he managed to put his hand at his shoulder but it only made the man to look at him with his eyes wide open and then touch his arm as well, he was very amazed but quickly took a paur of steps back.
“Sorry, that was rude of me!” he bowed in a polite way but Phoenix only felt a bit unconfortable.”It’s just that…you’re the first person I’ve seen in a while…forgive me.”
“It’s okay. Who exactly are you?”
“Oh, my name is Ryuunosuke, Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, defense attorney. And you are…Wright-san, right?”
“N-Naruhodou?!” Phoenix bit his tongue, the case had to be rooted so deeply into his mind that he was now dreaming about it.
“You know me?!”
“I’ve heard of you, plenty of times just today, actually. Your sword, your journal, your…murder.”
“Oh…” his eyes were sad now, he looked at the ground.
“Also about Baskerville and your fiancé.”
“M-my fi…” he got quiet, touching his head with both hands. “Susato-san!” he yelled. ”Y-you have to tell Holmes-san that it was Moriarty! James Moriarty killed me! But it was on Baskerville’s sake, he’s involved with…with something…ah…why can’t I remember? W-why?” he was panicking again, his body blurred badly until he fell on his knees.
“H-hey! Calm down Mr. Naruhodou, please look at me!” Phoenix kneeled at his level and put his hands at Ryu’s shoulders. “I can’t do that, I-I don’t even know Holmes…”
“He lives at Baker Street, you could easily find him.”
“Mr. Naruhodou…” Phoenix sighed “This won’t be easy to hear but, a lot of time has passed since then, I can’t possibly find him anymore…”
“…” Ryu saw Phoenix again “Y-your clothes, I’ve never seen something like that…” he put his hands at the floor, like looking for support. “Which year is this? Please, Ryuuichi, tell me…”
(Why he keeps calling me Ryuuichi?)a
Naruhodou stayed silent, his head hidden between his arms, Phoenix thought that he had screwed it, me may bit recover from that. But then an idea crossed his mind, was Ryuunosuke…even real?
“A…whole century…” his voice was low and broken, he lifted his head slowly, showing that he was crying. “I-I remember it now…I saw Susato-san a pair of times, she was older but…sad. I knew that a long time had passed but I didn’t think it would be that long…” he sniffed. “Wright-san…”
“I’m sorry, really…”
“You think that…can you…can you help me, please?” he begged.
“Of course!”
“I don’t care what happens to me, I can stay here forever if I must but…my dear Susato.” He wipped his tears. “She can’t rest in peace, I just know it, I can feel her sadness. Please, solve this case!” he looked at Phoenix right in the eye. Phoenix had thought that the truth he just told him would be enough to break him, but now that he looked at his eyes he found a determination and resolve stronger than he imagined, he had never seen anything like that. “If you bring the entire truth to light she will finally find peace! Even if it’s of no use for you, please, I’n begging you.” He unconsciously touched his attorney’s armband. “Save her! Save Susato-san, please!”
Phoenix suddenly felt a pinch. He knew what Ryuunosuke was feeling, he knew it so well. He never cared what happened to him if that meant that Maya would be alright, or Trucy, or Apollo, Athena…everyone he cared about…
On the other hand, he actually needed to know the truth of that case to solve Apollo’s. He just knew that an important clue was hidden for him in there.
“I’ll gladly help you! Someone important to me needs that true as well if you can believe it.”
“But I need you to tell me all you know about it, please.”
“I’m sorry but, as you can see, my memory is a mess. I can hardly remember anything at all now…” his face was sad, vut Phoenix wasn’t going to give up so easily.
“You had a journal, it lacks several pages so it must had something important.”
“My journal!” he yelled, happy “I put everything on there! Everything! Even if I can’t remember you will surely find all in there!” He poked at his chest poket “The lacking pages! I tore them up to hide them!”
“W-what?! Seriously?!”
“I just…can’t remember wher I put them…but! Ryuuichi! I was inside a carriage when I hid the pages, the windows were sealed so there must be a place in the inside that would definitely contain them!”
As Phoenix had read in Sherlock’s book, the police and himself had checked the entire carriage and nothing was found. If Ryuu was sure that he had hidden them then it must had been in something that wasn’t at the final crime scene. He would find it out if it was the last thing he would do.
“Thank you so much, Mr. Naruhodou!”
And then, Ryuunosuke smiled and for an instant the blood that covered his face was almost unnoticeable, his smile was far too great. Phoenix could swear that he had seen a smile just like that one somewhere else.
Just as Phoenix thought that last the suddenly woke up. He was again at the armchair, the Holmes’ book was closed at a near coffee table and he was covered by Trucy’s cape.
He thought carefully at what he had just dreamt, not knowing if it was of actual help or just a crazy invention of his head. And then he stuck with the realization that he had never actually seen Ryuunosuke’s face or aspect and yet he had saw it, so clearly that the could touch him…
He know for a fact that ghosts were real, the chance that he had seen the man’s ghost was completely possible. He even had the wounds that killed him.
Another point was that he had called him in a way that he had never heard before. “Ryuuichi”. What exactly did that mean?
He took Ryuu’s journal and checked it quickly trying to find said word, he was surprised to actually find it and even more when he read the entire text.
“Ryuuichi” was the name meant to Ryuunosuke’s son.
Then, the ghost had called him like that because he thought that he was his son. No, he had FELT it.
Phoenix knew that because, as strange as it sounds…he could felt that too. Like they were father and son, like if they were…family

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