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You start to cry, when your phone beeps. It's Brooke.


Brooke: Hey I heard that Payton broke up with you

You: Yeah? I don't really care

Brooke: Don't care that I know or that you aren't with him anymore

You: That you know

Brooke: So just wanted to let you know

You: Why?


She leaves you on open. You roll your eyes and check your snapchat, then Instagram. You notice that Payton is live. You sit for a few seconds deciding whether or not you should watch his live, then decide yes and watch it. He's just talking about random things. You comment "Hi Payton". He looks at his screen, and then he says

Payton: Hi y/n

Then he says

Payton: So, earlier y/n and I broke up

You sit reading all the comments. They all say "OMG why???" or "But you guys were so cute together" and stuff like that. Your eyes water, so you leave the live, turn off your phone and start to cry. Your mom knocks on the door.

Mom: You ok y/n?

You: Just go away mom!

Mom: Y/n it's ok you can talk to me

You: No! I said go away!

There's silence, then you hear footsteps walking away so you know that she left. You continue crying again. You wipe your eyes, then go back on Instagram. He isn't live anymore. So you text him.


You: Payton

Payton: Yes y/n?

You: If you really want to be with me, you'll understand I can't handle Brooke

Payton: Y/n, I'm sorry your getting in FIGHTS with her and I don't want to deal with that!


He texts you more but you ignore his messages.

(The next day)

You wake up. You put on comfortable pants and a hoodie. You brush your hair, and don't do anything else with it. You grab an apple, put your shoes on, grab your backpack and walk to school, eating the apple on the way. When you arrive at school, you don't look around to see who's at school. You just lean against the wall playing games on your phone. Somebody taps your shoulder and you jump, not expecting it. You turn to see who is there, and it's Abby.

Abby: How are you dealing with, you know

You: Fine I guess

You go back to playing games on your phone. The bell rings, and you put your bag in your locker, and walk to class. On the way to class, you bump into somebody. You bumped into Payton.

Payton: Y/n you never read my texts

You: I didn't want to read them

Payton: Why?

You ignore him, walk past him and head to class. When you get to class you sit down. The whole class you barely concentrate.

Mr B: Y/n? I said what's the answer to *a math question*

You: Uh, I uh

Kids in your class try hiding their grins.

Mr B: Do you even know how to solve the question?

You: Uh, no

Mr B: Then pay attention

You never do.

(Skip to lunch)

You sit by yourself while you eat your lunch. Payton walks over to you.

Payton: Y/n please forgive me. Just, forget Brooke, and we can be together again

You: Payton, just go away! I told you I can't handle Brooke so stop!

Brooke: You can handle me soon. This is my last day at this school forever

A wish /// Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now