Fateful Encounter

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( As The Earth Angels strive to comfort each struggles of the society, through not following the structure and give advise to those who wanna be saved by the Divine. Each Earth Angels are scattered from different places, on each side of the continent, however, only 7 Earth Angels shall be trusted by Lucirey Michael, who would eventually have their heart weakness first before being really trusted by The Lord. Take Note, even being an Earth Angel, Those Angels can also attain love which they so wish for them to be protected. When those Leaders feel love through divine protection and through the heart connected crush which is doubtful if that person would truly have a happy ending with their aspired relationship. Only 7 Countries would be mentioned which means that those Earth Angels who wish to be an archangel can lead. But, this doesn't mean there are only 7 Earth Angels, those are the wannabe leaders which can protect the will of the Divine, and eventually, be ready to Protect Jesus Christ. All Earth Angels are numerous like the stars, they shine so bright, despite not following the structure of the society, they still tend to comfort the afflicted and bring glory to The Divine. )

( In The Streets of Thugs in Beijing, China )

( There comes a boy, who strived to be a good martial artist which defies the structure of the normal society who bullies the afflicted. To Strive to protect the afflicted, this Chinese Kid, carries the will of the Archangelic Protector of Martial Arts. Archangel Michael's hideout is rumoured to be somewhere above China. Which became the reason, Why China is famous for Martial Arts. The Divine Energy of China, strengthens the protection of the heavens for China. However, One Boy strived to be the Best Martial Artist to protect the Afflicted. This boy is rumoured to be the Hero of China at such a young age, what situation made him to be a Hero of China despite his place of origin? )

Marshall Lee: * Sound Effect* "Wootcha" * and in a strong manner of speaking said his motto of life * I shall protect the afflicted, Chinese Martial Artists became famous for being a fighter and protector and I shall follow the footsteps of Bruce Lee. BE LIKE THE WATER, Water is formless, same with the chakra of the human body. Universal Energy shall be harnessed through the Water which supplies the Spiritual Thirst of the Body. Water is the element of healing and calm energy. Only the Calm Chinese Martial Artists, can harnessed universal energy which promise to glorify the Lord, through protecting the Afflicted. No one shall dare fight me, May it even be demons, who dare to oppose me.

Old Guy With a Long Beard: *Touches the very long beard which reaches the ground through his small hands and speaks to Marshall Lee* Are you gonna use Martial Arts to fight demons through beating bullies who oppose the afflicted?

Marshall Lee: Yes, That's how Archangel Michael become the fictional hero and defeats demons everywhere

Old Guy With a Long Beard: Don't you think, Archangel Michael believes in, people should let people be themselves to further realize the Light of Life and glorify the Lord, despite their sufferings?

Marshall Lee: Wait, I thought Bruce Lee is like Archangel Michael and fights like him which can defeat any demon.

Old Guy With a Long Beard: Haven't you heard of Spiritual Warfare?

Marshall Lee: Spiritual What Now?

Old Guy With a Long Beard: My point is, True Earthly Archangelic Beings, become humanitarian to glorify God, Through their Authoritarian Duty, Through their words and deed of wisdom and understanding. People who believe in The Divine and protect the people who have faith in God, can only be truly an archangel. After what I say, do you think Archangel Michael is proud that you made humans suffer because of their wrong doings? Do you know, Archangel Michael reject ideologies that is twisted by the Demon and the most rejected is, "People should suffer for them to Learn". Only The Lord can save those who believes in him. If you beat a bully, Do you think that bully would believe God? Marshall Lee?

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