My Past Has Come Back To Haunt Me

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So Aurora has survived a night in the woods but will a blast from the past keep encouraging her to continue the game? Find out now!
Warning: This Chapter will contain mention of mature themes so be warned.
Lastly this is Aurora's outfit for today.

Courtney's Point Of ViewMan I really messed up with Aurora she totally hates me right now I should have just agreed with her and said sorry to Bridgette now she bonding closer to punk boy

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Courtney's Point Of View
Man I really messed up with Aurora she totally hates me right now I should have just agreed with her and said sorry to Bridgette now she bonding closer to punk boy.

We were all sitting around the campfire after the elimination when Sadie came back from the docks still crying about her bestie Katie.

Bridgette: "It was a long goodbye"

I heard footsteps and sure enough the Screaming Gophers came over to us with leftovers from their tuck shop they're planning something I just know it.

Me: "What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?"

Trent: "We got some extra dessert after our tuck shop party thought you might want some?"

Me: "So what you're just being.....nice?"

Gwen: "Okay Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air it out"

Owen farted which made Aurora snicker along with Duncan as Owen gave her a cupcake before sitting next to her but to me she was sweeter than any cupcake.

Beth walked over to me with a plate of green jelly and I freaked out just for a moment before regaining my composure.

Me: "No!!! I mean no thanks I'm good"

Duncan: "What are you on a diet or something?"

Me: "No!!!! I just don't like green jelly Okay?"

Aurora: "Here you can have half of my cupcake if you want I promise it has no jelly in it only sprinkles!!"

I smirked at Duncan as I happily took it and sat next to her moving closer to her with him glaring at me behind Aurora's back.

Beth went over to Dj but he freaked out when he saw a 'Snake' in the jelly which turned out to just be a gummy worm.

Dj: "SNAKE!!!!!"

Cody: "Chill dude it's just a gummy worm!"

Dj: "Sorry for tripping snakes just freak me out!"

Tyler: "I feel you chickens give me the creeps dude!"

Gwen: "You're afraid of chickens?"

Duncan: *Chuckles* "Wow That's.....That's really lame man!"

Then it turned into a sharefest revealing their worst fears like Beth went on and on about her fear of bugs and Harold's afraid of ninja's.

Gwen: "What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive"

Lindsay: "Walking through a Mine field... in heels"

Owen: "Flying man that's some crazy stuff!"

Total Drama Island Our Nature Princess (Courtney X Oc X Duncan)Where stories live. Discover now