The Hound of the Baskerville

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"Mr. Barrymore, you saw Mr. Justice before he entered his office!" Sherlock shouted, pointing at the old man. "And you saw him already wounded, and if he was running away from who hurt him there's no other moment in which you could have seen the wounds. Nobody saw him running, and if he was our Hound Ms Ettary should have seen his wounds but it wasn't the case. The Hound she saw was spotless, and running. Now we know that it was chasing Mr. Justice, only you could have taken the mask, only you knew about the journal and only you saw him hurt!
Phoenix looked at Barrymore, feeling a mix of anger and surprise within his chest.
"AGGHHHH" screamed the butler.
"B-but...Mr. Barrymore could never hurt someone. He...he just—" babbled Baskerville.
"No, master. Please stop..."
Baskerville looked at the butler with his eyes wide open.
"It's over, there's no way to keep hiding it, master, I'm truly sorry."
"It's just as Mr. Holmes says. I...chased Mr. Justice to his office, that's how I saw his wounds. But please, let me explain, I didn't want to kill him...honest."
"You will tell us even the smallest detail, Mr. Barrymore." Said the Judge.
"Yes" he looked defeated, almost older than he already was "It all started that morning when Mr. Baskerville came back from Mr. Justice's office. He told me about the journal and I understood what that just meant. I swore loyalty to this family the same way my ancestors did and I always served my masters well, I took care of Alexander since he was a baby...if that journal became public, if someone dared to investigate that case then Alexander would lost it all, his position as ambassador, his home...I just couldn't let that happen." He was too ashamed to look at his master, keeping his eyes in the floor."Mr. Justice had refused to sell his journal and, knowing that guy, he would try and discover everything. I panicked like I had never before, I truly didn't know what to do until I saw him, entering the mansion and trying to examine our journal."
"You saw Apollo?" Athena asked.
"Yes, he's hard to ignore with that horns of his and his red vest. Then, I had an idea. I unleashed an attack dog I keep for guarding the manor, I just wanted to scare him until I could hide the journal and renegociate with him."
"The same dog that you sent after us...but Apollo had no bites!"
"W-well, the thing is that...Mr. Justice scared the dog..."
"W-what?! Are you kidding me?" said Phoenix, thinking about the giant dog who almost ate him and the small Apollo who trembled like a newborn deer when he was in a high place. Such idea sounded like total madness. Sherlock covered his mouth with a hand trying to hold a laugh.
"No, I'm serious. That guy has a strong voice, he got scared of the dog and started screaming at it, then he got confident and was almost growling at my dog until it ran away. I couldn't believe it!"
"So his Chords of Steel finally were useful for something huh?" Athena was done.
"When I saw the dog running at his cage like a coward I panicked, I truly started to do the first that came to mind. I turned down the electricity and took the mask, it glows in the dark so I thought it could be pretty terrifying, and Karma. I found him and tried to scare him away, but that goddamned kid! Instead of running like a normal person he screamed and punched me! I got really mad and lost control, I fought him and that's how I cut his arms, he protected the rest of his body pretty well because he was trying to escape at the same time and I often hit that bracelet of his. He managed to open a door and was about to leave, that could have ended there! But it wasn't my day, I had such a lot of bad luck!"
"You started! You deserved that punch to the face!" commented Trucy. Phoenix touched his jaw, he was sure of how hard Apollo can punch. ("Yeah, he has a talent for punching people who deserves it" he thought)
"What happened then? Why did you continue to chase him?" asked the judge.
"He recognized me."
"I don't know! He called me "Mr. Barrymore?" I flinched and he touched his bracelet, then his eyes went wide open and I panicked."
"Apollo can perceive anything, I don't doubt he saw something oh you that gave you away. You said that he had visited the mansion before, right, Mr Baskerville?" explained Phoenix.
"Yeah, at least two times."
"You have a nervous tic, Mr. Barrymore. Everytime you're caught your shoulders jump in a funny way." Said Trucy."You did it many times during this trial."
Phoenix had almost forgotten that his daughter was a Gramarye too and could easily perceive.
"But if I do that when I'm caught, how did he recognized me first? Okay, my tic gave me away, but he asked first! I never spoke, everyone wears the same uniform and I was wearing a mask, just how?! That's a question that steals my sleep!"
"He must have quite the deductive skills." commented Sherlock.
"Please continue, Mr. Barrymore. We shall explain that later." Said the Judge.
"Ghg...all right. After he recognized me I lost my mind and attacked him again, he ran as fast as he could but I couldn't let him go! I was going to ruin everything, all my chances of solving our problem quietly were gone, I was scared. I ran after him until he entered his office and locked the door, then I saw the window and decided to enter from there..." he clenched his fists, he was trembling slighty. "I wasn't thinking straight, I could have broke the window by hitting it with the hilt, my gloved fist or even a stone...but I thrusted the blade into the window, like stabbing it, I felt it hitting flesh and getting stucked in something so I dropped it in fear. When I saw to the other side of the broken window I saw Mr. Justice with the sword piercing his chest, he was unconcious but I thought that he was dead, all the blood that stained his vest made me go cold and run away like a coward. Thank god you arrived shortly after and could save him, now with the truth out all my actions turned to be useless, all I feel now is regret...I'm so sorry Mr. Baskerville, I failed you."
"So, you did it in order to save your master. Good motive, bad methods...I'm tired of hearing that, ever since my time. Mr. Naruhodou's death was because of a man who wanted to be free but did the wrong thing. I read Ms. Susato's letter, Baskerville was full of regret as well but he still begged her to hide the information..." Sherlock was covering his eyes. If Trucy showed him all the evidence then he now knew the whole truth. "You're no better than him, Mr. Barrymore."
"I had no choice!"
"Wrong. Mr. Justice only seeked the truth, you could have made a deal. And still, you not only attacked him, you also went after Wright and his friends after they discovered Karma's secret. You were eager to bury Mr. Naruhodou's case, to let the truth to be lost forever, to let him be forgotten...all in the sake of your master, or in yours, perhaps? Mr. Baskerville has said many times that he didn't want to be the Ambassador, why did you never listen to what he had to say? To what he wanted? If you truly were so worried about his wellbeing that's where you should have started..."
"I-I..." Barrymore looked older, tired and sad. Holmes' words had hit him hard, he couldn't deny them even if he wanted to.
"Barrymore" Baskerville called him, the old man flinched. "I can't forgive what you did, it isn't what my father would do, either. You know it. But..." he was crying now. "Thank you for always taking care of me, you don't have to worry anymore. I may lost everything now, but it's also a new beggining, one I'm now free to build for myself, I promise you it's going to be great. I will be fine."
Barrymore started crying too, he finally looked up at his master.
"Master Baskerville..."
Phoenix didn't know what to think anymore, he shared Sherlock's anger but he also knew what it feels to want to protect someone to the point of madness. He remembered running across a burning bridge or almost freeing criminals to save Maya, forging a card to save his daughter. He could have made the same mistake as Barrymore easily and he would not regret it, not as long as his loved one is safe.
Athena looked at Barrymore and Phoenix, hearing for a moment the same sound from their hearts.
How fascinating was the human heart to simpatize even with those who had hurt them. At the end, they were all but humans.
"This trial has been quite the productive one; the defense solved a century old case, putting to test Mr. Baskerville's job. They discovered who hurt Mr. Justice and proved his innocence, that was the main point of this trial. I see no reason to prolong it." Explained the judge."Does the prosecution have any objection?"
"No, your Magistry."
"Good. Mr. Holmes, then it's time to bid you farewell, are you ready?"
"Just a minute, your Honor, please." Rayfa started to prepare the magatama that would let him go back to rest in the meantime. Sherlock faced Wright and the girls, then he patted Trucy's head. "You're quite the good assistant, you remind me so much of Ms. Susato. Keep being the awesome girl you are." Trucy giggled. Sherlock shook Athena's hand next."Thank you thank you, you did a great job! I'm sure you will be a legendary attorney!" he then stepped close to Phoenix, he sighed and smiled sadly but grateful. "Thank you so much Mr. Wright...your team finally solved the case that took too many lives. Mr. Naruhodou will finally be able to rest in peace all thanks to you. I'm really glad."
"I'm glad too, Mr. Holmes, thank you for all your help." He took the photos from Susato's journal and gave them to him. Sherlock's eyes went wide open, but then glassy."Nobody will ever forget you all, I promise."
Then Sherlock started crying, his hands that were holding the photos were shaking.
"M-my family..." Sherlock remembered all those days they spend together, solving cases and just dining together as a family. His tears just couldn't stop but there was a smile in his lips and relief in his heart. "Thank you for finally putting us to rest, my friends...I'm ready to face them again, Ms. Susato, my dear Iris and...Mr. Naruhodou. *snif*"
"Mr. Holmes, sorry to ask but, where's Naruhodou buried?"
"You want to visit him? Let me write it down for you. I have no doubt about Mr. Naruhodou's blood running through your veins, but you look different. He was small and thin, you look strong, also your face is completely different."
"I don't know if you will believe me, but I met him." Phoenix scratched his chin. "And now that my mind is clearer, I finally get why his smile seemed familiar..." he took his wallet clumsily with his only hand, pulled out something and showed it to Sherlock. "I would like you to look at something before you go."
Sherlock looked at the thing and gasped, then he started laughing but also crying of happiness.
"Mr. Wright!" Holmes hugged him, being careful with his wounds but still embracing him as strong as he could. "Please, take good care of this young man! I'm really happy to see him, I can't put it into words. And take care of yourself too...and the girls, I waited a century to meet you and it was all worth it. THANK YOU."
Then, cleaning his tears and giving back the photos to Phoenix, Sherlock walked to where Rayfa was holding the magatama, she smiled to him as he touched it, and he couldn't feel better.
"Ms Susato, Iris, Mr. Naruhodou... it's finally over." He whispered just before closing his eyes and departing with a smile, being sure that those who he loved were waiting for him.
June 23, 8:00 pm
In'mee's home
The defense team was finally able to rest, it had been a very hard day. Being cuddled in a sofa after eating dinner felt almost surreal.
Simon was still at the hospital and Nahyuta had traveled to watch over Apollo since the trial ended. The team would travel later as they were waiting for Phoenix to feel better.
Everyone was already falling asleep when someone knocked the door. Beh'leeb went to open it, just to come back a few minutes later.
"Mr. Wright, they are waiting for you." She said.
"Huh? For me? Who?"
"Prosecutor von Karma."
Phoenix flinched, impressed. He almost ran to the door as curiosity was eating him alive. He had noticed Franxiska's weird behavior, she sure had changed a lot and he wanted to know why. When he opened the door Franziska was there indeed, but also Baskerville.
"Ms. Von Karma...Mr. Baskerville, what are you doing here?"
"It's not like I want to, Mr. Wright." Answered Franziska, Phoenix had found his perfect moment to strike.
"There it is...what happened to you, Ms. Von Karma?"
"With me? Nothing, I'm perfect."
"No no, you changed you behavior. You were eager to solve the case even if that would mean the defeat to you, I just can't understand."
"And you don't need to, people always changes and it have been like 10 years since we last met."
"Yes, but you suddenly stopped calling me "fool" but just me, everyone else was still foolish. This has something to do with the sword, right? you were trying so know the truth, then."
"I may have stopped calling you a fool, but you still are one." She crossed her arms. "I was just...curious. So many years of seeking perfection leave me with no time at all for what I wanted. I realized that years ago, thanks to Miles Edgeworth, he always follows the law as if it's his life, but he also knows to follow his heart when it's necessary. I finally got the chance to try it."
Phoenix had his mouth open, he was impressed at how much she had grown up, he was happy for her. It was like if Manfred Von Karma's ghost was finally left behind by his daughter. He smiled.
"You haven't changed at all, huh? Still smiling like a fool. Anyway, I had always wondered about that sword, just why it was so special? Why was it something as worthy as to carry it as a name? If I had made my work perfectly I would have retrieved the sword but I would let the truth to get lost. So, in the sake of it, I did a bad job."
"It wasn't bad, my employee will never forget that whip and we reached the truth together."
"Like I care! I got what I wanted at the end so I still won!" she cleaned her throat. "Mr. Wright, what do you know about the sword?"
"Hmm, that it's name is Karma and long ago it belonged to the Asougi family, until Kazuma passed it down to his best friend, Naruhodou Ryuunosuke."
"Correct, then Naruhodou died and Sherlock Holmes gave it to my ancestors, the Von Karmas. The reason why I can't call you a fool even if I wanted to it's because we swore to protect it until it's true owner appears. Ergo, a descendant of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou."
"W-wait, what?"
Franziska showed him the sword, contained within it's case and with the red band tied to it again.
"During the trial, we proved that you descend directly from him. So, as his true owner I shall give it to you, it's clean now that it won't be used as evidence anymore."
Phoenix received it, feeling as if he was waiting all his life for that moment..
"T-thank you! But wait, not anymore? What about Mr. Barrymore?"
"He confessed everything and gave himself in, they closed the case. " explained Baskerville, he looked sad but his eyes were shining in a way that never before.
"I'm sorry Mr. Baskerville."
"Don't be, Mr. Wright. It was all result from our actions, nothing else. You were right after all." He pulled out from his jacket a small box and a black journal that Phoenix recognized instantly."There were two, Barrymore hid the other. Yours talks about Sherlock being a sham or the wedding ring?"
"Huh? The wedding ring if I remember well."
"Then yours it's the real one. Ours it's the forged one, Moriarty used it as evidence to free Henry Baskerville. I have this box for you too, there are all of Susato's belongings that remained. As you may have deduced, she accepted blackmail so she could take care of her son in peace. However, her journal dissapeared, no one was able to find it until now, I can't stop wondering how she managed to hide it but seems like it was the key to solve this mistery."
Baskerville gave the objects to Phoenix, who was really surprised.
"Why are you giving them to me? I thought you were a descendant too."
"Heh, no! Not by blood, anyway. To find Susato's journal my ancestors did even the impossible, they managed to make her inherit her things for them but they still never found it. She was a woman to fear."
"Thank you Mr. Baskerville. What will you fo now?"
"I'm no longer England's ambassado, but I received a letter for another job. Now that we know that Sherlock was real, England it's a total madness, I will be leading an investigation team to find every last detail about Sherlock. That will surely include Mr Naruhodou and Ms. Susato, so I'm here to invite you into the team. It doesn't have to be now, we have a lot to do first, but I'll invite Mr. Justice too, after all, his father had the real journal and we have no idea of why."
"It sure seems interesting! Good luck Mr. Baskerville. You will finaly travel around the world as you wanted. "
"And I'm eager to!"
"Hey, Mr. Baskerville, how could Barrymore attack Apollo and us without hurting civillians?"
"Oh, you can be the smartest lawyers around the world, but you still never read...the Manor was under some renovations and was close to public. Ms. Ettary had no idea either."
"Always a fool, Phoenix Wright."

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