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You get home and when you open the door your mom looks worried and angry and the same time.

Mom: Where were you??

You: Something happened at school it's nothing

Your mom notices the bruises.

Mom: So having a bunch of bruises is nothing? What happened?

You: Just a fight it's nothing! I swear!

Mom: So if I call your school your principal will say "Oh it's fine just a small fight"

You: My principal is probably dramatic. I'm fine so bye

You leave to go to your room but your mom grabs your arm.

Mom: I know you think your too old for this but either give me your phone or explain what happened

You: Your not having my phone

Mom: Then what happened?

You: Some girl tried stealing my boyfriend, I got mad, she punched me, I punched back, she threw me to the ground, and her and her friends kicked me but I'm fine

Mom: Are you sure?

You: Yes! Now bye mom

You go to your room and close your door. You check your phone and there is a text from Abby.


Abby: Hey

Abby: What happened I left before anything happened

You: Me and Brooke got into a fight it's fine

Abby: U ok?

You: Ya

Abby: So who's Zoe? I left right after you said that Zoe was a bitch


You don't really want to answer. You haven't really thought about Zoe until you met Brooke. But you want to have a friend so you decide to tell her.


You: Zoe and I were best friends. We met after I moved to North Carolina shortly after I met Payton. We got along so well. At least I thought we did. About a month after I moved here Payton and I started dating and apparently Zoe didn't like that. A year after Payton and I had been dating Zoe text me saying I had always been hanging out with him and she got pissed

Abby: How does Brooke remind u of Zoe?

You: Right after she text me, Payton and I went to the mall I went to the washroom and they were making out she tried stealing my boyfriend

Abby: Wow

You: She had even said I never hang out with her


You start to think about it, and remember, you always were hanging out with Payton, or Payton and Zoe. You were never really with just Zoe.

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