At the principals office

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The principal, Mrs T is waiting in her office when you get there.

Mrs T: So why did that fight happen? You know I don't allow fights on this school property!

You: I'll tell my side of the story first. Brooke was trying to get my boyfriend to break up with me. I told her to back off and she punched me. I punched her back, don't get mad at me for that it's called self defence. Then Brooke threw me to the ground and her and her friends starting kicking me

You show the bruises that you have from them.

Mrs T: Ok Brooke? What's your side?

Brooke: Payton and I used to date and

Payton interrupts.

Payton: I just met you! I've never seen you before today! We've never dated!

Mrs T: Is this true Brooke?

Brooke: Well, we dated he just didn't know... anyways I was just asking if he would ever date me

You interrupt.

You: You asked him earlier and he said no! Do you listen to people??

Mrs T: Silence! Let her finish her side!

Brooke: Thanks Mrs T. Anyways, when y/n called me a bitch I got pissed off and punched her. That's what I do when I get pissed off

Mrs T: Watch your language!

Brooke: Sorry Mrs T. So after I punched her she punched me back then I got more pi, I mean annoyed, and threw her to the ground. I started kicking her and my friends just started doing that too

Mrs T: Payton? What do you have to say?

Payton: Well, at lunch Brooke and her friends did come over to me and she asked if I would date her. Y/n got annoyed. Brooke left and then just before their fight Brooke asked me again. She doesn't know how to BACK OFF!

Mrs T sits quietly for a minute, probably deciding what to do.

Brooke: I really need to go my mother booked a time for me to get my nails done

You: Your nails can wait Brooke

She gives you a look.

Mrs T: Brooke, you need to control yourself. You need to stop bugging Payton and y/n. And your staying after school for the next week for half an hour. Payton, you can leave. And y/n, you should just give up with Brooke

Brooke rolls her eyes then walks out of the office.

Mrs T says quietly "I can't believe it's the first day of school and she's already going to have detention". You and Payton leave the office and go home.

A wish /// Payton MoormeierHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin