Chapter 3

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When I saw Y/N faint I quickly carried her and call out for help but since no one was there I ran till the street to the hospital, I cried hard cuz i didn't know what will happen next when the doctor came out the room ask "what happened is she ok?!!"unfortunately he said that she is ok and that I can go in, I saw her sleeping she looked so cute and I know she looks like her and it is her but I don't know what happened. She can't remember me nor our past, while thinking I was holding her hand it slowly moved I looked at her she finally woke up she look shocked
Y/N: Jungkook why am I here?, ahh my head is hurting but I remember *head aches again*.
You helped her up and gave her some water, I want to know was  she remembered, what if she finally remember our past. You thought
"Y/N can you tell me what you remember pls?" I asked, she nodded and said " I was playing in the park with a boy, we hold hands and promised something but I didn't know what is it." You were just shock what if I spend more time with her she will remember more.



its been a few weeks since I fainted in the ice cream shop, me and Jungkook had become closer and also that one time where he visited my house we got along so well that even my mom suspected that he is my boyfriend but to be honest I have been getting feeling from him but my head aches when he is there like I remember things from the past. [school bell rings] 'you finally woke up from day dreaming' Sara said, you packed your things then you both went to the cafeteria. when you walked in you felt a hand grabbing your face you turned around who it was, it was Jungkook he gave you a bunny smile and you just smiled back. Sara excused herself and you just nodded," Y/N COMEE HERE" Jimin shouted you and Jungkook went to they're table and you were shock you saw Sara holding hands and chatting with June "ohhhhh that is why she excused herself, seriously how can she hide thid from her friend" you thought she spotted you and said "Y/N I have news.... me and June are dating" she showed me their hands holding each others. I was so happy finally she has her "prince" that she was waiting for "congrats guys I'm happy for you guys I-" then Suga interrupted you and asked " how bout you Y/N when are you and Jungkook gonna get together?" I blushed while I heard that, well thank God that Jungkook answered that for me." well actually I will ask her out now" I looked at him surprised while everyone was cheering, " Y/N will you go out with me?" he asked, I stuttered and said "y-y-yes Jungkook I will go out with you " everyone cheered and shouted while Jungkook gave me a kiss on the cheek, I blushed again and hid my face in his chest. For the rest of the day I cant focus all ii can I think of is that he k-k-kissed me on the cheek but I have to focus since this week is exam week for this semester "the bell rang which means school is over" I quickly packed my things then went to Sara's table and asked her " do you want to go shopping with me plssss, I need new clothes and I know you want too" she raised her eyebrow and said "well of course" we both jumped in excitement but when we reached the door there were two guys blocking our way we looked up and saw our boyfriends then they took our hands and walked separated ways I texted to Sara that we will just go to the mall this Friday she replied with a smiley face :).


we decided to go to the park since I told her i wanted to watch the sunset, when we arrived there she ran right away to the swing set and signaled me to sit beside her she looked so cute I really missed her, I'm just happy that she is with me again then I felt her head resting on my shoulder and she said " Jungkook you know this feels familiar, like we had done this before" "yes we have done this a hundred times Y/N" you thought then after a while the sun was finally setting and both of you admired it. after a while since it was getting dark you decided to tell her that you will walk her home but littlie did you know she was already asleep," seeing her little face sleep feels just like the past" you said after admiring her face for a little while you finally woke her up " Y/N-ah wake up its getting late, come on I will walk you home" the she finally woke up and said "Jungkook-ah can you walk me home?" you chuckled and said " yes Y/N that's what I said i'll walk you home now lets go before your parents get worried.

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