chapter three

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"Silence: The Sound The Quietness"


Song: Lady In The Glass Dress by Chris Brown

Ashton POV

Happiness. Happiness is what I am right now. It's all happening so fast but it's what I've always dreamed of. My Prince has asked me to be his wedded husband. I feel like a soft feather in the bed waking next to the most beautiful man on earth.

The soft skin hitting on the gentle pillow, my Luke is an angel when he sleeps.

How did I got so lucky?

The colors of my vision are splashing in his image. I smile when I see him next to me. Last night is a unforgettable and unbelievable, so I always thought I would be propose one day in a bit of doubt though, and that day has happened to be yesterday.

Looking at my proposal ring makes me feel happy and cute and girly at some point. It's not really a man's ring, this is definitely a girls ring but I don't care I love it so much Luke paid for so much money for it I feel so bad and guilty but he told me not to worried about it when we were riding back home.

My prince, soon to be my king of my world, taking over my land but I wouldn't mind at all.

I love Luke with all my fucking heart. If I didn't have Luke I wouldn't be in this position so I always bless God for everything that he done in his power. I'm living my dream.

I cannot wait for the wedding though. It's going to be so beautiful. My mum is going to be our maid of honour because she's my mum and I know Liz will feel a little upset about it but maybe there's a way I can have two maid of honours.

Walking on the aide seen my Luke waiting on me smiling really big knowing that he's marrying me as he's been waiting on this moment.

My dreams will definitely come true and live happily with my future wedded husband.


Soon we stood up having breakfast together in a round made of glass siting opposite smiling at each other chatting it up. We were at a hotel as a reminder, Calum and Michael were in another hotel alone. It's been strange. When I got into the hotel with Luke they were being cutely together and slept together and I thought they hated being together in the same bed.

I wanted to ask Luke but I don't have the words to describe now I feel about Michael and Calum. It's not that it's bothering me at all I mean if they are then great but why haven't been told, yeah I can't hear a thing but I'm their best friend too and I should know! Maybe I'm just being an idiot and thinking bad about them.

I try not to hurt me, I just want to enjoy breakfast with my fiancée. I love that word, fiancée, and I can't believe he's my fiancée, I still get the butterflies when I'm with him. I feel home now. My life is so complete. Then, the wedding, oh so much work to do for the wedding.

I'm marrying my best friend.

I love him so much. He's my protector, my home as I've said it so many times.

I love him with all my heart.

I love him.

I love Luke.

I totally love my life.


(A/N): I will update another one soon.

Been busy I have two motherfûcking essays and homework. Reason I haven't update in Fridays because I have work to do and I fall asleep.

Thank you for understanding.

Your second update will be up in a few minutes. These are like fillers some sort of ways.

Silence: The Sound Of Quietness // (Lashton)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant