Idk what to call this

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You walk in the house.

Mom: Y/n you look really happy.

You: I am.

Mom: It is cause on your walk you saw a cute boy?

You: Bye mom I'm going to my room.

You go to your room, and your phone beeps. You look at your phone, and you have a message from an unknown number. You check what it says.

(The messages)

Unknown number: Hey it's Payton. This is y/n right?

You: Yep. Hi Payton

Payton: Hey y/n. I was wondering if u wanted to come over to my house tomorrow

You: Sure

Payton: So I'll text u later

You: Ok

Payton: Bye y/n!

You: Bye Payton!


You remember the wish you made on your birthday, to meet Payton Moormeier. That definitely happened. He even asked for your number. You're really happy you made that wish. You're hungry so you grab an apple, a drink and a chocolate bar. You go back to your room and fall asleep watching Netflix.

~The next day~

You wake up at 11:30 and check Instagram and Snapchat like you usually do. You get a text from Payton.


Payton: Hey y/n. U awake yet?

You: Ya


You and Payton keep texting for a while, then you tell him your going to his house. He tells you his address, then you get dressed, put your hair in a messy bun.

You: Is mom here?

Dad: No she's at work. Why?

You: Oh, nothing. Dad I'm going to a friends house.

Dad: Ok be back by

Before he finishes talking you yell thanks and close the door. You walk to the address Payton gave you. You walk up to the house and knock on the door.

A wish /// Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now