2nd time at office/the break up

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You arrive at the office.

Mrs T: Ugh great. Another fight? Really girls?

You: She's still trying to steal my boyfriend

Mrs T: And? What did I tell you last time?

You say quietly "To give up".

Mrs T: What did you say?

You yell "TO GIVE UP".

Mrs T: Calm down!

You: Just saying, you should be telling her to back off cause I'm not gonna stop

Brooke: Excuse me?

Mrs T: How about you both just stay away from each other?

You: Can't really do that, cause I go to MY boyfriend and she's always there

Mrs T: Ok well, Brooke, stay awake from y/n and her boyfriend. If I hear about one more fight your both suspended

Brooke rolls her eyes.

Brooke: Well at least I'd be away from this bi- I mean annoying person

You: Says the one who's tries to steal boyfriends

Your principal says something under her breath.

Mrs T: Alright, Brooke PLEASE just leave Mr. Moormeier and y/n alone. And y/n, I repeat, give up with Brooke. This isn't uncommon for her.

You: And I repeat. I. Won't. Give. Up. So. Stop. Asking. Me. To. Give. Up!

Mrs T: OK well then just don't fight her again!

You: Sorry she asked me to

Mrs T: Can you stop talking back?

You: I'd rather not

Brooke: Well I'm just gonna leave now

Mrs T: Bye girls. No more fights got it? Oh and Brooke go to the school nurse to make sure your nose is fine

You and Brooke leave the office. You head to class because the bell rang, and Brooke heads to the nurses office.

(Skip to lunch)

You spot Payton with some of his friends and you go over to him.

You: Hey Payton

He looks at you, then continues his conversation with his friends. You hold his hand. He pulls his hand away from you.

You: Payton what's wrong?

He turns to you. He seems upset and angry at the same time.

Payton: Why would you punch Brooke?

You: She asked me to and won't leave us alone!

Payton: SO? We could have gotten used to her! But clearly you can't

You: Yeah so? I'm dealing with a lot alright? So I'm sorry I'm annoyed with Brooke

You turn around and walk away. You sit beside Abby, but you don't talk to her.

Abby: Something wrong?

You: Payton and I just had a small fight it's nothing.

(Skip to end of school)

You walk out of the school. Somebody pokes your shoulder so you turn around, and see Payton.

You: Oh hey. Are you here to tell me I shouldn't be fighting Brooke?

Payton: No. I just wanted to say that you broke Brooke's nose, and that

He pauses.

You: And what?

Payton: I don't want to be dating you if you can't deal with Brooke. Yeah she's annoying, get used to it!

You: You sound like my parents talking about Jacob!

Payton: Well then I guess you obviously can't, so we are over until you can used to her!

You: Well if we're over I can't get used to it, and bye then

You turn and walk home. You get to your house and open the door.

Mom: Hey! How was school!

You: Fine I guess

Your brother starts crying.

You: Oh shut up Jacob!!

Your mom starts yelling at you saying you can't treat your brother like that. You ignore her and go to your room, slamming your door shut.

A wish /// Payton MoormeierOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz