Heritage for the Future

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June 26, 8:15 pm
Speciallity Clinic.

"So, Mr. Wright. This "Naruhodou Ryuunosuke" not only ended up being the key to our case but also your great great great grandpa?" asked Athena.
"And then suddenly Prosecutor Von Karma can't treat you like a fool because you're Naruhodou's honorable descendant."
"So she says."
"And she gave you a sword, and Baskerville gave you your great great great grandparents' belongings."
"I'm sure that's pretty illegal."
"Exactly which part?"
"Carrying a sword! Especially the one that hurt our Apollo! What are you going to say to him?"
"I can't hide anything from him even if I want to."
"I can already imagine you Daddy, "Hey Apollo, I know you almost died but hey, I got my heritage I didn't know I had from a japanese old ghost." mocked Trucy.
"Believe it or not, that will sound normal to him. It can easily be his everyday." Answered Nahyuta, who was getting closer to them.
"Prosecutor Sahdmadhi! How are you? How's Apollo doing?" asked Phoenix.
"He's recovering quite fast, the doctors say that he may wake up soon, it would be awesome if you could be here by then, Mr. Wright. I know he would be happy to see you." Nahyuta looked tired but his eyes were shining with hope."You can go visit him at his room, it's still time. I'll go fetch some food if you don't mind"
"Oh no, go ahead Mr. Sahdmadhi, thank you so much!"
They almost ran to Apollo's room, eager to see him after everything. He still looked small to Phoenix, but he was less pale and he didn't need a machine to keep breathing anymore.
"Aw, Polly." Trucy sat at his side, holding one of his bandaged hands.
"Now that I think about it, he had a lot of bad luck...I'm really glad that he's alive." Said Athena."By the way, Boss, why do you think Apollo's father had Ryuunosuke's journal?"
"That's a pretty funny question, actually. To answer, I must say that I may be Naruhodou's descendant but even Mr. Holmes told me that I didn't look like him."
"Oh yeah, and you showed him something and he bursted in laugh. What was it?" questioned Trucy.
"A photo of you and Apollo."
"You have one of me too?" asked Athena.
"I'm afraid I'm not."
"Awww, you clearly have your favorites..."
"But wait, then why did Sherlock laugh? Why did you show it to him in the first place?" Trucy was curious. Phoenix smiled and pulled something out of his inner pocket, giving it to Trucy.
"Have you seen Mr. Naruhodou closely? Try to imagine him with Apollo's eyebrows"
"Huh? AH, NO WAY!"
"What happens Trucy? Let me see, let me see!" Athena also looked at the photo, then at Apollo."YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS" Athena had her mouth open."Mr. Wright! They are so alike! Whyyy?! That means you're related somehow?!"
"Not really. A hundred years it's a pretty long time, the Wright name got lost at some point, or maybe it wasn't even a Wright, a lot of things could have happened. But genetics are really strong, sometimes very recent generations show features of really old ancestors, it may be Apollo's case." Phoenix had found the resemblance when he remembered Ryuunosuke smiling at him. It was a warm and energetic smile, just like Apollo's. Then he confirmed his theory when Sherlock also saw his friend in Apollo.
"Woaaah, that's amazing! To think that you two share Naruhodou's blood makes our Agency more interesting, maybe you were destined to be lawyers!"
"Hah, maybe!"
Maybe he did, indeed. Everything in his life felt like coincidences now, to think that not just one but two descendants of Naruhodou would end up wrapping up his case, solving the reason behind his misterious death. Phoenix wondered if the ghost was finally able to rest in peace, he stopped dreaming with him the day of the trial even if he had spend the next days reading his journal and Sherlock's, getting to know him better. He truly wished to see him again.
The night fell soon enough and Nahyuta along with Athena left the hospital to rest. Phoenix and Trucy stayed at Apollo's side.
"Sometimes I really miss Japan, I miss its clear sky and the cherry blossom everywhere. London it's always cloudy and even foggy, being in the streets makes you feel like you're inside of a mistery book in which everything could happen at the blink of an eye.
But, whenever I feel homesick I wake up and realize that all I need it's here, in London. In the 221 B of Baker Street. Here, at the warm scent of herbal tea filling the room and the ocassional stench of a chemistry I had never hear about.
I realize that I can find Japan's clear skies and cherry blossoms in Susato's eyes, always looking at me with love. I can always find a warm smile at Iris' face or expect a weird story from Holmes-san, right in front of the soft cracking sound of the fire place.
I realize that my family is here, that the people I care and love the most is right at my side and then I feel like I'm right at home."
Phoenix read. He couldn't relate more to him even if he wanted to, he know that feeling too well. He looked at Trucy, asleep with her hear over Apollo's bed, and smiled. He felt right at home too.
Soon, he also fell asleep and as he started to dream, he saw the now familiar white mist.
"Mr. Naruhodou!" he called, and then he saw him.
At first he only saw his back, but as he was getting closer he distinguished that he now had the sword Karma at his hip, along with a colorful armband.
"Mr. Naruhodou!"
He turned, now his face was clean, his body didn't have any blood and his eyes were shining. He saw Phoenix and smiled greatly.
"Ryuuichi! He ran towards Phoenix but stopped just a few steps from him."Y-you did it! You solved the case, you discovered where I had hidden those pages! You made me recover my memories...you..." he sniffed, wipping some tears."You saved them and even me...I'm so, so glad with you, I can't even put into words how much I thank you. I just, arigato...I mean...thank you, thank you so much, Ryuuichi."
Ryuunosuke was crying but also smiling, he couldn't help himself and hugged Phoenix tightly.
"I'm so glad..."
"It's okay, I'm sorry that you had to wait for so long."
"I was eager to wait an eternity if that meant saving Susato-san...it was all thanks to you."
There were people standing not so far away, Phoenix looked at them closely. He recognized the young woman in kimono and the little girl next to her. They appeared as Phoenix and Naruhodou remembered them.
Susato smiled gently to Phoenix, surely feeling the faint tie that joined them. But then, as she saw Naruhodou her eyes turned glassy and tears started to fell immediately.
Ryuunosuke turned around and saw them, he stayed quiet for a moment, like mesmerized, then cried. Susato was holding the hand of a small child, who looked at Ryuunosuke with admiration. Naruhodou blinked and looked at Phoenix, puzzled.
He truly could be read like a book, Phoenix realized.
"That's right, I'm not Ryuuichi. My name is Phoenix Wright, and I may not be your son, but I'm indeed your family. Now go, you have waited long enough."
Ryuunosuke laughed, put a hand on Phoenix shoulder and squeezed it lightly.
"Thank you, Phoenix Wright..."
And then he ran to where his family was waiting. He hugged Iris and then carried his son, small as Susato remembered, hugging him tightly. Neither Susato or him could stop crying, he also hugged her and kissed her forehead. Phoenix felt like he was going to cry too.
"Mr. Wright." He was distracted by a loud voice, coming from his side. He turned just to find Sherlock's grey eyes locked on him, he smiled. "You finally put an end to this century-long case, thank you so much. Now, you have to wake up!" he put his hand on Phoenix's shoulder and, for a strange reason, it felt way more real than Naruhodou's "You also have someone waiting for you. Wake up, Mr. Wright! WAKE UP!"
Phoenix jumped and opened his eyes. He was at the hospital, still sat in his chair with Naruhodou's journal open in his hand. He still felt something on his shoulder and that scared him.
"Mr. Wright?"
When he recognized the voice calling his name his heart skipped a beat.
"Apollo!" he yelped, waking Trucy up."Apollo for god's sake you're awake!" He tried to hug him without hurting him and his own arm as well. Apollo chuckled slightly.
"Are you... crying, Mr. Wright?" Apollo's voice was still weak, but hearing it was a blessing.
"How couldn't I Apollo?...how couldn't I..."
When Phoenix got up he saw that Apollo was also crying but smiling. Just then, it was like if he was seeing Naruhodou again.
"Polly I missed you so much!" said Trucy, playing with his hair, his horns fallen forward but still there."How do you feel?"
"I'm fine Truce..." he said, pattin Trucy's head softly. "I'm fine!"

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