Chapter 14

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"And it is my pleasure, and that definitely means something, to announce Loki Odinson as our newest Avenger!"

All the reporters jumped on their feet screaming stuff in unison that only made it sound like static on the radio. Loki and Tony both waved politely on the stage as you and Pepper clapped while standing in the back of the room. 

"We aren't taking any questions,"

Tony announced as he turned Loki towards the backstage. You could see Loki's fake smile drop as he stepped behind the curtain and you could only giggle. The last time you saw him smile for that long was when you had stabbed Thor for making fun of Loki. He was teasing him for letting you lay across his legs on the couch and how this was the miracle of the century. Loki would have done it but you insisted.

He was so proud.

/If you would like to meet me back here, I could escort you to the celebration./

Loki said in your head.

// Two minutes.//

You responded quickly. You were so fascinated with his fake smile you almost forgot he was your date.

"Ready for the party?" Pepper asked you as everyone slowly filed out of the room.

"I'll meet you up there." You responded before turning and walking away.

You made your way backstage avoiding the paparazzi that seemed to wanna talk to the non-daughter of Tony Stark. "I'm sorry I really can't right now." You told every single one that attempted to corner you. With a few well-selected moves you had managed to slip backstage without having to answer a single question. "Whoo." You exhaled relieved.

Loki stood in the back of the room looking out the window like the drama queen he was. "You looked like you were having a ball up there." You said walking towards him. "That fake smile never faltered." He laughed with much more ease than before the press conference. "How does it feel? To be an avenger." You asked standing next to him.

"I have a sudden urge to dress in Stars and Stripes." He teased. Some green light shone and then what looked like Cap stood in front of you dawning his original suit. He stepped back showing it off. "Oh, it's so tight." He exclaimed turning around

You laughed at him averting your eyes. You weren't complaining. That was America's ass. But it felt wrong because technically it wasn't. "Are you going to give me a lecture on truth, honor, patriotism?"

"God bless America!" Loki/Cap exclaimed gleefully. You both laughed together as the illusion faded away revealing your Loki back in his strapping suit. "Shall we proceed to the party then." He offered you his arm.

"If we must." You wrapped your arm around his.

He laughed giddily. "My dear are you nervous?"

You looked at him annoyed as he walked you to the elevator. "Nervous? Me? I am many things my prince but nervous is not one of them."

"Lying again? How shameful."

"I think my boyfriend is a bad influence." You both stepped onto the elevator. "However, lying is going to be a crucial part of this party."

"And why is that?"

"Are we really going to tell people that you're dating a princess Phoenix?"

"I'm rather proud to have caught someone so unique."

"And she's proud to have you. But we're not supposed to make it public. Tonight, I am your normal unsuspecting clueless girlfriend."

"How dull." He sighed looking towards the doors.

Fire and Ice // Loki x reader (Currently under construction)Where stories live. Discover now