The Audition That Will Change My Life

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3rd Point Of View
The camera starts up to a girl sitting in the middle of the forest stroking a bird as she smiles into the camera.

Aurora: "Oh hello there my name is Aurora and I'm here to talk to you about maybe being on Total Drama if it's not too much trouble!"

The bird chirps as she giggles with more birds landing on her including a bald eagle as it stares deeply into the camera almost judging the person viewing the tape.

Aurora: "If I get accepted onto your show I promise to care for all the animals on the camp oh yes I know it's a rundown camp why you may ask well let's just say a little birdie told me so"

The birds fly off as a bear growls beside Aurora but she calmly strokes his head causing to growl softly and sit down beside her hugging her softly.

Aurora: "I also should mention that I am a photographer for my own blog. It's called 'The Nature Around Us' where I show photos of nature to people all around the world which already has a ton of likes online already"

The bear nuzzles her neck as she chuckles softly before it heads off camera with the birds landing on Aurora again.

Aurora: "Thank you for your time and I hope I put a smile on someone's face today or night depending on when you view this footage Peace"

The birds begin chirping in harmony as she smiles into the camera. The tape ends with Aurora stroking the birds calmly.

Chris McLean the host of the show and Chef are looking back at the footage then to each other with Chef shredding a tear but Chris bursts into tears.

Chris: "Stop.... no more!!!!"

Chef: "Chris.... put her on the show!!! My heart can't take it!!"

Chris sends her an acceptance letter as he wiped away the tears threatening to drip down his face with Chef blowing his nose loudly into a tissue with Chris looking away in disgust.

The Next Day

Aurora is sitting by her computer checking her emails when she hears her next door neighbour Owen cheering in excitement. She peeks out the window to see him jumping up and down as she smiles at him.

Owen: "Hey Aurora Guess what!!!!????"

Aurora: "What is it Owen?"

Owen: "I going to be on Tv!!!"

Aurora gasps in excitement as her computer pings as she walks slowly over to her computer with Owen leaning against her fence which breaks as she lets out a quiet squeal.

Aurora: "Owen.... Me too!!!"

Owen gasps as she gently lands onto the ground and gets hugged tightly by Owen as the two friends pack their bags with some of Aurora's animal friends helping her as she announces on the blog that she will be going on the show.

Elsewhere in the world a young girl by the name of Courtney has just been accepted as she nods her head in approval as she soon heads to her search engine and types into it a popular blog she reads.

She scrolls through the blog until she reads the most recent post saying that the girl who runs the blog will be going onto Total Drama.

It makes Courtney squeal in delight before regaining her composure as she sees the photo of Aurora and Owen smiling together as she packs her bags hoping that they get along.

A/n: Hey Guys hope you enjoyed it so far the image is what I imagine Aurora to look like but all credit goes to the artist who made this image.

Total Drama Island Our Nature Princess (Courtney X Oc X Duncan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin