Bye Brooke

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You turn to Brooke.

You: Your leaving?

Brooke: Yeah


Everybody in the lunch room turns to look at you.

You: What are you looking at?

Most of them look away.

Brooke: So, I can still text my "best friend" cause I have her phone number and I don't want her to miss me, so, text you later y/n

You: You don't need to text me, I won't miss you

Brooke: I know you will you don't need to deny it

She turns and walks away.

You: I'm so happy right now

Payton: I bet you are

(Skip to end of school)

Your about to walk home when Brooke walks up to you.

Brooke: Thought I'd say bye to you before I leave

You: You don't need to do that

Brooke: Oh ok well bye "bestie"

She walks away, probably to her house. Then you walk to your house. When you walk in your house, the house is surprisingly quiet. You walk up to your room and sit on your bed. You get a text and check it.


Brooke: Hey y/n wanna know why I'm leaving?

You: I don't really care, as long as your gone I'm happy

Brooke: Ok, I'm moving

You: Did u read what I said? I DONT CARE

Brooke: Ya, and I don't care about what u said

Brooke: I'm moving to South Carolina

You: That's good for you, I don't care, so, bye


She doesn't text you again, but you wouldn't have answered if she did text you. Then your mom texts you.


Mom: Y/n your brother isn't eating. I'm taking him to the hospital call me if you need anything

You: Ok


He's annoying, but he's your brother so your still kind of worried. You call Abby, tell her what's happening and talk to her for the rest of the night.

(The next day)

You wake up and do your usual routine. Your mom is back, and your brother is too. Apparently he isn't sick. That's good news. But, you have a headache from his constant crying all night. You grab some medicine and swallow it, then walk to school. When you get to school, you do random things on your phone. Then Payton sneaks up behind you.

Payton: Hey!

You: Oh! Hi

Payton: So uh, sorry about the other day...

You: It's alright I understand I should be able to handle things better but with Jacob....

Payton: It's alright, but can we just be friends for a while?

You: Ok that sounds good

(Skip to end of school day)

You walk out of the school and walk home. You get home and go to your room and do what you normally do. Then since your bored, and Payton and you are friends again, you FaceTime him. He answers after a few rings. You talk until midnight. You fall asleep while FaceTiming him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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