chapter seven

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"Silence: The Sound Of Quietness"


Song: Christmas Carols

Luke POV

I took my fiancé to the ocean so he could relax. Seen Ashton smile as he watches the seagulls fly above us. I missed that smile.

He made a castle and of course I helped him out making it. The sand was very wet it would dissolve and sink the walls of the castle.

With the tour and him going to the doctor all the time having treatments and finding the solution for his eyes took forever to be together once again.

But I'm so glad it's all over now, but now his ears are the problem.

He wants to hear me once again.

Could the doctors find the answer to Ashton's problems?

I hope so.

Seen ashton read my lips just to know what I'm saying to him seems like he's having a rough trouble to read my lips sometimes.

Even though ashton have forgiven me for the car accident that happened, I could've killed him and I would be in prison for a really long time and cry myself until my death day.

I could never forget that moment. I could've killed my back-then-before fiancé. But I didn't so its a relief and a miracle.

Ashton is happy and that's all it matters

And to be real, I'll do anything like I did it last time, I'll do anything to get Ashton's hearing once again.

What my baby wants is what he gets.

Ashton interrupted my thoughts as he said "Luke!"

I look at him pointing at the seagulls flying around in a group looking like an arrow. I smiled and nodded, "yeah I see it baby" and wrapped my arm around his back neck.

We decided to get something to eat and we did. Ashton wanted some meatballs for some reason but I didn't mind what he wanted, we were just hungry.

I've never been so close to someone like Ashton

Ashton was special

Everyone wanted a piece of him because ashton made people smile and put everyone first before him, even if that's kind of wrong. But he's love. Everyone just admires him and I just got lucky to have him all for myself

The fans have been wondering how's he's been doing.

He quit Twitter because everyone would harass him for no reason and how he's pushing the band out and wants a replacement for the band.

I didn't like those people. And I'm glad he choose to do that to have peace again.

My baby is so precious.

And this will be our forevermore

And yeah

It's going to take some time for my baby to receive this hearing as soon as possible


Christmas as arrived and ashton was excited to open his presents.

I thought ashton would like something worth to keep forever.

When 12 midnight strikes Ashton opens his gift from me like a tiger just wanting to open it.

His eyes wide and he couldn't believe what he's seen.

It was a pair of drumsticks with his name on it.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" He says hugging from the neck as I chuckle and slowly fell on the floor and him on top of me. I brushed his hair off his face tucking it behind his ear and I press a kiss on his lips gently.

Michael and Calum watched us being all cute around them. They thought it was cute as well

I guess you can say this is the best Christmas I've ever had

Spending it with friends

Maybe tomorrow we will spend it with family later today

"We should see our family, suggestions?" Said Michael as he wraps a arm around Calum's shoulder and neck. "I think that's a good idea" Calum agrees with Michael's statement, and he does that a lot often.

"Then we will" I said with a smile on my face looking into Ashton's eyes "as long as this diamond is with me."

And Ashton smiles cuddling in my neck. I truly love this boy, my precious fiancé soon-to-be husband. I just can't wait any longer.

(A/N): Merry Christmas! Hope you got what you wanted.

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