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June 21, 9:00 pm

Justice and Co. Law Offices

Phoenix felt like he had no time to lose and went back to the crime scene to find as much information as he could. To his surprise, Ema Skye was already in there, staring at Apollo's blood stained chair.


"Mr. Wright! Oh!" she looked at him "I didn't know that you were here, you even brought Trucy."

"Trucy?" he turned and saw his daughter standing just behind him, she was looking at the floor in shame. "Trucy! What are you doing here? I told you to—" Phoenix found himself unable to scold her when he saw a pair of tears falling from her eyes.

"Polly…" she was now looking at the blood too. "I'm sorry daddy, I just couldn't stay quiet anymore…I have something very important to tell you."

"Truce…what's wrong?" Phoenix saw the same Psyche-locks from before, but now they were trembling like crazy.

"If Polly is hurt I don't want to hide information from you if that helps to find the truth, I think he would do the same…" the locks exploded almost all together. Phoenix was relieved but also very worried, he thought that he would be unable to break these locks due to the bond between his daughter and Apollo, but if Trucy took the iniciative all by herself that meant that she was really scared…scared enough to reveal that secret to him "Polly sent me a message while we were on the plane, he asked me to retrieve something and keep it safe for him. But he told me that it was important that I kept it a secret from everyone…"

"Something…for you to retrieve?"

Trucy then held in her hand her old magic panties, Ema stared at them with a confused look in her face until Trucy appeared a small black book in her hands. She gave it to Phoenix who looked at it carefully.

"Don't tell me…" he opened it and felt his heart skipping a bit; right in the first page, written in english and also japanese, was the name "Naruhodou Ryuunosuke"

"You knew about it Daddy?" asked Trucy.

"…" Phoenix looked at Ema, but she still looked confused.

"I have no idea of what it is Mr. Wright, and as long as it's something irrelevant to the case I have no reason to take it to the police" that's right, the only lead to that diary being important was written in Apollo's journal so the cops and Ema had no way to know of its importance, however, Ema was smart and knew that if Apollo wanted to hide it it would surely be important. And still, she let it pass.

Phoenix needed to check that diary, however, it was dangerous to see it in there amd he still needed all the info he could obtain from the crime scene.

"Thank you Trucy, I owe you one" Phoenix kissed his daughter's forehead and put the journal at his jacket's inner pocket. Trucy hugged him.

" Will Polly be okay?" she asked. Phoenix remembered Apollo's words and gulped, he couldn't hide anything of her even if he tried to..

" I'm not sure…but let's hope the best for him, okay?" Trucy nooded, he patted her head and then looked at the young detective. "Ema, what did you find here?"

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