Nature Will Guide Me Here.... Right? Part 2

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So Aurora has met some wonderful people so far but will she get far in the competition? Find out now!!!

Courtney's Point Of View
Why did I even sign up for this show again? I mean sure I want to win a million dollars but come on jumping off a cliff!!!! That's insane not to mention poor Aurora looks terrified.

As this was only part one of our challenge I could clearly think of a plan that would make our team the winners of this challenge.

Bridgette asked who wanted to jump off first and of course that Punk delinquent said 'Ladies first' Ugh!!!! I mean poor Aurora was shaking still.

I pulled her away from the edge as she shyly thanked me which was so cute to me with her gorgeous black eyes staring at me. My heart starting beating so fast I thought I was having a heart attack.

Bridgette decided to jump first thank god which Aurora cheered for her as I couldn't help but feel her positive energy from even being beside her.

She made it into the safe zone as Aurora cheered for her as the others started to jump off as well.

Duncan: "See you at the bottom beautiful"

I glared at him as he jumped off with his arms crossed I mean seriously who does that when jumping off a cliff??

Dj: "No way man I'm not jumping"

Chris: "Scared of Heights?"

Dj: "Yeah ever since I was a kid"

Chris: "That's Okay big guy unfortunately that makes you a chicken for the rest of the day"

He made chicken noises at Dj which he soon stopped as Dj was about to go down the escalator but Aurora gave him a gentle hug as he responded back causing everyone to awe at her including Chris.

Harold and that homeschool boy went next but no way was I jumping luckily I had a well thought out plan.

Me: "Excuse me Chris I have a medical condition"

Chris: "What condition?"

Me: "A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs"

Chris: "Sure you can chicken out but it might end up costing your team the win"

Aurora: "Don't worry Courtney I don't mind!"

See this is why she is so perfect for my team she gets along with everyone and makes sure that we are all equal who wouldn't want a girl like that in their life.

Me: "It's a calculated risk I've seen the other team and I'm certain 9 of them won't jump"

I proudly took my chicken hat and walked towards the escalator quickly in order to watch Aurora jump down. I stood next to Bridgette as Katie and Sadie joined our team together oh god.

Bridgette: "Guys I think Aurora is scared"

I could tell she was shaking as she peered over the edge and stepped back again.

Duncan: "Come on Short stuff you can do it!!"

Geoff: "We believe in you dude!! Party on!"

Bridgette: "Don't be afraid!"

Dj: "You got this don't let fear overtake your mind!"

Eva: "I knew she was nothing but a wimp better yet a chicken!!!!"

3rd Point Of View
Everyone gasps at Eva with Aurora hearing it from the edge of the cliff. She gives Owen a hi-five before facing backwards on the cliff. She takes a deep breath and backflips over the edge.

Total Drama Island Our Nature Princess (Courtney X Oc X Duncan)Where stories live. Discover now