Unmasked Truth

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June 23, 9:00 am

Defendants Lobby

“I’m here Mr. Wright!” yelled Athena, entering the lobby. Phoenix was sat next to Trucy, conforting her with his good arm while Taka was perched in his shoulder. “Taka!”

“Oh yeah, he refuses to go…” Phoenix’s face turned serious “Are you okay, Athena?”

“Oh, yes. It surely scared me but I wasn’t attacked. Neither did Trucy, right?”

Trucy shook her head.

“I can remember the Hound yelling “Not the girls!” said Trucy “Why do you think?”

“I have no idea to be honest. I thought it was just a gentleman but then he almost cuts off my nose.”

“I’m glad you both were spared any harm, thought I would like to know why the Hound was behind us.” Phoenix realized that, in order to discover the motive, they must know the real identity of the Hound in the first place. “Oh, Athena! How’s Simon?”

“Mad, reaaally mad.” Athena sighed “He insist that it was no fair fight, that it was no defeat for him and that he would like to fight again without the dog pulling his arm down. But I said it nicer.”

“I was afraid for him to try seppuku or some samurai thing.”

“Oh no no, seppuku is to recover one’s honor, he says he didn’t lose his since his opponent was a cheater.”

“Well, at least he’s eager to live. I wish we could have investigated what we truly wanted.”

“Actually, Mr. Wright.” Athena displayed some things over a table, there was some photos and documents. “While you were in the hospital Ema and me recovered some information. Mr. Baskerville was at the manor all the time, Mr. Barrymore lied to us. Actually, Mr. Baskerville is the main suspect of your attack.”

“Wow, great job Athena! Wait…so he’s arrested?”

“No, it’s very strange. Ema says someone is interceding and prevents him from being arrested.”

“He’s that powerful? Damn…”

“But the Energy Company received two reports of failures from the Manor; one from yesterday at the time of our attack and one from the day before, at 3:30 pm.”

“What? That’s half an hour before we found Apollo, can’t be a coincidence.”

“True, but Apollo was found at his office, not the Manor. And we don’t know if he went there in first place. What we know for sure is that who attacked us yesterday was the one that attacked Apollo as well.” Athena pulled out the Hound’s mask, bagged and labeled as evidence.”It has traces of Simon and Apollo’s blood. Ema couldn’t find any traces that could lead us to the Hound’s identity but we know that this mask is actually part of Mr. Baskerville’s collection, it was disposed like a museum piece in one of the rooms. Here, we got a photo of the exhibition.”

Phoenix looked at it and it indeed showed the mask, displayed at a wall like a trophy, it was meant to represent the head of the Baskerville’s Hound that appeared at Holmes’ book. However, there was another thing that caught his attention; a black and small journal, identical to Naruhodou’s.

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