Leaders of Humanity

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( As Rey Studies through being a college student with a course of Information Technology, in his class there is also the main body big 3 Presence Leader which is like Puzzle Mystery Order. Rey is Mystery, let's kinda name the puzzle guy Tetro, and the man that mastered order is Bizmo)

( Inside The Classroom )

Adviser: Okay Class let's nominate the 6 leaders of Humanity in our school.

Bizmo: I have a question, our advisor, since this nomination is about the 6 leaders of humanity in our school, we must make sure that these so called 6 leaders can protect the fun of our school.

Tetro: That being said, normally in college, people who look funny look like criminals but deep inside they are good people.

Rey: There is no such thing as a bad person, just people with bad ideas that is misunderstood because the meaning of fun can make sense or doesn't make sense at all which why people understand each other through the things they choose to laugh at.

Bizmo: All the more, why we should choose 6 core leaders of humanity in our school that can protect the fun of the school.

Tetro: I admit, our presence, being the big 3 is like Puzzle Mystery Order, but we need Protectors of our fun.

Rey: Then, Advisor, pls let us only have the set of people we could choose, anyone would do.

( After analyzing each student's profile in the school, the 6 core leader protectors of humanity is chosen and would be introduced through their code name )

1. Luciomo: I am the president of the core leaders protector of humanity, I know fun very well, I love to watch anything that is full of puzzle solving, mystery analysis fun, and the fun of order beneath the understanding of it, I volunteered to be a leader despite looking  VERY FUN!

2. Shierkolomo: I am the Vice President, I am second in command to protect the fun of humanity, there is no such thing as a demon to me because I deeply understand the schemes of fun so yeah....

3. Protekta: I am the Core Body Guard Leader of protectors of Humanity, I respect each others ideals regarding fun which makes me inspired to protect the fun of each and everyone. My muscles moves to protect fun. I LOVE FUN!

4. Bizshimo: I speak like I make Fun transactions with anyone, I can protect the manner of speaking of anyone because its fun to understand communication and I am The Core Leader Speaker of Humanity, I communicate, and just through my smile, people understand me.....

5. Mystico: I am The Mystic Fun Leader of Humanity, I can protect anything which is fun, even if it looks like, hehehey! I can cure misunderstanding in any place just by my eyes looking at it through my perception of fun reality. My perception about life is, Always look at the Brightside of life, despite everything that could seem fun, and protect it because the people that really laughs at you, really considers you as a friend, laughing with them also, those are true friends, so heck yeah, I am the Understanding Protector of Humanity.

6. Invisigir: I may look invisible through my quietness but that's my way of protection for anything that may seems fun. I am the Fun Mastermind Quiet Protector of Humanity, Through my quietness I can analyze people easily through just looking at them and how they talk. I can protect my friends and listen to them and don't underestimate me just because I'm quiet because my analysis is kinda psychological fun perception of LIFE!

( Can these 6 Leaders of Humanity Protect the Fun of the School? )

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