Chapter 6

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The mats smelled exactly how you would expect. Dirty and with multiple layers of sweat building up on top of each other. And with your nose pressed up against it, you could smell everything. Your head just wasn't in the game today but that didn't stop Natasha from knocking you down over and over.

And over.

"You sure you wanna keep going?" Natasha asked straightening up.

"Are you?" You smirked at her bringing your fists back up. She shrugged her shoulders before doing the same.

You swung at her twice as she dodged both. She kneeled down and hit your leg making you fall to your knees. She swung at you but you caught her arm and twisted it behind her back. Placing one hand on the floor she wrapped her legs around your head making you fall to the floor twisted up. You heated up your hand and placed it on her arm leaving a burn. She immediately jumped back standing up. Before you could gain your footing she swept your leg making you fall on your back. All your breath got knocked out of you. You laughed still laying on the floor.

"Where's your head at today?" Nat asked reaching her hand out to you.

"New Zealand on a layover." You grabbed her hand and she helped you stand up. The room was grossly humid and your bodies were dripping in sweat making your lose shirt stick to your body. You turned and walked to your bag grabbing two towels out. Usually, you could hold your own against cap and Nat. But lately, it just became a lot harder.

"I thought we agreed on no powers." She said holding her burned arm.

"And you agreed to no leg moves." You placed your hand over the burn. Nothing happened at first. You shut your eyes focusing again and a small light came up and went down. With no sleep, your powers were becoming harder to use.

"Those aren't the same thing." She said smiling. You yawned nodding your head and she looked at you with worry. "You didn't sleep again last night did you?" Natasha crossed her arms.

"How'd you guess?" You said sarcastically. Throwing her a towel you both wiped yourselves down.

"You're just as bad as Tony." She laughed throwing the towel on the floor. "The sleeping pills didn't help?"

"Heh, didn't take them."

"(y/n)." She said in her scolding voice.

"It's not like I can't sleep." You sat down on the bench and looked down at your hands.

"Is it the dreams again?"

"Two out of two, nice going Romanoff." You looked up and smirked at her.

She sat next to you. "Are you gonna tell me what they are now?"

"I've got to keep some of my secrets." You looked up at her but she looked disappointed.

"And you didn't have these when you were on Asgard?"

"Nope. Started when I got back." You stood up grabbing Loki's dagger off of your bag. "I'm starting to think it has something to do with my powers." No one recognized it was his dagger so you brought it with you wherever you went.

"And your powers are giving you painfully vivid dreams?" There was obvious doubt in her voice.

"What other explanation is there?" You threw the dagger at a target mounted on the wall landing right in the center.

"Nice shot." Clint said coming in the room "You'd be good with a bow." He handed you a bottle of water before walking over to Nat.

"She has to learn to fire a gun first," Nat said taking the water from Clint.

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