10 Hazen.

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Paige can't find a thing to wear in her walk-in closet.

"What do you wear to a park?" She asks Missy. They have a date with all the other kids for a picnic. Missy rustles through Paige's wardrobe of designer labels. In what world does this woman live, she wonders.

"Get your car keys. We're going shopping."

Target. Missy walks confidently while, behind, Paige pushes the red cart. For the record, Paige has never been to a discount department store. Missy hands Paige a pair of jeans. Paige checks the price tag, something she has done little of in her life.

"That's all they cost?"

"That's the idea," Missy says. "It's no big deal if you get them dirty."

"Dirty?" Paige tries to imagine how that will play out.

In accessories, Paige tries on a scarf. Missy doesn't think much of it and pulls Paige's hair free of the ever-present hair clip. She has great shoulder-length hair.

Paige checks her reflection in a mirror and smiles.

In the makeup aisle, Paige eyes a severe dark shade of lipstick. Missy hands her a pale shade.

"This one is better for you."

"She's right," the makeup clerk says. "It softens your lips."

An hour later, a jubilant Paige and Missy bound into the house, laden with shopping bags. Riley greets them with a grim expression.

"Before you say anything," Paige says, "I spent less than half what I used to for a pair of shoes, plus I got you some cargo shorts."

"Babe," Riley starts. Before he can continue, a woman who appears to be forty, but dresses as if she's still twenty appears behind him. Missy takes a half step behind Paige.

"Oh," Paige says. "Hello."

"This is Arlene King," Riley says. She's..." Arlene finishes his sentence.

"I'm Missy's birth mama." She kneels before Missy and pulls Missy into her arms. "Oh, my lord. Is that really you?" Missy looks stricken.

Fifty-five minutes later, Charlie Mackerel examines the paperwork that arrived along with Arlene King. Paige and Riley pace until Charlie finishes reading. Arlene visits with Missy in the background.

"Well," Charlie says, "her documentation is complete." Paige wants to know what that means. "It's up to the judge," Charlie answers.

"What judge?" Riley asks.

"She hasn't petitioned for custody yet, but..." Paige cuts her off.

"She abandoned her child." Charlie understands Paige's reasoning but feels obligated to point out some unpleasant facts.

"A child that is a ward of the state—a state that would be very interested in getting Missy off their books." They are too wrapped up in their conversation to notice that Arlene and Missy have approached from behind.

"I don't mean to break up nobody's family. It's been a rough road since Missy was born. But I'm gettin' my act together. Tryin', anyway."

"How can we help you, Arlene?" Charlie asks. Arlene bites her lip

"I know I don't deserve nothing, but I thought if I could spend some time with my little girl, let her get to know me, maybe one day she'd be able to forgive her mama."

"I'm sure we could arrange visits," Riley offers. "You live nearby?"

"I rent a room in Bakersfield." After everyone takes a gasp at the one hundred-thirteen miles of freeway between Bakersfield and the Welphelt's home, Arlene continues. "It's only about two-and-a-half hours each way. I could pick her up and drop her off." Paige snorts like a bull.

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